The Billboard 1924-06-14: Vol 36 Iss 24 (1924-06-14)

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JUNE 14, 1924 The Billboard 61 s _ cenit Been a ieee = epg NELSON ENTERPRISES—Manutacturers, publishers} MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, ai! new, le than cost (Crispette Outfit, Cheap. C. M. : ' z >» freading f Five i red Violins, $5.00 each strong est Feature Act Known. . pty Mlodeeading cir few tae Can’ Le dal Gaae eae as aL t+ Coals of Fire “ u on " "i , ye ‘ 5 a ize Fr suffet | » acid, fluid. a rut ; aaa Boehn Alto Saxophoue, Tuba B., Str s = . oo ee. See STRONGEST MAN can you (no apparatus | | Pegs, old Violins. MACH & SONS, 1)! Electric Chair Outfit Complete. WOR ‘ Denton, Te xa > _ ition, 50 cents WM. Ave., Ne York ( ju Sindee werd Bes. Mhevide Tecan: Dee t\ oo M > it sword Walking Ladd le Ss lusions, A FLASHY Minute Jugsiing Act; aap : ep SALE NeW _jaaz ‘HARP AJ er ta ee "ter 1 cheal Stan ap fo WM. “DUMONT. 115 P. CONBAN, 2235 N . WISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE | nie. | Weight, 18 Ibs. Retails | League St.,_Mhilad i ~—— --5e WORD, CASH. NO ADV. LESS THAN 25. | or ane C. O. D.; examination. FL M. RBH r —Divin IN MAGIC, | \ 1 M 7o WORD. CASH ATTRACTIVE FIRST LINE, rLUS ce., La ¢ se, Wi junez For Sale (Ba sales 8 BOOKS f Figure at One Rate Oniy—See Note Below. 7 wk, 15 6 ft. wide : 6 ft a . ! tia FHREE-OCTAVE leavan Px al Xyloph No paulins to ‘it. ‘tank, diving pedestal Cha ‘ “a f the SH a a ; tru t r 4 Drum {| cpr a i hy ds Reads up. gel M tropol : We Are M: anufacturers 0 e and Tra S50.00, Ship , \a na ol ap tan Bl de. » Sioux City, lowa _ July lys > THAYER MAGIC CO | War wtue and | receipt $10.00. T. W. FLYNN, Sturgis, M petites las A Calif t es : 2 SE ERE REINA RNR ERE gemma wl ; | ; HOFFMAN “TRUNK co USED SAXOPHONES and ( baginete. x — playing t ele : miditior tepairing. 2 MANNERSTROM, : sy ge Ror m2 “ALK "TALKS TU DIC, tox | a » N. 4th, Columbus, Onia a e WOx80; Deleo light: ¢ piano; Lows ws 8 ‘Or ey “a . MERRY. Go. -ROUND Horses, Char om, price $600. } ~ oa ce Sate a machine ; MO x of D etures; ss n; Vicsun KEAL ESTATE CO., Zanesville, ©.] > ; pow . og at bheeain ever efiesed. S008 Gabas us ar pea? auz2 | 2 p RED oe CAPs. * $20.0 , a2 Leng Bed a all. “ pICTURE SHOW, Cortland, Ob x CANDY APPL t eo & t . , a — 7 ; 4 ‘ > aiotasot Trunk. Wii Rk WU a : | MINTS FOR VENDING MACHINES, $1 per hunCurtain I ge Wari runk, ™ — _ og “seinem . j to <t send | $25.00; Tuxedo Coats, th vests, $10.00; fine Cute FIFTEEN Bu Pit i x Mot! | SYTOUN CANDY CO., 1146 W. 3rd » $5.00. WALLACE, 816 Waveland, Chicago, Kentucky Derby ve Sale, ‘ Human Snake, | , 7 oO | cheap: 12-horse lass condition GEO. Chateau-Thiert af apy O uns W. WOOD, 22 Thames St., Ing: Canada S dilagra ‘ > gage ape RCE . — jut pelt iN _N wae Vi POWER'S N -A Ca Motor Drive, one na — | POE So Suess ite: 85% “| PARTNERS WANTED FOR for § : GUITAR ACCOMPANIMENTS to Voice, Viol "$15.00, “JOHN KIME ACTS MerryGo-Round or ale — ‘ i ccicpndannaepisnainiidiapmniimtptniatbimitiinaiit ane i’ jillman make ma ne, owned @ VEAVER arr w Arcadia WEET. M Cigars, straight or (NO INVESTMENT) _ W. Hark. Cond on like new MAUDE . ivered. Satistactior 30 WORD, CASH. NO ADV. LESS THAN 250. HARK, Administratrix, Hume, N ork, 0 intiateeeiae goods turned 5e WORD. CASH. ATTRACTIVE FIRST LINE. B L ——e y mail, 250 lesson ; rers, Established | ——— o al nAnmeey st nCeCaL [oe Gael ken ea on OR tee Ae : Skee Ball and Bridg e MUSICAL SERVICE, 245 Cope 0.1 I i ae one ee ave a Good Se eee = ve ——— eee _— a. ms Outfit ‘ fu sh references address { James Bt. New York ¢ ty junezl INSTRUCTIONS e § Cartooning and HEADED ‘BABY Jar for offers. PROF. GRIF-| GEO. C. “ACKLEY, % a vetly, Wisconsin, Tr ( tom; Stunts, gra BAL T SERVICE STUDIOS, Oshkosh, W perme. Fatt ahcsttas —_—— YOUNG LADY for vaudevil Must be good The Franks Tragedy in Wax. ine! 2 s made, painted on both sides er and pleasing personality. State if sing Pe Ta went Seaabatiaiitainiatts 12 NEW CAT Ger a e r m to Ot Reragper We ette a nee rhe’ ale di baby. . ae t ory Le. LEARN HOW TO MAKE s rea success t y AKART ; \ : " Ne Ww . rk urt ad ines ss F. MORIS, 325 W. SHAW. > to aoa Missouri vt W ad f ON I KD: : be i wits | MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Upright Piano, in Splendid Tse ARRANGING. 1 =| AND ACCESSORIES PERSONAL sion, Compete In tex, S100, Wri MUSIC ARRANGING Har i Ja. =o Ben 40 WORD. CASH. NO ADV. LESS THAN 250 FRANK CAPP, th aker i kwood, Kansas City ORPHEUS MUSIC SCHOOT 145 FOR SALE—WANTED TO Sty an 28 6o WORD. CASH. ATTRACTIVE FIRST LINE. Missouri S rk City. pa fm WORD. CASH. NO ADV. LESS TH c ‘ . _ ag a ge sal Fn ae —___——| P WORD, ce ates ee Figure s* One Rate Only—See Nete Below BALL GAME HOOD | 1 ze 1 by 8, and RESISTO SECRET—S oenoglig Figure at One Rate Salpwee ; ° = ‘ ; “ “Nat Reiss Shows, t fake plaus. MILLER -| Allen Wirth, Where Are You?}:: «>. ess MASON, care’ Nat Helse Shows, . ; Important Australian mail for you I? im lune 16th. ; 21 . For Sale — Mandolin Player wire ‘me for funds. Same New York address. c NOVELTY ENTERTAINERS’ GUIDE—Our > a, a PE Ti FRANK DAVENPORT. BANNERS, Satan. Te Pore Main En: ! > —~ , { > suitable for small 4 Bu B “eiake i } yr ¢ r, oO —e ' Tr Ro-] r “a a ed. rebuilt, con =, eae WEIGHT—Re plump and pretty. | &x10 Bar t : DE NRAN as , aie , Xo iunk Bargain prices Recipe, ¢ SAM McDONALD, Chili, Indiana. TROIT RD STORE, roit, M 4 ‘ >: _ ~ . oe a, . aati ——s i x 3 G T acony, Phil --—————— = — — -}%5. _o— A — san noaedins . june ° CARROUSEL—2-abreas. _ _ 3 ™ ete, “i : ~ $1,500.00 cash. sv2 Jan Ave., Brookiyn, . SCIENTIFIC ASTROLOGY slic Gnont ———e SALESMEN WANTED re Ee ee mae Just Out—Beats Radio. Me-| se word. CASH. NO ADV. LESS THAN 250, pg = = RRR : Instrument ee 7o WORD, CASH. ATTRACTIVE FIRST LINE. hinged carrying ¢a self-season VENTRILOQUISM taught almost yone a ne SUPPI Y sous G15 Seneca Ave, trook!ly : Figure at One Rate Only—See Note Below. but er amel slicht y 5 Tat } a. D . 4 ‘ jun! ce., 1306 1 Des ~ wa, vO. W. SMT : -58 > pe tl chen A MEN—Wanting profitable main or sideline. re a : lls Wanted "Te sae & cn meee Rey Trade | DEAGAN UNA-FONS for sale and wanted. — Wire -_-_ — —— 1“ — iP P! nr wes big retur fos Ww. ITCHES ost e Kk BO JS0, WARTS . EB s r >| Swiss Hand Bells . ry man in business, get it THE seakt TFAC| Indianapolis, Indiana, = terete. Nisha larger. Also used set Dea-[o/-ReRs: PREMIUM CO. Tuttle Bldg., Chicago sae _ g rg ive. jowest ) ice s WHIDE BAGS. fu > Oxt rd eut 28 $1.500 IN SALES t ‘ ¥ a RUNNER. 5527 Lake St., ¢ t SELL COAL in carload lots. Side or main line ror oe $6.50. Delivered MI ‘ ago, Il) nois " Exp “"~ an essary Earn week's pay on = any place. RED Pa. junel4 “WT Rs . “ } rawing account rangemen AS “1 dnastin : =n AND ORCHESTRA INSTRUMENTS—Deal INGTON Coal COMPANY, “849 Coal "Exchange FOR SALEJ—C Ho size lix20x8, = = . ‘ rofessice , The em owned | Building, Chicago quness all essary :. $, utensils, ete Ph os at tne aes ats * Pees . Great We . es and personal s airs Is, Dig} shows, Cheap for ca S. MeMYERS, ¢ MAGICAL APPARATUS ssiona we to heel eee Semone ere _ Pairs. x... 4 ws. Cheap for cash. THOS. McMYE : FOR SALE. : me sure to see us ce sam es, Se “dry set. RELIABLE re : — (Nearly New and Cut Priced) ' pone gg Alig mg apg MFG. CO., Utica, New York June2} | FOR SALE—Creat Tower ‘Jou it Se Dell fs WORD, CASH. NO ADV. LESS THAN 25a : \\ y and give Rack, Shooting Gallery, 3-Horse EY rse Race, . 0 IRST LINE. ea or epair work Gelete Ghewn ws Doves. HARRY SMTi, , Pa. * a ee came Sc] SCENERY AND BANNERS [#22 500s Sock Stalemate cure = ? e 1 . . 7 mpiet ee Grane | SC UGaR SAM Revatvn tet aut me [Fee sate co Rae cue ome = 5 r 6e WORD. CASH. ATTRA ° ecessary 3s b r 4 eee Crystal Gazers, Mindreaders— Alto, $8 y a Figure at One Rate Only—See Note Below. season. | Booked afd working on Great Pacific Shows. w \ , os ol Cheap o> cash s { ERS, ntralia, atalog t argest sé e “I zer elixiy, : rn ra pote ws pear E Mental and Spook Ef , =. ' ee hae aan a 5 ~ egg Sue sine tes FOR SALE—Head on Chair Tlusion, complete with aa ~y ucht F ‘iver, $40.00; Yor ion. MIL@ DENNY STUDIO, 380 Eichth| mirror, $2000. TED OWENS, 216 W. Sth St tampe apereciated. Mew Heter WEE. |suver. § turier French Cedar Rapids, lows, junezs | atl, Ohio. mes ; SON ENTERPRISES, 31 Linwood, Columbus, | jj oA ag ulance _—— 2M colors, any size. ready to| FOR SALE—36-Passencer Protir. Recently erected, ‘ Jun21 { + > ae ’ wit | SATEEN DROPS. sq a4 Souk. a ERTRE ‘DB LEHlong lease. HCRTON, Dream jand Park, Newa ; . ss 799 real, ms sur, MAN, 13 West C t., Cincinnati, Chio. New Jersey. june! Laurice Magical Shop, | change | io chest. FOR GALE—One fity-toct Round ‘Top, bale rine. trtway, ‘Brookive, New York." donde od mgh a ag e SCHOOLS : et a ape ’ \WPORD-RI ¥ COMPANT, 1025 2, $150.00; one 20 n “al Apparatus SATON : i RAMATIC, MUSICAL AND DANCING) ion, $150.00; i. jn Ma 044 Apparatus. HY a \ } City, Mis <a 20 rae CASH. NO ADV. LESS THAN 25, $6. I sete cscs _|_—— sh a as aia Ghia are strines}| 4e WORD, CASH. ATTRACTIVE FIRST LINE. n BARGAINS Apparatus, Books, BREHMER’S ~¢ ts, write. It x NOTICE! i rint Ever for M mM. | now y BERT BREHMER, RB i. Vt. 28 No advertising copy accepted for insertion under MelimerER MAGIC SHOE. eo Sorit| coats oua-fowe tw sis ood waneed Win |Teieten ot tetcttas eke total "he sane : wre ic SHOP. " 8 for « nted. r ' achin . ’ se : DEAGAN UNA-FONS Post "Ome e ss Box J8¢ t ayy pe mg 3 The eesy must be strictly con_ ese iin fined to Schools or Studies and oer & see Art, 2 N st free, —— j Dancin aug in Studio. , CRYSTAL GAZING Lents, an m. tions. | — = = ee — ae ~ 4 a on Rate Only—See Note Below. mond dye, like ne ‘ ALD MANN : Ave New Y FOR —— . et . all for = , 8 2 and Peanut Machi ¢ a c. oO T.: examinat owed. aN NN hy An eur St : : trade any kind of s ESCAPE KING'S «et of S&S Ma Keys Ne: Pa HUGHES, Sandusky, O junelf et! 00 Prof essional Summer ¢ greed ae Coppin Building, Cov Act uded ft MAGIC WORKS, cctisamesctetele ™ $a 4.00. Imeludes a é. ~— gr aa } , « e ts welve Pere ¥ nent, stage persot s rive wt —Four-Abr : Chicag FOR SALE—P . = is. Tw ve > | Principal paris Fou at once in Fate BR ne Te S-Key Gave, h ther ” $1. $2.20; 1 ( fe help you se 63-Key Wur i Organ, two ea aves. ayn mAatcraAns LIKE BARGAINS. co od -. 81.35 4 ARDEN Hf tT OMa + ter ews Tuesday, Wednesday, S BLYLUE —_ ham Center, Mass. junel4 ett saunas \ 1. os ee I -. ; \ N ~ “p Pr nsvivania ta ie Ha » New York. Circle 6638. a > ; . ’ ° . , nese : . anes —Merry-Go-Round Swing, 12 horses, GREAT BALLY Knife Thru the Arm $1 ty bnew: ' oe, LAUCTIONEER—You can lear be a high-class and ap ra “eae tg , . y to run, $390; ri Thru N $5.™ KIKK, $1 meee’ T FOR SALE ' " . ” h . paid Auc eer as Warren Lewis, os 1 ~ Se , = Goliad, sdosnssmdsitese : ch Sas ¢. ANTHONY J cteatest auctioneer on eart en earns 1, 2 Organ, ; Jaza_ Swings, . "Wes a Yor 4 or $500.00 at ome day’s auect sale. Write Horse Racer, : 3 and Doves. H: AREY JUST WHAT YOU NEED!—Tl ive Mal G PINTO SS o _~ = t Ww \Ri uth x “LEWIS. ‘reat Instructor of SMITH, Grate, Pom: Mt ans working —_ seine ccaiimaiin ae er ing, Ypsi tat ti, Michigan. ~ . : ’ extra tw ki a Ra. FOR SALE \ . : haa aad am 1 HAVE A SET of 6 Roat Tanzo Swings for alae ; 7hO. AL RK \ “. ¥ $ HPAI “Y » Ave., RTY cheap. CLARENCE FORD, 1i6 West sth § eo Cm 4 EC ae 4], aso, I is na OND-HAND SHOW PROPE New York. Telephone, 2763 M ide. Ss ~ a g vig a ~~ FOR ‘SALE Fonr-0 Vea-Fon, a F oe FOR SALE eS m vers r Str r i ur Cats, 10 S25. 0 Sa > RWE un, A WORD. CASH. NO ADV. LESS THAN 25a [ring $ MAGICIAN'S PISTOL ‘ eled dara det ee eee 3 WORD. CASH. ATTRACTIVE FIRST LINE. Galatea I lusien ; 1. $ ' re, S1O0° 1 HW brass, imported, ¥ Devil h , : 3 UT RATE MERCANTILE CO We — a Cot ak eee tore $100 Figure at One Rate Only—See Nete Below ani $35.00; nake bat Wheels. 2 = WME. BLOCK wt 13, Ohio. ° MAN’ s EXC G 409 MAGICIANS’ Trick Card rc eke, Novelt X-Ray . — Concession Tents — Red and an = ; iit see Sample | FON SALE Al suly a thoct’ time att] khaki_and frames 20x12. Wall 10 %. Never (” cee te pit) and er, $ M Haid, MAGIC. SHOP. 68 North Main. P -| Oe sae ‘anes tt. HARRY | used. E. BEHR, 4015 Pabst Ave., Milwaukee, $125.00; Divided Woman, $5 vin aid nhole Island | DOUGTIERTY W Rau Ave., Youngstown, OQ, | Wisconsin. be er, _— DETROL! ; —_ chigan MAGIC ANS" FULL DRESS SUITS. omplete, me ~*~ $$$ $$ —$____ ears ' latest Tr 0 Of , Cutaway: Geebar tenes eee: ant Wh OVE NOTE—Ceunt Ali Weeds, Also Combined Initials and Numbers in Copy. Figure Total at One Rate Only. on Pag e 62) an ILLBOARD. Wie Gay, Saw Gr tle” WALLACE SS Thy ANSWERING CLASSIFIED ADS, PLEASE MENTION THE 8 . ma, icago.