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The Billboard
I" a _
JUNE 14, 1924
A SOLDER THAT SELLS. Write for prices. Full package, 25c. SODER CO., 127% South 20th &1., Birmingham, Aiava june21 AGENTS—Se!l new, com nanation Salt and Pepper Shaker: Ss eproof Factory Pri ORREMORE COMPANY. "542 W. Jackson, Chica 0. x AGENTS “WANTED: —Sell Beauty Clay. Formula and ‘ WV. R. COE FELT, 210 N. 7th &t.,
Salina, on is. x AGENTS—$100 rer hour during your spare time a g i = Curts Rods. Sample free. MODERN SPECIALTY CO., St, Louis, Mo, july
hold Arti le
Exceptionally useful House
iy ’ HANDYC AP ©
| mepicine AGENTS -Don’t fail to get our flow | prices. big sellers. CHAS. FINLEY MBD. cu. 4151 Ol ive, St. Louis, 3 Missouri. junezs MEN AND WOMEN make . $10 to $25 daily selling
ne€ Ev ly prospect. Free sample din. Hl. 4G RADE NOVELTY Cce., Dept. B, Portsmouth, Ohio, june2l
O., Newark, N. J. a 1216 AGENTS to secure subse ripti as Ay 3 high-class Agricultural Publicati national cir tion. Attractive terms. o Write ‘w. D. C. -o Care board, Chicago. aeanTs sell Wolverine Jam icy Soap Wonderful repeate nar a” a ia isters. TWOL Vi RINE. SOAP CO., Dept. C20, Gi and — Michigan. _ AGENTS—Best seller, Jem Rubber Repair for tires and tubes: supersedes vuleanization at a savie o over 800 per cent. Put it on cold; uicanizes itself in two minutes and is guarantec¢ last the life of the tire or tube. Se to ever auto pwner a 1 accessory dealer, For | irs t money and free samples, = $ AM AZON RU BBER CO., Dept. 706, Phi ladel ph a. june28x AGENTS MAKE 500% Paerit } c Auto es grams y P ires, v Lette Flags, Novelty Signs. ats free. HINTON. CO. 1153 "No. Wells St., Chic: x agents Ree Seeeee liately. Sell the re moeanen Mi I prot amp PERFECTION “PRESS “COMPANY, Morr AGENTS—Step on her, ! ! 100% profits selling up-to-date Emblem: tic Belts and other Novelties to lodge members Start right now. EMBLEMATIC BELT CO., Dept, F, Ashland, Ohio. AGENTS—25.09 daily taking orders for WaltonDuplex Reversible Doub ewear Shirts, factory to Wearer ay ¢ WALTONDUPLEX COMPANY, 350 Brooks Bidg., Chicago. AGENTS—New Household Necessity. Sample, 10e. LEYN CHURCH, H mer, New York. AGENTS, Mail Order Dealers, Crew Managers, Der straters—Star Mending Fluid for hosiery, clothir ere. Will wast 1 and iron. 25¢ and 5ie tubes. STAR LABORATORIES Ss, Station A, Columbus, Chio. —WANTED to place a quick selling, inexe Auto Match Igniter with auto ealers, cig = and news sta ar . soline s ’ 3 Ready | seller, big profits, repeat rs Send 25¢c for sample and agency plan. JC IN N. SPIES MFG. CO., Main Ave.; Watertown, New York. AGENTS’ new 50e art which js a knockout. No Goorbells to pull; re res no selling experience Every dem: lustrati a oi. not been worked by 10 t | Be ges gs, lavtime or Semdeye Wou i alse | ( ad arti le for window demonstratio £ od side Particulars free. REX “SPEC TALTY. 514 ay Oth St. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania “BUSINESS PROGRESS’ . Chance’ mag zi a a and ) every CAN YOU SFLL COLORED PEOPLE? Write! BECKER CHEMICAL CC., St. Louis, Mo, x CANVASSERS—Sell a new tool to users of canned | lnilk,. Opens one ge od Pour out what you want, put I : i ir t t Sample, l5e. MULLANE B7 sup ING ‘WORKS, Dept. B, 1522 loth St., Mc is. CARD SIGNS for er Ty. ? RB nts. Sample, 10c. SIGNS. 819 St. ae . Or eal s. junel4 DEMONSTRATORS, P men, Solicitors want Handle A-1 Corn Remover. One-minute applic tion, then remove corn. No soreness, R. P. BU ANS. 26 N. 2nd St., Portland, Oregon eo SeasArions AT LAST! Amazing disry of Ra z * tles jew elry world. $100
se ifice Sa k. R JAH COMPANY, Dept.
§ Ivering Mirrors, Plating, Re
a ms — Hea et s. ch andeliers, Stoves, peioware <. Outfits furnished. ROBERTSON-DiCiE LABORATORIES, 1133 Broadw New Yor! *Vuly 26x FORTUNE M MAKER—T" read Cutting Thimble. Liv ire only. Sample, lic. AUTOMOTE ure. cO.. 3753 Monticello, Chicago, jur 1e21 — OUR FREE SAMPLE CASE—Toilet Articles,
Perfumes a s jes Won — ofitapie. LA DERMA CO., D pt. RK, St. Le ” july5 GOLD Em! seed Mo nocram Name Cards. Latest craze. E y buys. Agents’ outfit free. DUNBAR CoM! >ANY, N w Brunswick, N. J. x GOLD INITIALS easily applied on qntemneitien, New. simple method done while waiting. C 5 ces, get $1.50. Sample free RALCO, 325 Harrison -Ave., Boston, Mz achusetts. HERE THEY ee * Fifty fast
needs and buy ifty dollar
B. & G.
y RUBBER c 0.,
KIv 581, Pit
rare or full time.
or experi mee requir New, wonderf “Old Ms Aut Fuamel Outt car ‘today <0 ve : ox Bea‘ tiful., factory-like lu ive territory sample. AKR ON pAINT ’P RODUCTS €0., Dept 78
Akron. Ohio
ju 26%
MEDICINE AGENTS, package Gilman's (Po v
dollar bottles excellen free. GILMAN, Bor 170, ‘Flint
ail agent » Boston.
metals wit
361 sol Sample fre. A. H. GALE CO., 17 Edinboro
removes tarni of liquid, f ls like ‘‘hot one week.
Ret ails
| | |
MENDING TISSUE me ds mbreilas, G thing,
waterproof. Ag wa ted, Sample, 27, Station I, “Now York.
NEW WONDERFUL SELLER—0ic vr . every dole lar sale Deliver on Li “ e e MISSION PACTORY. pay
Chicago, Mlinois.
everything. Rain Coats, Stockings, etc. It’s lie. BYRON,
Sample fre Halsted St.,
i egg
mcentrated Fruit Powder Compound, s _ '
as 1g, appetizing Vorld’s mizhtimoney er. Pound package, $2.00, prepaid. RENDER AGENCY, Olean, New York.
Pres —, to follow fairs in ate nesota, North a Wisconsin with fift article.
Twer tyavo Sammut good for one hun ired or
more per day. & L. CARR, Minneapolis, Minn,
sell wholesale and retail German, Russian, Polish, n, Hungarian Currency. Send two dollars for M. CITRON,
PITCHMEN—Here is your chance to cash in. We A
of all kind.
1324 Hastings iicago, Illinois,
uple St., Cl
WANTED—Ar its ha take orders for House and eet res » want District Representatives, Write ESSENKAY GARME Nr CO., Monroeville, Indiana ANTED—S)are-Time Hustlers to take ordera for ag Vr -y “Flay Is. CENTRAL SPECIALTY PRODUCTS COQ., Dept. 12, Navarre, Kan, june2l WE START YOU WITHOUT A DOLLAR. Soaps,
Extracts, Perfumes, Toilet Goods. Experience unnecessary. CARNATION CU., Dept, 235, Si, Louts. julyS
ae ey 4 WILSON’S LIFE, by Josephus Danicls,
ig like hot cakes. Send for free outfit, Book =. tten here. JENKINS BIBLE CO., Washington, District of Columbia. june2sx
you CAN MAKE $75.00 to $100.00 g week selling t big Mne of 150 articles, used constantly in Write us, we will send you our —_
me $15.00 sample case outfit on trust. FED y URE FroeD co., Dept. M, Chicaga $10 DAILY silvering mirrors, plating and refinishing
beds, chandeliers by new Write GUNMETAL CO.,
Ave. G, Dex atur, june2i $20.00 DAILY ta rere, hig ented Work Shirts,
factory two wear re pric es ay daily; we deliver. PATENT. SHIRT “CO. 513 Pancoe Bidg., Chic axo.
300% PROFIT selling oot made. Send 25e for sam 4-S-RAZOR, | —~ a, Banses. june2s
SALESMEN to corey side line calling on hardware to 1 Tool Hsiders and Broom
Ho ders. G ENERAL. HARDWARE MFG. CO., 2733
Lefever Street, Bridesburg, Philadelphia, Pa.
SELFge tr NEEDLES, Needle Books, MaFind
ile sales in every home. Fine
side lines, easily carried, big profits. Sample and catalocue free. LEE BROTHERS, 143 Bast = St., New York. june21
way ig ENTIRELY NEW—1iK Gold Plated
23 WOMEN NEEDED for our organization. Pleasant,
dignified work, ia your home territory, with an established, reliable firm, If real money, permanent work and strong co-o peut interests you write at
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, ju
és WORD, CASH, ATTRACTIVE Malye ‘ke, Figure at One Rate Only—See Nete Below.
public sentiment.
excessive indulgence dulgence
even in
he must not play
elders think a seemly manner.
Almost as much emphasis seems to be liid in the new rules on innocent amusements at all in those that are more or less reprehensible. church member is expected to discriminate attend, and his standing will suffer if he goes too often. ecards for money, but he is not restricted to card games like authors those sports once so popular among the godly still are in existence. And the young Methodists can dance if they do it in what their
ignet Ring, set with brilliant Lenox diamond.
St s ci PS) 8 $ =
sale tor nai purposes. ele Tar Boe Geena | FOF Sale—Five-Legged Lamb. his. 25e; dozen, $1.50. UNIVERSAL Alive. Five poet ie For price and SERVICE, "Pomeches, Rhode Island. photo, write RED BUCK, Rhodes, Iowa. SBS) BS 35 (S/d [ds ods BBB BTSs SSI ISS SEIT ee eee ee ee Te fa
3! : INDIVIDUAL CONSCIENCE WILL DECIDE (xl i] i EDUCED to simple terms, the Methodist Church has taken, g officially, in regard to the amusements of its members, just about the action which the majority of those members, individually, x} long since took for themselves. In other words, it has given its formal recognition to a state of affairs the changing of which, it has come a to recognize, its disciplinary powers are unable to effect. fe Of course, that church never has held all forms of amusement x) iniquitous. The Puritans, at their best or worst, came near to ati tempting that and near to succeeding, in some places and times, but 54] the Methodists always were different, and while they long were vehe| mently opposed to the theater, made no distinction between card =| playing and gambling, and frowned severely on any form of dancing, = from the beginning they made allowances for youthful impulse, and x} enforcements of their ban in its strict letter never were frequent and 3] in recent years have been next to unknown. ag Now the whole matter of amusements has been left, practically, ey to the,consciences, the sense of dec ency and right of the church memx bers. There remains, indeed, provision in the new code for trials of 54] a sort when individue ul members amuse themselves in ways that seem 3) wrong, or even injudicious, to pastors and class leaders, but neither = of those functionaries is likely to begin proceedings except in extreme 2 cases where they would have the support in their communities of
“as on any ine The plays to 7 Presumably
in choosing
even tho the stakes are small, bs and avilude if re
tric Light ed Vanity Cases. Evormous demand from
Pay advanced. We deliver. BENDER AGENCY, Olean, New York.
kerchiefs. Miniature pair of Lady’s silk bloomers worn as 23 handkerchief. Fool your friends and have a barrel of fun. Sample, 50c, prepaid, or Combination Set of 2 for $1. Dealer’s price, $4.25 doz Good proposition for live agents. Catalogue free. GUS W. COHEN & BROTHER, 744 Broadway, New York. junel4
SOAP AGENTS WANTED to sell our biz line of
products. Sample case furnished. Write for terms and _Darti ulars. LINRO COMPANY, Dept. 232, St Louis, Mis sourl.
TRICKS Meg J SELL—TFive eamples, 25¢. Pitch’s Steel Tripods. New addres CAESAR SUP
PLIE 5, 18 West Delaware Place, Chicazo. TWD bese aN HOUR SURE—Mien, Women; a ey ) e. Sell Menthol Ointment. Wor “y like magic, L ave on tri al; trial is sale. Good side If ‘reicht allo: le free, Fae
Py e. am shed 1885. HORNER MANU ¥ “AC TURING, 500, bur Penns ylv
TWO BIG AGENTS’ Money-Making Magazines, 10c.
CHAMBERS PRINTERS, Kalamaroo, Mich. junel4 eyoes ‘eer. OWN NAME or brand sell our a undry , s. Amazing profits. Samples, circ 2 fri ew order. Sar aple box, 15c, COSTICK ODL CTS CU., 402 West 23rd Street, New York ‘ ity. augz
WANTED—TIwliable Avents to get play ar orders. Good comr jon. NEW HAV ES COsTUMING CU., Box 556, New Haven, Connecticut. x
For Sale—1924 Cub Bears,
Deer, Buffalo, Elk, Wolves, Raccoon, Squirrel, Guinea’ Pigs, Pigeons, Rabbits, Foxes, Burros, Wild Cats. Also buy animals, E, E. JO N AUCTION COMPANY, Canton, Illinois. jun21
For Sale—Four Midget Dogs.
Comical getaway, $125. Four Trained, medium. size, $100. One Bally oat, crowd getter, $30. Props for all. PROF. J. P. HARTS, Animal Academy, Batesville, Tashan.
FOR SALE—Trick and Somersault All
; . Dogs, Troy ' rour ves. Props ready for work. HAKK SMITH, Gratz, Pennsylvania. — BLACK, Malo Great Dane, 2 years old, edict, also male English Greyhound, D berman Pi ,. will Sell or trade, What have you? BOULF\ \ ‘D PET SHOP, 1125 Vine St., Cincinnati, Ohie sits FOR SALE—Troupe of Trained Doves, Sensersaat and — Dogs, Doll Racks, Ai i a fle & . Gallery, be and cheapest ride, Swi all Crank and Pull ley Organ, HARRY SMITII Gratz, Pa, FOR SALE—Troupe of 4 Doves, all propa: sane. suult and Tr k Dogs. HARRY SMIT! 1, Gratz, Pa FOR SALE—Tw: Mule Act, well trained: Mi
' J i res, High-Diving and Wire-w gs, small = s and Mules. DR, Fis! Kt, 182, Danville, Ke tucky. ae dot
FOR SALE—Large Rhesus Monkey and Cage, fine ¢
for pit attraction, $30.00 takes her. WATKINS Church St., Middletown, Ohio, . SS FOR SALE—Fin Ostriches, one Cock, Rg | Tlone ss Wood Ibis, Pelicans, Great Blue Her e Ale igators. Siate size wanted. OSTRICH FARM West Pal aim Beach, Florida. july5 GERMAN POLICE and Collie Cross Bred Pups, + ths old, males, $10.00; females, $3.00.’ To ’ 1 f
i treed, b Poudles, Bo
Scotch Collies; Black, Blue and Tiger Persian Cats DETROIT BIRD STORE, Detroit Michigan, og LARGE EAGLE, alive, $25.00 takes it. DR y Valentine, Nebraska. AWER G, . LIVE ALLIGATORS—Can furnish any Size, ary amount, at any time, Don't forzet when frami: ‘ up your show or park for the coming seaso to write me for prices. Still putting out Pit Show $10.00 up; all stock Ane condition. = save you money on express charges out of THE FLORIDA ALLIGATOR FARM, South .Florida, (Alligator Joe Campbeil’s piace.) junezi MONKEYS—Smal! Rinztall, male, $35.00: large Rhesus, male, $50.00; both are extra tame: can be handled by most anybody. The Ringtall can be handled by any child. Large Rhesus, male, $ $ e, $60.00; chain and collar broke, can be handled, femal e is bred, $90.00 for the pair. Small Ringtalls at 25.00 each, Let us know your wants in Canaries, Dogs and other pets. We make a specia! ley of a $s pedis -¥~ Best m Terriers, a Mem.
experiet ce with ki nds
PLEGGE’S PET SHOP, 6171 Easton, &. touts, Mo.
NORTHERN NATIVE DOGS, good Land ansthi ine ar : everything. — pups, $10 Pur
W Bull Pups es, $19. THB BUBTON Z GARDEN, Voirmeat, Minnesota. 00
OFFER—Immediate delivery: end_up; Peccaries, $15.00 to $25.00; & to $35.00: Lynx, $15.00 to $25.00; Sadeore. Coons, $7.50; Foxes, $7.50; Armadillos, Caracara Eagles, $15.00; Mexican Eagles, Macaws, $25.00; Yellow-Head Parrots, $7.50; Heads, $5.00, and numerous other pit show attractions. SNAkE KING, Brownsville, Texas. july28
bla x
fakes, $15.00, dens
ea PUPS—Snow white, ut — ones
al ‘ ets. CHE STER. A. Asis, $29 Mich nisan, t, * Mic higan.
De roi
SMALL, Poni TAME Rinctall Monkey, femme, ‘s on BOULEVARD PET Hiv’, 1125 Vin ~ St. a
pe py 1 kin
ds for immediate ship
ment, $1 pou ap Mamet Svate, 9 ozen; Iguanas, $4 pair: Nt tulas Stamp for complete price list LAREDO “ZOOLAGICAL BIRD & ANI MAL CO., Laredo, Texas. SNAKES, harmless, assorted, 12 to 20, $10; Coyote ips, male, $7.00; female, $5.00. Pair Prairie 5.90. Cash with order. LEM LAIK!: Har per, Kansas. julyd
STUFFED FISH AND og pT roupine
ish, Balloon Fish, Cow Saw 1 » & Bat Fish, Moon Fish. Flying rn 4 Angel Fish, 4 ger Fish, Horned Toads, Star ish, as each; Stuffed Alligators, $1.50 up; Shark Jaws,
gators, $1.00 each; Stuffed Sharks. JOS. FLEISC HMAN, 1105 Franklin, Tampa, Fiorlda, julyl9 TWO CHIMPANZEES, to be sold cheap: two tame Baboous, $65.00 each: Ringtall Mo key, $25.00; African Gray Parrot, real talker, $30.00; Red-!! ad Parrot, $5.00; Parrot Cage, $3.00; Canaries, $15.00 dozen; Cages, $16.00 dozen; Pup and Grewn Dogs of all kind.
Free catalogs. BIDDLES, 22 N. ‘th St., Philadelphia. 1
Also have Animals for pit shows, $ iis. TEXAS SNAKB FARM, P. QO. Brownsville, Texas,
WORLD'S Ps vy GOATS, $5;
en, $5; Shetland Pony, $100. Montana.
Wingless WILLMAN,
Giant Great Dane Puppies.
CHICHESTER DANE KENNEL, 210 Jay Ave., Lyndhurst, New Jersey.
ALIVE—Two big erizzied P ture, etc,, only $10. FLINT,
ines. “Spiel’*, lecrth Waterford, Me. june2s
to September, Coyote Puppies, $15 each or $25 pair; Opossum Babies, $1 pair; Fox Squirrels, $6 pair; Ant Bear Cubs, $20 each; Badgers, $8; Mexican Eagle, $50; Peecary, $20; Armaidillos, $1; Black Truanas s, $4 pairs Snakes all kinds, $1 pound. Stamp
r complete price list LAR EDO ZOOLAGICAL BIRD & ANIMAL CU., Laredo, Texas.
delivered from June
BIRDS AND BIRD CAGES—Specjal offering of
Cages. Wire and enameled. Three to a nest, regular bird cages, nice lookers, $16.00 dozen; also wire square complete, cups, perches, ete., $12.00 dozen, ‘Af. yood flashes. Immediate shipment. NATIONAL PET SHOPS, St. Louis, Missouri,
CANARIES, Goldfish, Parrots, Ma etc. SOUTHERN PET SHOP,
Dogs, Cats, Winston, N.C
All Werds, Also Combined Initials and Numbers in Copy.
Figure Tetal at One Rate Onty.
CANARIES AND CAGES—Rird sand Cage users sive
preference over just Bird ls of cages on hand for immediate shipment. NATION AL PET SHOPS, St, Louis, Missouri.
Figure at One Rate Only—See Neto Below.
Don’t Worry About Troubles,
Dificulties, ete, For advice and prompt action regarding all legal matters or money due consult LAWYER WALLACE, 2204 Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois, june
Se WORD, CASH. NO ADV. LESS THAN 250. Jo WORD, CASH. ATTRACTIVE FIRST LINE. ____ Figure at One Rate Only—Seo Note Below.
Fourth of July Celebration.
Wanted-—Merry-Go-Round, Ferris Wheel # Concessions on Streets, Can arrange week ® stand. Big crowd assured. Address TOLIN, Stanwood, Washington.