The Billboard 1924-06-14: Vol 36 Iss 24 (1924-06-14)

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JUNE 14, 1924 The Billboard 79 —— ATLANTIC CITY EXPECTS Ne ee ee ULL ; PROSPEROUS SEASON = sg EO Over Fifty Years of Exclusive RIDESand CONCESSIONS ( = = —_ -_ = 4 _— 4 chen, 1 keen es a Carrousell Building = WANTED to a big and prosperous sj on at = (Established 1867) = GEAUGA LAKE PARK, ae . City ou wr parks are coming , = a . . } wal) n on the mainland with picnic fes= = Fourteen miles from Cleveland. ting ae main attractions. = a W. J. KUHLMAN, 8514 Broadway, Cleveland, Ohio, j k, w h is in pr = Ss : ogra E = FOR SALE i te vod w ay = = ta Amusement Fi = SS One «et of five Swings Che J. M. CRENNAN, 85 tn} ement and w = Mechanically and Artistically Perfect. = a a ho a eae NNAN, 85 t! cit b . , » . io oe oy = ; WM. H. DENTZEL, = i we Pier 49 open, with alt onttoor = baal — MGT: MOUNTAIN VIEW & s in full swing, the Tango contest PTT TT il T EE hs ; is in full swing. the Tango contest § MIMI it AMUSEMENT. PARK. Tho Park Denil GLENS il ea urge popularity FALLS, N Says want new Attractions. Adbe M Dollar Vier, Sheatz’s Calidress E. G Xn we OMB, General Mar 4 furnishing, mute of the type that THE BEST BET i the pler a special dance center « the pier a special dance ¢ (GAME OF SKILL) WANTED %e19-Go-Hound, Shows and Conk. wiagy oo ee isla tainted cessions of all kin ids for Home Comce Vessella and His Band being aug2 1 ars ine Oni i A ee ih Comfort Or stra Two dance ia ‘ ppeir in the Muste Hall, the “ dati me PLEASANTVILLE, NJ. ‘ ecries © ternarr N . r. p ee MacFadden At Coney Island, New York City. the maiz00n RAC ER is doing the best business. At Nantasket eaee witl minetrel show, § Dench: Bost 15-wheel BALLOGN RACER gets 25c a wheel. Wherever a BALLOON RACER has the ¢ agape pile 9 em Bagg, pened this season they rep uciness good’. You have mever seen a BALLOCN RACER out of orry « walks and children’s care der. It is 1 perfect in every respect. ROCKAWAY BEACH ; be expected, : m of the Garden Pier refurnishCHESTER POLLARD AMUSEMENT CO., Inc., 1416 Broadway, New York City — the past winter and has made The Rockawars, Long Island, have been get5 hon of dancing. Dancing will ting good crowds since the ope 1 but the j ithe summer, with popular orchese aa season will not be in full ir » bathte tras giged,. Ferretti, baritone: Ernest F. Pechin, cornet, and of this country and some across the big ing, for which the beach is n ited, gets going, ie Joeph La Monaca, flute Mr. Conway's conpond", ; , Not all of the concessions are open and the : HAPPY VAL, ARIZONA'S ducting again won him unstinted praise The Lusse Bros. are a ye one at ride business has been set back owing to } Vietor Herbert's sudden death shocked everyactivity getting out their Lusse Skooter ride. threatening weather, but those whe starte: FAT BOY, AT CONEY ISLAND one jist week. for he. was one of the most early are making expenses, ee namin , r conductors at Willow Grove P: he ; ig ae i ee OE ne A rat gp of < . ~ RIVERVIEW, ELYRIA, O. Burt Mulvey’s Melody Boys, late of the Ritz, iam wy Island, N. Y¥., K. a 7.—T! ° World's » the prin Dos , be Poni = by Mr. Hert — Harlem, have been engaged for Allen’s Palais 2 ‘ Side-Show has added another larte at° oe a BO Ager ye eat De Dance and are going big, as is Andy Grant’ : 3 ready long list of platform rene ae MY Hadley will direct. One of the feature attractions at the opening Aunt Jemima Jazz Band at the Benaeaall ’ Hay Val f Tempe, A ‘ a on * other attractions at Willow Grove of Riverview Park, Elyria, O., was the Famous (Cabaret. Grant's band was for over a year at i m Ton. and reputed to t the Park ar mB spice und span shape and are drawRussells Trio, with their dog, Queen, and their ‘Terrace Garden, New York City, and for several A in the world, is there. Tom Ton ; fine attendance, No new rides have been knife-throwing act. Manazer C. L. Worthingseasons with Aunt Jemima and Nat Nazzaro : e principal attract s in Clyde ' ee ton states that the park showed some real surJr. in vaudeville : : ; w during the Ringling engage Woodside Park, under the able direction of prises to the public. Preston Jenkins, with his , a ; ee if n Squire Garden this season, but Norman C. Alexander, continues to attract large four rides, fresh from a two years’ sojourn in Re | Bauer has returned from Florida and 4, 1 too cumbersome to take on the crowds, altho bad weather has been affecting South America, a new roller rink, and a big ‘S| ho:ding down the same concession as last r Wagner, of the World's Circus business, The fine ballroom, desp ite weather bew dance garden, were some of the interesting 5®#502. tely contracted with this atconditions, is always finely Harry additions the park had to offer its patrons. Christy Weigol and the “bust ’em up” bal: sea 02 Kammerer and his dance are rep atMore than 15,000 people registered thru the loon game are enjoying fair patronage. ( teresting attractions are Floyd Wooling former successes, The "Ri hard Schmidt turnstiles Memorial Day and evening. The day's An electric roll-down, ¢ J t ! é I -do yperated by De Graw sey's A hoo, the bird girl, and Midam Fiirmount Park Band concerts on Sundays only celebration was concluded with the giving away and Anderson, i cel ; Gabric sf lady. are a splendid treat, and. under the able conOf am automobile, and a mammoth display of profitably. son, is nicely flushed and operating \ \ well-known lecturer, and many years ductorship of Director Richard Schmidt, the fireworks. PAXTANG PARK t t big tops, is lecturingfor Wagnerband is maki ng a pronounced bit. Sharing N M 11 Clristensen, monhonors with the band are sopranos Mae McPARK PARAGRAPHS ' ‘ t us re ned for t summer engagement. Kensie and Ai Louise Fisher, wellknown quanta. é : — vocalists. The new rides this year are: The . The system of oa 10 cents pee eee } Storm, Caterpillar, Mysterious Knockout and hour in the dance hall at Paxtang Park, HarrisLong Beach, the famous amusement park « PHILADELPHIA PARK NEWS —= Storm, Caterpillar, | Mysterious Som, Poe ten yeecel an Seen aeaglien ‘Gat | a ce eee o 8S. H. Nitzberg, i ( se on a Petieteicitn dein Gintbieeiath tems ent The Philadelphia Toboggan Company is put= H. Nitzberg, that it will now be used Day under the di: Fis Band closed a highly successful return en58 the finishing touches to its many rides £ nm of t hie ‘ } hruout the season. A number of other systems State Railway Co. It has been rebuilt were trie t ov successful. ways > a as ee Tee i; =a ; at Ww w Grove Park Saturday being insta led or already placed at parks and 4 re tried, but did not prove so successful. ways, repainted and redecorated. It u ) P Cobb, who operites the dance hall, hit ; , enethes ananem at oar y ght, May 31. Despite bad weather people Tesorts all over the country. At the GermanBH system. This is 2 big drawing card tng Oe SE Ce See ES me, at ng powers of this town plant things are humming. and money maker, Mr. Nitzberg says. well-k : actor, Mr. ConThe Dentzel Mannfacturing Company's plant On June 14 Paxtang Park will have its flag\ * programs were admirably arranged. His is all bustle and hustle. The famous Dentzel raising and first annual school children’s events. Lloyd Jeffries advises that he has returned to feature artists, who scored a pronounced succarousels and the unique fun ride, Noah's This is being promoted by C. H. Eastman, manahis old job of excursion manager for the Beli cess, included Vahbrah Verba, soprano; Carlo Ark, can be found in many of the leading parks ger of the park, Isle Coliseum Company, Detroit, Mich, —NEW GEMALL METAL POST CARD VENDER “Small in Size — Big in Earnings” Vends Our Popular and Attractive Line of Post Cards The Gem is made of stamped steel and all joints are welded. It is finished in dark green, baked enamel. The outside slot parts are nickel plated on copper. There is a roomy cash box with its own door fitted with Yale lock. The card compartment holds R, 250 of our postcards. It has a door covering the entire back of the machine (see picture of back view of machine). The Gem | ; is equipped with our new improved coin slot which operators say is the best all around slot on the market. By loosening a wing nut the slot mechanism can be quickly removed from the machine. Our new design iron weight-block locks the slot after the last card is vended. The display sign can be easily : changed. There are rubber feet on the bottom of the cabinet, ; ti OUR WONDERFUL LINE OF POSTCARDS IS THE —_~ OPERATORS cy SECRET OF THE GEM’S SUCCESS. We publish 45 We are making a special price on the Gem in lots different series of fast selling cards and add at least and with each shipment we include free postcards ten new series to our line each season, As a result equal in selling value to what you pay for the the Gem is always busy and on the job—just change machines. Mail the coupon below. the display sign, load with a different series of cards and you can ge = —_ oy emg be em 1 roht producer due to the large number o soe 9 p Aap van noe players pull 5, 10 or 25 pont EXHIBIT SUPPLY COMPANY, ‘ : f before leaving a machine. Because of its small size 509 So. Dearborn St., COUPON ¥ the Gem can be installed in many paying locations Chicago, Ill. f where there is not space for larger and heavier venDate. ders. We furnish a special iron base to hold two Gem venders side by side, We also supply a wall bracket, as well as an iron floor stand. A complete description of our new Gem posteard vender with the different accessories is given in a large, illustrated circular now Are you an operator? ready for mailing—send for your copy. Gentlemen: Mail me descriptive circular of your new Gem postcard vender. Give me your special price to operators, including free postcards. I can use Gem Venders _ POST CARD aaa Exhibit Supply Co. Signed — -_ Size 4” wide; 9” deep; 10” high Weight — machine only—6 lbs. . : ae eee a) ae et ; Retail Price $15.00 dnd war tax 509 So. Dearborn St. Chicago