The Billboard 1924-06-14: Vol 36 Iss 24 (1924-06-14)

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} # EE 60 The Billboard JUNE 14, 1924 FOR RENT, LEASE OR SALE“ , Je WORD. CASH. ATTRACTIVE FIRST LINE. P 5e WORD, CASH. NO ADV. LESS THAN 25c. ! Figure at One Rate Only—See Note Below. DANCE PAVILION for rent, very cheap, for sum Y e Highway, near y Write EDA in. RL TH. Fern-Brook Park, Aquashicola, Palmerop, Peunsylvania, THEATRE oe oe i manufacturing town, i ra g 32, lly l, at 1wney no Position. Ex € " for r n. Wire oa : “LEASE ms Billboard, Cincinnati. FOR SaaS GOODS 40 WORD, CASH. NO ADV. LESS THAN 250. 60 WORD, CASH. ATTRACTIVE FIRST LINE: Figure at One Rate Only—See Note Below. All Kinds Coin Operating Ma chines. BARR NOVELTY COMPANY, Shamo nosylvania. kin, le ug2 Carnival Novelties — New store. Job lot. cheap. R. K. BETTS, City Park Ave., Tuledv, Olio. junl4 Dietz Kotton Kandy Machine. Combination hand and electric, with — and trunk. First-class condition. $85.00. 9 Or hird deposit, balance C. 0. D. A. PERLMAN, 1321 W. 7th St. "Little Kock, Arkansas. For Sale 40x90 Portable Skat ng Rink Floor. Address BOX 272, Mattoon, Illinois. For Sale—Two High Strikers, worth $80 each. Three new extra | Mauls, 3 extra Rubber Bumpers, cost Su eac Molds for 5. making Bumpers, cost $75 takes all. J. L. WRIGHT, 7%: Grove Ave., Chicago. Mills Target Practice, $7.00 each. Penny Play. 10 gig a a 3B G endors, lition, Seven Exhibit 1-2 $5.00 each: 1 $30.00. Four wotoscope PennyBack Target Practice, polished oak cabinet, $8.00 each; lot S30.00, Ten Metal 5e Mint VenJors, no extra rew mye wilds 50 packages one filling. three flavors; st 310.00 each new, sell for $5.00 each; jot $15.00. F fteen Iron Floor Stands complete, $1.75 eae Machines all guaranteed. We are going oat operati ng ma chine game DO deposit must accompany order. Positively no goods shipped without bod posit. This ig complete list and lowest price. Impossible to beat these prices for good machines. LEMKE, 3919 15th, Detroit, Mich Paddle Wheel and Slot Ma Cheap. W. W. STEWART, Greens Indiana. junel4 Shooting Gallery 18-Ft. Mov ing Targets, 2 Motors, % good Guns, 1 Piano, 2600, now $300. BAUTELLE, 601 Avodale Ave., Toledo, Ohio. jun?1 The Franks Tragedy in Wax. Two-headed baby. Other crowd-drawing wax figures, attractions. Place your order with SHAW, Victoria, Missouri 20 Penny Pistol Machines. Chines. burg, More than half new, never opened up. Town closed. Qne or all, $15.00 eact New, cos 5.00. ARTLE, 300 Chancellor Ave., New k, New Jersey junl4 oe ourTrit. complete, $100.00; 2 “Por : Rr ew, hever wu 75.00 for vy Musi al Saw, P' tone, $4.00; C Becr Outfit, 8x10 Tent, Pr ire T ank, “BEVINGTON”, 100 ALL KINDS of Ventriloquis SRAW, Victoria, Missouri. ALBERT Lee cAMP STOVE. : yard nese » Board, ia Bex. 1 St rait Jacket. ‘Pull instruction en ny where tr BERT D-GREAT. Barthart, Missour ARCADES AND CARNIVALS— Tx Wooden re e 1 $25.00 ea DL i. e : a 00 each i s are A-1 mditi and afe a bargain Wir rder f medjate deliver INTERN: \TION AL “ie TOSCOPE ce., 5358 West 23rd St., New York. june21 ANTIQUE RIFLES, , Pist lls, Swords, Dagzers ferhorns. ts free, NAGY, 33B South 18th Street, Phil o. Dhia. eee -— bat MACHINES—150, D K. Veu Peanut or A sa robus Pe I posit, balance ¢ 0. D s all s. SCHAEFNew York ATTA-BOY PEANUT MACHINES, $1.00 cuh. fe Perfume Machi: tles Balba Bo Perfume, $6.00. Goo rkiv rder 1 32 deposit with order, f ., SCHAEFFER, 114 East 24t St, New York BALLOONS, Parachutes, Inf special-built Parachutes for SON BROS.” BALICON CO, lators, Rope Ladders, Aeroplane THOMPAurora, Illinois. _ CANDY FLOSS MACHINE, ol: style Empire. new, 2c essories, shipping improve i head, $45, 235 East 60th St., se, fast candy maker, WILLIAM DUNN, Box BALL ALLEY. with Refreshment Stand, Por niey Beach: also Fish Pond and Tent, $zi1. w DEVINE, St. Thomas, Canada. CANDY FLOSS a and sold; oa} SLOT MACHINES, ves | 1h ong. i not in ae i ca i . . 3 AUTOMATIC FISHPOND CO. 2014 ve and oe ig inne: lames i igl ite de \ r Jet OK. Gut ers, Adams, Toledo, Ohio = ll any Hi ‘no B Eacies, NationCOMPLETE “SET 10 hing Mirrors x6 3 f Owls } i. hn i ife3 8 Japanese Rollis to m s cunniiah B I ; x6 ft mpl ca U ante 1 pay-out irned wood $60. $135 for all. LEFAVO! es with our " aadie' a : , ameti les. Our co i " a nade D Avalon, California. —— ma distance stor with our ir wod parts. We re ee eg >m ne repair wor Address P. CORN POPPER—Royal, a rubber-tires “y 0. BOX 178, North Stati Pittsbureh, Pa \ ‘ self-sea inj mut cba ju Sx s a s NORTHSIDE €O., | ——— _ f es Moines, lowa SLOT MACHINES—Mills Litter, $16.00; 4 anaasine ee $17.00: Wooden Perfume \ ‘ “ . \ < ) i M ( CRISPETTE Pinea w Outfit $s, complete : + ¥ r each oe TAWRENCE, “2127 N. Dear. he. a Prey actcaian | oNenaeaie born, indianapolis i wall brackets, each $1.00. E. J. LEIGHTON, CURIOS—Absoluteiy wonderful, new, smallest com| #s¢#sset. Maine. " a sa plete Bible 1 the world, size of postage stan 7 readable with naked eye, $2.00 each. Old Newsy TRUNKS—RBareair Large ones, only $10.00 each. late 1800, deseribing ee and funeral of W WILLI AMS, — 2720 Park, St. Louis, Mo June2l m, slaves for §s etc., excellent dit iamaiidaiaiiadeaniaaasa $2, A) each, SI 11M. AN "R om 18u3, io West _ imth CAILLE 25¢ ° BENHURS. 75: Watlh 5c Brownie St., New York City. FAECES k Pots, $65. Abc rachi run only short Se ee i as nev GUST STAU, Kaukauna, ELECTRIC LIGHT PLANTS, Ford oil : a Se Atta lements, Generators, Moto af cle ee ae Te us 1 your 1 BROS., 85 Locust St, Aurors i TYPEWRITERS—PF ifty-siy Bankrupt stock of Busi; eek eS ee hess ¢ ¢ G 1 as Remirngtons M ne ELECTRICAL EFFECTS—Ci ouds, | Ware s, Ripples, | arcs. Smith Premiers and Victors. All: guaranteed Waterfalls, Fire, Flowers, t at tereop _| J. P. REDINGTON, Scranton, Pennsylvania, junel4 Lenses, Color Wheels. ‘ HABLES NEWTON, ee ~ > nian aS West 18th Street, New York. june2l TRUNK FULL f used Costumes. Just the. bao ——_—_—__—_—_—_ r planta iow. Trunk and Costur FOR SALE—Three Hance make Penny Back Pistol Nw an Una-Fon, $100. L WwW. JEANE ITk, Target Machines i as new ew 0 | Riverview Park, ita imore, Maryland junel4 each, will take $20.00 ‘for $5 _|-U——_ —_— These machines will pay for in a short | 22 a BALL GUM MACHINES, in firsttime. Send one-thi ish, balance D. A. W. ondition, §2.50 eache HAL C. MCUDY, JOHNSON, Savoy Hotel, Bellinghs im, Washington. Danvil tle, ILlinoi une2 FOR SALE—Six dred he ari a. ene hun dred 10.000 YARDS BATTLESHIP LINEOLEUM and Cork ty Records, a! seven cents eac ar rDet, gover ard, at 1 fully half Samy é lar. 'y LORI \N OL BRICH, 1526 i gd. P. BE DINGTON, Scranton, “Pa. junelt erty ‘Ave., "tans ‘Haute, Indiana. Sune2l 1,200 VENEER BACKS _— SEATS for size FOR SALE, CHEAP—Long Crispette Machine, used pera chair. Ne Ww and finish to only once. GEO. JCAS, Chippes wa Falls, Wis. suit. J. YP. RED! ING TON, " Seranton, Pa. junel4 E=dIF= 4b b= aibs dibs dbs Sb Ws dibs b= ait d= ib ab dike ab db ah <aib: Sik db Gb dib = ib dibs b= db ab <b ib ab = ab ab abd SRN MM MMMM RNS CE NR an x ~|: Says Radio Culti Taste for Good Music = = ways Kadio Cultivates laste for Good Music < x x x pas Res x) % Professor Dykema Also Declares It Is Bringing About a Change for x Ba the Better in Jazz x) a 4 ae ADIO has quickened enthusiasm for musical harmony, accordoe {33} ing to Prof. Peter W. Dykema, of the University of Wisconsin I es School of Music. Professor Dykema declared that there is a 4g Be tendency on the part of the big radio audience to demand a better 4 = class of music. He attributes much of this change to radio. boli x) “Radio has made its way into every little town and hamlet in a 3) the country and into thousands of homes,” Professor Dykema said. bd “With increasing interest in the modern discovery the public is comise) Ei xg ing to appreciate better music because of the varied programs broad x cast by radio stations. There are over 500 licensed broadcasting >) 4] stations in the United States, and music plays a prominent part in ss ts the programs. Musical programs that are broadcast generally are f x selected with a view to giving the public variety. This has led the f x public to request the higher class music.” p< Ba Radio also is influencing a change in the so-called jazz music, es which Professor Dykema declares shows interesting modern inpe vy = fluences. ra “Largely thru the influence of radio, jazz has become refined and be harmonious,” he said. “Jazz is changing with the change in musical demands of the public. There is no need for a substitute for jazz (3s) music, because it is losing the barbarous, shrill characteristics which pe) it first possessed.” be NATIONAL BUREAU FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF MUSIC, =a 45 West 45th street, New York City. eR) IE DEI Sap sdb sab sb = ab ab aba ab ab ab ab aa aE aba bab aa aa acaba abba Saba ab aba a abba ad |} EARN MONEY at home during spare time painting Lamp Shades, IP yw Tops for us. No canva Kasy : nd interesting work Experience unecessary NILEAR' COMPANY, 2.256, Ft. Wayne, Indiana a jJunel.. CRC SUCED Swing and Merry-Go-Round lig Op rs, also Pp to work in games. FRED J. COL LINS, Jollyla id Park, Amsterdam, New York. FOREST RANGERS, Postal Clerks an! Carri needed. Steady work Write for free particu MCKANE, B15, Denver, Colorado, june! good all-round Med week BURT Virginia. WANTED—ladics to Performers that cha; BUTLER, New Martinsvi Embro — Linens for us at me during ti omer e at once.. “FEF ASLLION EMBROIDE RIES" 1522, same. Chio. “8x WANTED—\ faudeville Acts, also People for st tabloids JOUN H. BENTLEY and AGEN« y, 177 N State St., Chicag j WANTED—Talking, Singing, Danei sigizles, doubles: , S m Det DODE FISK, 5 w Performers Best Two ek stands ) R Gussie Har *rof | pe Ad MANAGEI KEYSTONE MET SHOW CO., Geo. Del., H burg, Pennsylvar ia. WANTED, for circle stock, General Business Tean with sy $ Must a t 0 write JAMES RAFFERTY, ‘ vay Hamy WANTED—All kinds Medicine Performers Sr all you do, ‘ kat, sleep o i Wa Small P KIGGIN'S MOTORIZED SHOW, Canton, Minnesota HELP ee 40 WORD, CASH. NO ADV. LESS THAN 25c. 60 WORD, CASH. ATTRACTIVE FIRST LINE. ___ Figure at at One Rate Only—See Note Below. Dance ¢ Orchestras Coming in ROYALE BALL ROOM: ‘South Dead. Todtana, in2l Musicians Wanted for the Con » fl Ke nnedy 8! 1ows—Two Cornets, ymt Ba me, Bass, Bubb lt for new show coming on f June 8 to 14 at no y letter, stating ability, agi and weight and what salary expected. > s tely not wanted. Address CAPT. MILLER, “Bar Imaster, Kennedy Shows, Elgin, Ill.; then Freeport, IL. Pianist Wanted—Must be First class for dance and concert; union; tuxedo. Young man bret ferred. Ste ady work. Must N KAMERER, Springs Hotel,, he cate, Wanted—Good Drummer, for established dancing act (vaudeville). Good appearance essential, Mi wad have full set of raps Located in or ne Chicago resent me preferred Address v. SABINA, Hotel Shermar ( go. | nois Wanted—Fast Trumpet and Banjo at once. Must be young and have tuxedo. CLYDE GRANT, West Union, Ia ae SAX. dout ing Clarinet and other vauderilic ‘bend. lane Guntseth. © Gounas ie Del or wire TI. PD. GORDON, 744 Market Wheeling, West Vircinia. ron eaten oy tility. Gis) | FURNISHED ROOMS fo WORD, CASH. NO ADV. LESS THAN 250. 30 WORD, CASH. ATTRACTIVE FIRST LINE. Figure at One Rate Only—See Note Below. > Coneave and Convex Looking Glass THE SALINA MERC ANTILE co., Syracuse, Ne w York. FOR SALE—Pistol Machines, all kind, che GEO. GITTINS, "oat Kin Ave.. Milwaukee, | RICTON’S ROOMING HOUSES, 19 number, ted a8 | bs i ¢ ju ext | wated all over Cincinnati; some few minutes from | Canal 5194-L or Canal 1493-X GASOLINE te ie ——t with pump and} and desiring rooms at reasonable ige, gua GUMMED LABELS Or o-Mir ite Ca NORTHSIDE CO., 1306 Fifu PIANIST—For first-class tab. show. Rehearsals June 9 im Charlotte, N. ¢ Write WILL BR PE ARs ‘ON, Mah Jongg Girls, Hotel Piedmout, Char N h Carolina WEEK-STAND REPERTOIRE WANTS Trombone that foubles. aeful 1f at ible band write, Cou y A fave iss Camp Twetity weeks’ work I pay a art ' No t time All ntleme 1 as State w 5 in do and lowest 1 W. SIGHTS, La Harpe, 1 WANTED—An A-1 BR Flat Ba Onhe te Year-round b Acdilre PRO} \LRERT. 1 ' ! CINCE, care L. J. Heth Shows, as per route KEY CHECK and Leather Stamping Outfits, $8.0 icemdaak. cade Pa prepaid. MILLER, 526 Main, Norfolk, Viezinia 4c WORD, CASH. NO ADV. LESS THAN 25c. | WANTED Trumpet, exin i, : melt] 6e WORD, CASH. ATTRACTIVE FURST ye De eee eee ce leet one eres CORN POPPER—Roval Concession Model. Large, | _ Figure at One Rate Only—See Nete Below. CLA DE L. BURNS, W on Tes " wisn ttt ta CT ee eee Ae ean mash 500 GUMMED LABELS, name and address, 250, | WANTED—Ranjoist and Drummer, for dance, Pref tranteed, £60, NORTHSIDE SALES CO., 12304) EON CHURCH, Herkimer, New York. yfrence given men w n double or. Hol ! Des Moines, Iowa. june2 pn RE i . — TE =i WANTED—Orcheatr pe t MILLS MACHINES, Quartoseoes. Cupl Pos Once, HELP WANTED mucde to St the comniio’ hon rasta’ “"_"____"| 2 Yana: cas, Rreatcnvereungrtne, | Hivsts wool Cansiog'' * OUST N'Y iaiiaiel — be Lf . — PICTORIAL Colored Mi rel Paper, three cents Figure at One Rate Only—See Neto Below. WANTED to hear fror Comet Plaver for ds eet; B Da at ¢ ent eet: Bil l rehestra M tly ie nap o r M nk han fee = =| Buperienced Ride Help Mani] si tice Si sine aNtia,"hismnr ie * charge Merry Mix-Up ‘w ride; not WANTED—Yo ing College B Trumpet and Tr 9,000 INDESTRUCTIBLE /A-MINUTE Cylinder essarily have had experience this ride 8 Dance Orchestra. Wire immed . h if you take \ Operat on Airplane ving Heip on | ately Mets LEY’S SOCTETY ORCHESTRA, Alken 4 moral LAND CO... Kaub auna, Wis. q Fer Wheel EARL JACKSON eare of | South Carolina "| SECOND HAND TRUNKS. \ } ie bo Greater Shows, Faris, Ky., June © te 7 : Lrimy Pit hmen Case 14; Maysville, Ky., 16 to 21; Cincinnati, ©., reestrieat as en EO Pee ane 158 to 2 INSTRUCTIONS AND PLANS ey vou’ tb cett a aa Sew gai (ol ten me gE RRS Sear ama | 40 WORD CASH. NO ADV. LESS THAN 25c. eae Saneate, eee ce “werd ‘pi er~ THE EAGLE Js compelled to hear the lttle| 6e¢ WORD, GASH. ATTRACTIVE FIRST LINE. COHEN, 35 Canal St., New York. july5 ind t .” tL want 3 more money-get r Med Figure at One Rate Oniy—See Neto Bolow. Mertens ae wes aaa = urers. free Dia ay ; ee aI ogy NOTICE! SLOT MACHINES AND SUPPLIES. LANG, 631] this line of work, changing for 10 d week, | Advertisements under this head must be confined te Division St., Toledo, Chio Jull9 | and a yerty tick, te 1 and lowest, Ope le Prane gow. either printed, written linear here June 17 hal October 1 Rush | or in book form o ads acorpted that offer articles SUITCASE FULL Mazicians’ Trick 75 complete | y ar hy jou’t wisrepresent Give your eer for sale ‘ i : MY TI AL ¢ SRAY. hone He a ; Chica extra. ae t ee . Meow s v hy ~ Climb on! k SRiCAL GRAL, oi rndon, Chicago, | mm. ¢ #, Ch, ock and, Tilineis ma e ’em ] augh—Secure ExK ae ne : Speed eam perience before aud ences by demonstrating NOTE—Count All Words, Ales Combined Initiais ang Numbers in Copy. Figure Total at @ne Rate Only. = mystifying stunt Ne “700 Jokes’ In “ uctions ih Pe ; te IN ANSWERING CLASSIFIED ADS, PLEASE MENTION THE BILLBOARD.! joo) coy) Vosnen 1a OMAPHAN, Box { 1329, San Francisco, California jun2i BOOK