The Billboard 1924-06-14: Vol 36 Iss 24 (1924-06-14)

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The Billboard SCHOOL IN FAIR MANAGEMENT AIMS AND ACCOMPLISHMENTS — reliable management. Expositions I have answered nd management of fairs ranging ip to and including the install important egotistical— it is information touching As secretary of the letters 1 F°: the past three years I have been in a position to note the entire absence ¢ ‘ interests of sound the business That may int; but it is evidently take g ited that the executive officers af such a high-sounding titled organ:re in possession of vital information governing their business, so ome properly the secretary should deal of stutistics file passed on to interested have a great on t could be fair 1 izements. Such information as never been compiled during the rty years of existence of this organization. A nstance, the question of the proper ¢ tion of fairs, Every application f a arter « tains the clause, “‘for the u" i t ture and its allied industries This hortest form and | least five hundred w the end the fair ¥thing that the promoters, it is likely vw fair is organized under ordinary + n ts «= ed to do ever want to do. Then tl a law govering the doings of the business concern. ary to amend the charter, « to enlarge Later on it beco neces ther for reorganizaThere is no mes activities. to follow in the organization of a lair. Auotber instance, in making up Offers in the premium list. 1 go thru a dozen or more lists r ther fairs every year trying to arrive at sla in apportioning say $1,000 i ff: thorn cattle. If I ave age , arrived at are lau the figures are thrown into the waste ‘baske t 1] go back to my own system, wi bigger laugh from me There is } otal governing premium offers, I y department in fair work is in the | on recent School in Fair Managemer it ght it these conditions, and the school, if shing no other purpose breaght te the att n of those in charge and on the program ivietion that this great, big bus! ness, aving nm ons of dollars in @ssets ar more 1 s of customers, has nothing back of it t way of fundamental principles either in rea tion or management, but has drifted ne on rhe {ndividual opinions of persons a commnutr ities, The program was made up with no pre: edent to follow. From the time the Roard of Directors of the Association decided to install the school, t middle “of February, until it was beld, the Idle of May. was a short time in which to li the program, which {fn great part was done by mail by President Canfield. In spots was a great program, and in the future by elimination and addition it can be made into a valuable adjunct to fair management. The decision to establish research work under e direction of the School of Commerce and Administration of the University of Chicac is eally the most important result attai ~~ ‘and, f wed over a three or five-year period, will do more for fair management than all of t work done during the period of the ‘ tence of this assoctation. Tam pleased and entirely satisfied with the hool In Fair Management. DOOR COUNTY FAIR Will Open Month Earlier Than Usual —Pageant for Night Show Sturgeon Bay, Wis.. June 6.—The Door ‘ t Fair, which ts to be held here Aucust lf and 15, is a month earlier than it has ever heretofore been held, the change in dates being made becanse of the large number of tourists nh the eounty during that menth. \ feature never before attempted here will putting on of a night fair, at which a? irical pageant of the county will be pr ed This will be in charge of Edward K. Kinxton, of the United Production Co., of New York City, \nother feature that it fs sald will not be 1 ‘ny other fair In the State will be an holastle athletle field meet by the puplle is of the county, This was put on for r time last year and proved so snuecessit it will be repeated under the snper. of the county superintendent of schools. hast year 120 medals—gold, silver and bronte— given for first, second and third prizes Various events. In addition there were = elght silver loving cups, which = are " ling eups except when a school has won thre ears in suecesston A ailver cup also ¥, ven the boy making the larcest number f points, the ber also winning the title of on athlete of the country | hellewe more county fairs should hold ties meets,"* says Secretary Nat © srlans s tary Garland «tates that the fatr will m exeentionalle good racing precram ear, Exhibits, too. willl be very good c to present prospects While the falr \ he too early to permit showing late fruit, hich the county is noted, there will be ienty of early apples, cherries, plums, *c., take thelr place. By DON V. MOORE the ouchning tore COL. M. R. MARGERUM fundamentals of fai and iZu and details Association of upon every pl International Fairs use of importance from local mn of expositions designed to promote inn orgat street and cor nations, ROSEWATER QUITS As Secretary of Sesqui-Centenmial—Displeased With Change in Plans I sds a June 5.—Victor Rosewater, f r pr t publisher of Omaha, Neb., who is acted as secretary of the SesquiCol. Margerum is still guiding the des‘ il | n Association since ts tinies of the Trenton Inter-State Fair, orga tien As i t Tre mmton, N. J., as secretary, a post he has ‘ as As ably held for a number of years. The fair Mr. Rosew r r association has just signed contracts for the t proposed ra erection of a handsome new grand stand, to being de ped cost more than $100,000, literally a concrete Mr ! R . ; evidence of substantial progress. r gr i Stat oes — — to contemplate hationewide scope, i€ obviously does Bot Justify TRENTON FAIR AUTO RACES Expected To Make Last Day of Missouri State Fair Biggest Day Tr .. J, June 6—Col M. R Will Have First-Class Program of Free Acts, Races and Fireworks Sedalia, Mo., he last dar of the & anag : Pe state Missouri State Fair is every indication w iit, @ i , ans for tne of being biggest one f the eight-day © g f Ww ‘ I 1 October 1, 2, festival, an n officially set aside 3 4 $ xelusively as Race Day ‘ tracts en c 1 w t World The managemer e fair s contracted Amus s \ r a er with the World A t Service Association, of hig ss fr : t I : Chieag for racing events for that Dm i reworks = s! t ‘ Tokyo rhe the : has agreed to bring Bord and Linderman Shows have been engaged : seven Q ears with rofessional for t midw drivers for the big day of fair week. An r tomobile pelo team will also be added if the tender team is t engaged at some other point for the preg entire week a g Additional amusement feat s that may be ,,* seen from the grand stand that day will he e wae Fashion Show ey ted by Sernegs-Vanderaddit voort-Barney Cor , St. Lot ‘h will use * = ng lels. aviu’s Cor Band 2 = Grand Opera Company, Chicago, will also con|). clude its week's gram in the afternoon of + that day. ae hile the Cedar Valley Fair, Cedar Falls Ta., will not be revived this year, it is expect Alva, Ok., June 6.—Tentative plans have been that a fair will be held in 1925. Inabilit to made by the W is County Fair ird for . secure an efficient secretary and the short time County Free I to held here October 20for preparations were given as reasons for 23, it is a 1 by County Agent Sé ! holding a fair this year. The Cedar District fairs are scheduled for Dacoma, Commercial Club will hold a three-day industrial Waynoka. Freedom and Capron, but dates for exposition some time in August. these have net yet been set. r< : J + R SUPER FREE ATTRACTIONS 4 4s p24 P24 oo — s> 3 4 ‘ 3 Comedy Trick-House Acrobats. > % “SI, MANDY AND THE FLAPPER” 2 Also Tron Jaw Trapeze Act. 4 3 2—UNSURPASSED FREE ACTS—2. s+ pied alate pes : > ° 32 A $100 cash bond with every contract. 4S July 4th and later dates open. Literature and References. > fh P . . 2 Per. Address, Gen. Delivery, Quincy, IIl., or Billboard, Kansas City, Mo. 3 sé s> 2 + tag FAIR SECRETARIES—CELEBRATION MANAGERS FAIR SECRETARIES AL NUTTLE—MUSICAL CLOWN He basn’t a bit of sense at all. RBOOKING — One-Man Eight-Piece CLOWN BAND. DO THReE DIFFERENT CLOWN ACTS. Cash bond furnished for appearamce. Terms and particulars address Billboard, Cincinnat!, Chia Now booking Jate Fairs. SERVICE PLACED FIRST In Contest for Suggestions for Betterment of Fair i ry to patrons occupies a most i pla the s ssful ¢ uet of a fa we known to exper ced fair t not a of e up to ir Ss 1 Lo t atic Dona La da nt n the ¢ * ke suggest Is we tt rI ng offered ' z I t were as 1. More eomfort statior or places equipped necessary s and conveniences for 2 Ay iter sprinkler for laying the dust on wk 4 \ . bulletin hoard on w persons the grand 1 n read each day's program i. An ndar if filtered water in harrels wit fa ts 1 ir dual drinking I t among t guest n the letter a prize were the fellowing: 1. Free benches or settees for visitors, 2. 3B » and aygrounds with nurses and at 1 where | and young children n } ! visitors Many t lk rs containing excellent suggestior were ré ved and the eontest und tedly aroused much nterest in the ming fair KNOX CITY FAIR Knox City, Mo., June 7.—Fred Wolter, secretary of the Knox C Fair Association, states that it is the intention of the associaion to again put on one of the best fairs in Northern Misseur A good carnival has been secured, he announces, also a number of excellent free attract s. The will be two or three races each day, and a night show Wednesday and Thursday, winding up with fireworks. Special programs will be offered in Floral Hall, the “We feel we ¢ fair in tt an show anyone the best small 1e State,” says Mr. Wolter Hare you figured that possibly the long programs are one of the big reasons for poor grand-stand patronage? ever CENTRAL PENNA. FAIR CIRCUIT LEBANON FAIR Voder New Management, including co~peration of CEAMEER OF COMMERCE, KIWANIS AND ROTARY CLI AUGUST 26, 27, 28, 29, 30. BIG SATURDAY sane RACES. TWO NIGHTS FIREWORKS. CARNIVAL CO AND CONCESSIONS WANTED. Write CLARENCE DO. BECKER, Lebanon, Pa THREE-COUNTY FAIR NORTHAMPTON, MASS., Sept. 30th, Oct. 1, 2, 1924. booking Concessions. Will book Monkey Speedway, Dog JOHN J. KENNEDY, Supt. Midway. Now Show. and Pony \ INSURANCE REASONABLE PREMIUMS QUICK ADJUSTMENTS ORIGINATORS OF | MAIN INSURANCE In AMERIC full infor Eagle Star & British Dominions Insurance Co., Ltd. FRED S. JAMES & CO. U. S. MANAGERS Write today for 133 William Street, NEW YORK. eee mere