The Billboard 1924-06-14: Vol 36 Iss 24 (1924-06-14)

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The Billboard JUNE 14, 1924 ’ THE CATERPILLAR World’s Latest Novelty Ride. Portable Rides built for Parks, Expositions and Piers, with but a few restricted cities and parks. Has earned $2,537.50 in one day, $6,510. 00 in three days, $7,902.10 in one week and $90,337.02 for one season’s business. SPILLMAN CAROUSELLES for PARKS and CARNIVALS 32 ft. to 60 ft. SPILLMAN FOUR-CYLINDER POWER PLANTS Write for Catalog. Spillman Engineering Corporation, North Tonawanda, N.Y, BEACHES, AMUSEMENT PARK AND SWIMMING POOL OWNERS Take Notice! The greatest Water Sport Device of the century. The surest an! safest way to learn how to swim. It is a life preserver, made in the shape of a duck, either cork or rubber. The Cork Duck is made jo three $7.00, ANY SIZE, and $10.00 IN RUBBER The Rubber Duck can be inflated when ready for use and can be folded and om about with you, We can ship immedi ately C AMERICAN WATER SPORT CO. 273 Plane Street, Newark, N. J. Sa iPad ee IT IS NOT TOO LATE TO INSTALL DODGEM, JR. . Shipments within fourteen days after receipt of order. | STOEHRER & PRATT DODGEM CORP. | 706 Bay State Building, Lawrence, Mass. I make Game Devices of every deecription. Wheels, Flashers, Skill Games. Wm. Rott, Mir. 48 E. Sth Street, NEW YORK CITY. Branch Show Reom: €. E. BEHR, 4015 Pabst Avenue, Milwackee, Wis. PHILADELPRIA TOBOGGAN COMPANY AMUSEMENT PARK ENGINEERS 130 East Duval Street, “LUSSE SKOOTER” ‘ Order Now To Assure Earliest Possible Delivery. Write for Booklet. LUSSE BROS., 2803-05-07-09 North Fairhill St., Philadelphia, Pa. 'THE AUTOMATIC FISHPOND will take in $1.00 a minute if properly located. We have in stock 35 combinations of our merchandise§ ' wheels to select from. We also paint wheels to order. AUTOMATIC FISHPOND CO., 2014 Adams St., Toledo, 0. AGENTS, ATTENTION! For the Park employee who Ha spare time for a profitable side line, we have a good proposition. Send name and address for particulars to P. O. BOX 872, Cincinnati, Ohio. Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. et pe Weed 5 a aay eee une &e OT RIN, L Advertise in The Billboard—You’ll Be Satisfied With Results. installed by John J. An NEW YORK PARKS OPEN Jamestown, N. Y., June 6.—The Celoron and Midway amusement parks opened their season Decoration Day. Baseball games, water sports, roller skating and dances were on the program at both resorts. There is a new dance hall at Celoron Park, the summer playhouse on the lake having been remodeled into one of the finest ballrooms around hers A 2,200-foot roller coaster is another new attraction at Celoron. The Jamestown Concert Band, under the direction of Samuel Thorstenberg, has been engaged to play at the park every evening except Monday during the summer season. The band gave two concerts Decoration Day, Richfield Springs, N. Y., ago Park, on Candarago Lake, June had 5.—Candarits grand opening under new management on Decoration Day. Dr. Armstrong, a well-known physician, of Whitesboro, recently purchased the park from Fred Fox and placed it under the man agement of W. 3S. Matteson. A merry-goround, roller-skating rink, dance hall, toboggan slide and a bathing beach are among the attractions at the ark. The Little Falls Military Band gave concerts Decoration Day. Gloversville, N. Y., June 6.—Nothwithstanding the cool and disagreeable weather, large crowds from Gloversville and vicinity visited Sacandaga Park and Caroga Lake for the opening of the season on Decoration Day. At Sacandaga Park the concessions on the midway were open for the day only and the dancing pavilion was also in operation At Caroga Lake the main attraction was dancing in Frank Sherman's pavilion to the music of the Rosemont Orchestra, of New York, and the SmythLunham Georgians, of Amsterdam. The Fonda, Jolnstown & Gloversville Railroad Company Operates special cars to and from Sacandaga lark. The regular season there until July 1 WASHINGTON PARK does not open Bayonne, N. J., June 2.—High winds tended to hurt business of late but things in general are on the increase with shows, rides and concessions. Harry G. Wilson and bis opened recently and are catering to good business. This attraction ig a novel one and can get money anywhere. Perhaps the largest owner of , concessions is William Hermaneau, with William Prima a close second. He rmaneau’s stores are in charge of John Worden, Willie Gray, Al Edwards, Frank R. Dewey, Frank Thorudyke, Earl Pinkhan and Jim Farre! l. These concessions are attract ve and handled capable men. William Prima has the following attendants at his stores: Charles Gaus, Susan Heitzman, Joe Weisensee, Al Ralph, Gertrude Bergrab and Pop Heitzman. The most novel concession and comes in for a good play is a grocery and meat market. Phillip Berlin, local play choce roasts, butter, eggs, products, A Jo-Jo monkey one which combination J. Wernick and butchers, have on dischickens, turke ys, cheese, hams and bacon, all fine-looking five-cent laydown, winner takes Clerking here are the sons of the Harry Wernick and Rub'n Berlin chman & Semke have a fine candy wheel. Patty Nestor at a lamp stand, Mrs. Fenstel Variety store and Ed Nestor at the al) appeared to be getting a has two concessions. Michael Schne'der, Joe a Reiner, Fr: unk Morecraft, Jake derman Staber. ‘here are perhaps one hundred and concessions in and adjoining the park. “HERBERT DAYS” At Willow Grove F Park, Philadelphia, as Memorial to Victor Herbert Philadelphia, June 6.—As a memorial to Vie tor Herbert, famous composer and band maste r, who died recently, the management of Willow are “le rner, fifty Grove Park has opened a series of *‘Herbert Days’ on which all programs will be made up exclusively of the mus ¢ of Victor Herbert, Si owing the same susceptible response to the baton of Henry Hadley which it always made to that of its late leader, the orchestra of Victor Herbert on June 1 opened a four weeks’ engagement at Willow Grove, Mr. Hadley, fa mous as an outst mding American composé r and orchestral conductor, and the or: hestra in the afternoon and evening performances so far pre sented have met with a warm re sponse from large audiences that have assembled to take part in tribute to the man who did so much for popular music in the United States. The well-known Funeral Mareh of Chopin was played at the opening concerts Sunday as a memorial to the conductor whose death made the last-minute change necessary. Even greater memorials to him are his own compositions plentifully scattered thru all of the programs, REAL PARK WEATHER ON DECORATION DAY Canton, O., June 5.—First real park weather of the season greeted Eastern Ohio parks Decoration Day and big business is reported by all. R. Booth, manager, Meyers Lake Park, , 841d business was big despite the chilly weather, All amusements got big play. Idora Park, at Youngstown; Springf eld Lake, Summit Beach and Riverview, all in the Akron district, drew big crowds. The week-end following Decoration Day also brought large crowds to the resorts, the weather contiontng fair and warmer. All parks in this section have lost henvily since early May opening on account of the rain. A Wheeling, W. Va., daily states that a city construction permit authorizing the Installation of amusement devices and housing for the devices at the grounds of the West Virginia State Fair has been isened by the city building inspector. The amusement devices are being Carlin, head of Carlin's Md. usement Park, e, ALL ALUMINUM PEANUT AND | POPCORN i il MACHINE Make bile money Get this higt Polished, a aluminum popand peanut 1 Light, du able, compact, san! tary. Does work of several ordinary ma chines. Kettle boids 14 %-lb. sacks \ wonderful w one y— Wrke us w corn chine MAKER money with a 7 he independ your own bos $ of raw popcorn, ped with a Kri r $80. other works faster WRITE FOR] ji.,3° 4,83 fo FREE CATALOG) @!..'2" powcrial™ Gu, "Read what users for catal os. Oe Write to day. KRISPY MACHINE Co. Crounse Bidg., Omaha, Nebraska. gay. See all and easy terms. Umade ls with ex1 ve features. rite fo or catalog today. A_ postcard will do. | “THE WHIP” MANGELS’ CHAIR-O-PLANE —KIDDIE RIDES— W. F. Mangels Co. CONEY ISLAND, N. Y. FOR RENT On Boardwalk, Keansburg, N. J. Home-made Candy Concession, Barber Shop. Shooting Gallery, $225. Wheel Chair Privilege, Frozen Ices, Umbrella Privilege on Beach, Swing for Bathers and Life Preservers on Bathing Beach. Few stands for Games of Skil. Miniature RailWay wanted. New Poiat Comfort Beach Co. L. SCULTHORP, Manager TURNSTILES We can stop the leaks — Write us how. PEREY MFG. CO., Inc. 101 Park Ave., NEW YORK CITY Largest Carrousel Works in The World Hundreds delivere. Gotha R. (Germany) TURNSTILES TICKET BOXES AND CHOPPERS DAMON-CHAPMAN CO. 234 Mill St., ROCHESTER, N. Y. Last novelty CHAIROPLANES! FRITZ BOTHMANN,