The Billboard 1924-06-14: Vol 36 Iss 24 (1924-06-14)

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The BilitRBoara + an .| THE PASSION PLAY, FILM YOU WANT. 4 Cc , for rite MOTSCO, 724 Br. int. ly-dr ~~ paper, ay ie WEI NER ROTH: ONE Ane Two. “REEL COMEDIES « wit th star cast. THE uM you Maen a, MOTSCO, 724 Ro. SERIALS, ™ rfect conditior paper complete, barhb. JOUNSTON, 533 8. Dearborn St., c ‘ june2sx THE PASSION PLAY, Life of Christ, , neendnew rig.t, eautifully tinted and toned, five-reel rtising, iden heralds, bd cuts, $217.00; 1 deposit. E ABRAMsicago, Ilinols. Christ, original five ‘ ra etgau pr n; Uncle Tom's Cabin Fila | « enbe Frontier mnfession, Neglected ;v Da s Infer Jesse Jar er big peel s rt stuff of all k _ For 1 ey getter perfect ¢ iit “1 films and ure deal write to WESTERN FEATURE FILMS, “4 e We as Ave., Chicago, Wlinois. ry NIGHTS IN A BAR ROOM, five reels er, $100.00. BLAND’S ATTRAC TIONS. Le and Ave., Chicago, Llinois. THE FILM you WANT. Write -MOTSCO, 724 So. Wabash Ave., Chicago, for list june28 wesTe RNS, Comedies, Fe atures, Serials. Anything 4 for you'll) find om our list at the right price “Wr te today ILLINOIS FILM SALES CO 724 So. Wabash Ave., Chicag june2s 3 ONEREEL c! vy Comedies $15.00: one two-reel Ha Siapetick ¢ edy, $12 or will sf ‘ r t for $22.% Send ermal] dene t* examal “ ! EK ABRAMSON, 2711 Augusta ie '¢ zo, Illinois M. P. ACCESSORIES FOR SALE—NEW Bo WORD. CASH ATTRACTIVE FIRST LINE. 60 WORD, CASH. NO ADV. LESS THAN 25¢ mi... igure at One Rate Oniy—See Note See, Closing Out 50 New $225.00 rv ve Marda Portable Cosmograp Mos og Pi ture Machines complete with st« = yticon attachment and screen While ther ast $125.00 each. Write fee eonden. Send S10) will ® Dp allow ng examination “MONARCH THEATRE SUPPLY CO., 724 So. Wabash e., Chicago, jJune28 New 000 Feet Home Movie Machines, $90, CHOO-CHOO FILM CO., 3012 South 434 Ave., Minneapolis, Minnesota . 100—Monarch Machines—100 | © Dg out 1) new 1924 Monarch Machines. y i cheice of calcium , Maséa or arc attach ments; also GxS or &x Com plete outfit wh'! ther la-t ($124.00, Se ond mination. “MONARCH THEATRE. SUPPLY CO., 724 South Wabasb Avenue, Chicago. june2s For reg on Used Mov s, *Teub er FI) loor Matt: ing. ae of used equipment SUPPLY. CO., 844 ot Guaranteed oo ne I ! gai ARCH, THEATRE SUPPLY con ve... iphis, Te Acus PORTAGLS PROJECTOR. mae ome, CHEAPER THAN Bion wig item Bliss Liz ht Pr : LIGHT COMPANY. 1329 Glep Oak “Peoria, i Eldridge Park, Ba Comets ROAD % ap. COMPLETE ook Cure saa, EjliPo F wi y barga $9 Li mited suppl 3 ork r MON (Rew THEATRE SUPPL SLESTRISIT Estate it sues, ; ‘Son truc “MOXA <RCH THEATRE SU PPLY ey CONVERTER, double _ boy an Se i v ery "MCVING. PICT RE 2ND-HAND M. P. ACCESSORIES FOR SALE Se WORD, CASH. WO ADV. LESS THAN 250. 7o WORD, CASH. ATTRACTIVE FIRST LINE. Figure at One Rate Only—See Note Below. MACHINES for theatre or road shows, ‘ 4 } cial of mac chine or suppl 7 — f r ling D : n Zain I MENT CO., 409 West Michigan Street, Duluth, Minnesota, Why Pay More? Regardless of what you need, it will pay you to get our prices before you buy. Write, call or j wire, stating need imme diately. GROBARICK, Eldridge Pat rk, Trenton, N. J. junel4 = re a gg #1 1510 ——— “Bivd., —. neg ver’s 5, equipped for gas $10.00 Trade for other show gooda HE RE E RT “De GREAT, Barnhart, Missourt POWER’S 5 or Ellison Machine with mazda are oF calcium ati hn screen ; = ses, feels, etc. u t fer showi $75. ( MONy Rt H “Tt {EATRE “SUPPLY cO.. ° * 724 So. Wabash Ave., Chicago vunez’ PORTABLE Suitcase Motor Drive Machires. Larve * Acme, American and Cosmograp’is. Your ee ene like new. ‘on da $10.00 depesit. wil O. D.; examination MONARCH THEATRE SUPPLY co. 24 So Wabash Ave., Chicago yune2s SIMPLEX. Power’s and Motiograph Machines teuit. ag class condition, big bargains second ms. 4 @hai ec. Write us your needs. ATLAS MOVING PICTURE CO., 556 Se. Dearborn St., Chicago, I) iune23z eee re new and slightly used lecture P y of Play” and “Life of Christ” T sriter s) e Ink fits. Cover Glass. Spot Lights, ni Calcium Light Equipment i Pict _ > tfits for traveling show theat r home argain lists. NAeTIONAL EQUIPMENT CO.. “109 "West Michigan St.,. Yuluth, Minnesota. Two or 6-A — Picture Machines, ip vod iven, complete, for $17 5.00 in: real ng rect -_ motors and projecting lens AJuress G PLANINAS 404 W. Federal, Youngstown, 24nREEL Sveet FILM VAULT, $10; large Rewind Tabie h P rs Rewinder, $30; Rewind Ra sith Koya ie inder, $15 WERNCR BROTHERS High Ridge, Missouri. WANTED TO BUY M. P. ACCESSORIES—FILMS 3e WORD, CASH. NO ADV. LESS THAN 25e. 5c WORD, CASH. ATTRACTIVE FIRST LINE, Figure at One Rate Only—See Note Below. cED CASH? Rest prices for Theatre and Road Equipment. Buy anything. Write GRO~ BARICK, Eldridge Park, Trenton, New Jersey. junel$ OUR PRICES _—¥ Aas, OTHERS. What have you to sell? We second-hand Machines and Thea tre fw Mn a 4 Simplex, Moti ograph, all other makes. MONARCH , THEATRE a co., Memphis Tennessee. bag ni RELIGIOUS FILM. Machines and Theatre Equipment. What have gmt MONARCB THEATRE SUPPLY CO., 724 So. Wabash Ave., — WANTED—Suit Case and other Portable Machine, extra Heads and Eq Films or anything 4 the theatre or road s! —, that perfect eondition. Full. particulars and lowest cash~ Price firse lett NATIONAL EQUIPMENT co., 409 West Michizan Street, Duluth, Minnesota. WANTED—Two-reel Westerns, two-reel Slapstick nedies e-reel Slapsticks. Must have paper. Aso want 50 Western Featu: es. No junk Film at 90% < film brokers stay of. Address june21 Shark LOWE, ‘Box 52 4, Cincinmati, Ohio. WANTED—Har ae, a Pi and er Religious Subjects. KELLEY, 3078 , ~~ sen Court, Cl nicago, Mino WANTED—Gianett Direct-Positive Motion Picture Camera. One and five-eight-inch picture, Must be cheap SANFORD STUDIO, Sanford, N. 0. agar yg Los Angeles; En ee | (Pantages) Log Angeles: 4 ’ TAN ARAKIS Presenting a Sensational Playing Keith and Orsheve: Direction Pat Cases { he ‘ Kin ATRICK Roo bere DEPARTMENT M azers Gnd artists are respectfully re ested t @ust reach The bi rd not later than Fr jay of ¢a -_ The Billboard (orwards all mail to professionals ‘ree o are. Je o ube road, to have their mail addressed in care of The Billboard, and it wi dates to this department. hs week “to in ‘sure publication, Members of ine fy ——are invited When no date is given the week of June 9-14 is to be supplied. Rann & Mallon (Grand) Atlanta, Ga. Banzai Trio (Boulevard) New York 12-14; (State) New York 16 21. Baraban & Grob (Pantages) Minneapolis 1621 Rarnes, Stuart (Palace) Cincinnati. Barnett. Dorothy, & Co. (Majestic) Milwaukee. Barr, Mayo & Renn (Crescent) New Orleans, Rarto & M n ‘l’antages) Denver; (lantages) ‘ueblo 29-21 : Patcheller, Billy, Revue (American) New York 12-14 Ratista, Mariam (State) Newark, N. Bayes & Smith (Pantages) Log Angeles; (Pantages) San Dieg lel Feard Billy (Seventh St.) Minneapolis Reebe, Al & Pmily (Morgan) Austin, Ind. Keche & Hassan (Emery) Providence. R. 1. 12.14 Reeman & Grace (olden Gate) San Francisco. Beers, Te (Shea) Buffale Reets. Hane, & Co (Grand) Philadelphia I Is, Six Pantages) Pueblo, Col.: (World) om 21 Rel! “adelaide (Imperial) Montreal, Canada. Rellecla're Bro (Riverside! New York Rellings, Clemen a Majestic) Milwankee. Belmonts, Three air aces) hansas City; (Vanta «) M Relr t's Tlons "(Ke i rn Washington: (Earle) Philadelphia 16-21 Belme s Polar Bears (Seabreeze Park) hk ter, N. Y¥.. O21 Bender & Armstrong (Vantages) Seattle; (Pantages) Vancouver, Can, 16-21 Rerg & English (Washington St.) Boston, Rerk & Sawn (Canitel) Hartford, Coon. Tterle, Milten (Strand) Washington Rernard & Ferris (Yonge St.) Toronto, Herna d low. & Co. (Hort) Long Beach, Callf.; : ke ty 1621 Rernard Original Three (Lenes Hill Cireus, sth t. & Ave \)} New York ern! & Partner (Palace) Cincinnati. n ‘ Henest & Mise (Murray) Richmond Ind . 4 pesthe®. “Mabe) (Avenue B) New York 12-14 f (Temple) a. (Imperial) Montreal, Bigelow & Lee N Bheoty, Jobn S., & Co. (Capitel) Windsor, Can., Blue ‘Cloud, Chiet, & Band (Se 4 i_ Bogard I « Fr, —— Nigbts (untages) Eaeaine, Rohn & ‘Bohn (Dela: ey St.) New York 12-14 Bele er & ge: (rector) Syra cuse, ew tor) Albany, (State-Lake) Chicago: mee M (Orpheum) Brooklyn. Pittsfield, Mass, é \ Kedzi e) C *hieago 12-14. uit: iker (Keith) een a (F ‘rahi Ortawa, _(annda. (Orpheum) Boston. Sahil & Romaine (Fifth Ave.) New York. A Sonthiand Follies 3 Camilia’s Birds (Bushwick) Brooklyn. Canary Opera (Victoria) New Yorks 12-14. Cannon & Lee (Pantages) Saskatoon. Can.¢ (Pantages) Edmontor 16-21. Cantwell & Walker (Regent) Detroit. Canzano (Palace) Brooklyn 12-14 Carl & Inez (S'rand) Louisville, Ky. Carlisle & Lamal (Princess) Nashville, Tenn. Carlisles, The: Laporte, Ind.. 9-14. Carlos Circi.s (Harris) Pi: tsburg. Carmen & Hose (Skydome) St. Louis 12-14, Carnival of Venice (Grand) St. Louis. Carpos Bros. (Proctor) Schenectady. NY. Carroll, Harry, Revue (Orpheum) Loe Angeles. Casino Family (Hipp.) New York. Casman, Nellie (De lancey St.) New York. 12-14. Casper & Morri ssey (Hoyt) Long oe Calif.; (Pantages) Salt Lake City Casson & Klem (Par ~y San Basse Calif.; (Host) Long Beach 16-21. Castle, Moro, Oreb. (Pa: a edmonton, Can.: (Pantages) Calgary 16-18, Caverly & Wald (Strand) Washington Cerussi & Lash (Kedzie) Chicago 12-14 Chandon Trio (Sist St.) New York. arles & Charlotte (Seventh ©t.) Min-+apolia, Cheyenne Days (Grand) Philadelphia. China Blue Plate (Palace) Chicago (Heunepin) Minneapolis 16-21 Cheos’ Fables (Hill St.) Los Angeles Clare, Marion (Grand) Atlanta, Ga. Clark & Villani (Strand) Washington. Clark, Sylvia (Palace) Cleveland. Clark & McCullough (Temple) Detroit. Clark & Story (Lyric) Indianapolis, ant & Roberts (Rialto) Chicago. lande & Marion (Maryland) Baltimore cli fford & Marion (Pantages) Tacoma, Wash., 16-21. Cloyd, Comedy (Indoor Cireus) Marshall, Tex. Codee, Mlle. Ann (National) Louisville 12-14, Cole, Judson (Keith) Boston. Coley & Jackson (Harris) Pittsburg. Combe & Nevins (Proctor) Syracuse, N. ¥. Comfort, Vaughn (Maryland) Baltimore. Conboy, Keleey (Barber Park) Bellows Falls, Vt.. 12-14: (Fairlee 0. HY Pairlee 16383 (0. H.) South Paris, Me., 19-21. THE CONLEYS Novel Gymnasts, Bob Morton Circus Co.. Moverly. Mo., June 16 to 21. -——_ Conlin & Glass (Hennepin) MinneapellConnell, Leona & Zippy (Crescent) New Orleans. Connelly, Dolly (Regent ) Detro Conway, Jack, & Co (Keith) Boston HAIR GOODS MASKS 43ND MAKE-UP of al kinds <a alice free. A RAUCH (Suceessor to Klippert) A New York aeetienagt te Figes = taal Yat we 0 PT EE, gee ene