The Billboard 1924-06-14: Vol 36 Iss 24 (1924-06-14)

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4 f = 82 | The Billboard JUNE 14, 1924 SCHOOL IN FAIR MANAGEMENT 2.020 0°28 Amusement Park Plans of Wisconsin State Fair tional attraction, , from all parts of Soutl ndon will take under the direction of Patrick K rwan, made the big t with the Arundel Pageant How the School of Commerce and AdminisSSA pe Mieco or Dre covemman, Keung.” ‘ fh T! aths had gone canoeing on the river *™usement devices that are being constructed are in a position to ask ourselves what such an undertaking means. one vine Kp nsiegys of , se a ung Collins Fair men and amusement men in gen so! r a a? apsized. oun 1 Of course, the officers of the Inter olitan districts, will tration Can Be of Service in the Perthe “tea. south-metro given. eckhbam, for example, has the legendary Boadicea ine dent for its share. formance of Its Tasks Goorin _ meetings, cotartabamenta._ Me grounds, fireworks displays and dancing in the same time. By W. H. SPENCER, Dean ce aaah at swell the funds of K A Collins to the Rescue g's College Hospital. HE School in Fair Management held at the University of Chicago during ,, The thirteen-years-old grandson of Pat Collins, Pat 17enabled to give some additional fact atrick Ross Coll-ns, figured in a the week of May 12 to 19, under the joint auspices of the International ee, unsucessful attem to rescue a nds of performers part who last noo Ten ne the story of one of be by Private Capital Is Inthe teresting Experiment the center transept are also to be in full swing at is three-day fete will go to In a recent issue of The Billboard ment Was made of the work of improvement t being carried on at the grounds of the W Sin State Fair in Milwaukee, Sonce that the plans of the State Fair Association | been made public more in detail and we it Developing Public Playground ae 4 on : : mtg ‘erning the new buildings, des ar ario Association of Fairs and Expositions, is now a matter of history and we rear-old employee of his father’s from drownerent le new buildings, rid and var made several attempts to get ! is companion out Will watch with interest the development national Association will have to speak {culty which they faced was the dearth of of the water, but the boy had apparently got ‘His fair plant. records of the history and experiences of fairs ctyck fast in the mud. with respect to the significance of the and Organizations, There is no reason why The coroner ex»ressed his admiration school from their point of view. I te School Commerce can not wth its orCollins’ pluck in tw:ce going to the rescue. can only speak of the significance Of tremely the school from the point of view of ve in ganization orm for the association ex: 1 valuable service in collecting, asOut and About ng and making available all sorts of There is being spent in improvements to of Completed by August 1 on the Milwaukee f grounds approvimately $600,000, The units now under constroction and to erected consist of the following: ra 1 t i bl Owing to the successful rearing of lion eubs Manufacturers’ Exposition Building, 250 on data aring roblems ai mi: reae . ) ne » exper iw «(tCéfwe one stor, 1 fee y bric stee! ' the School of ‘Commerce and Admineent wearing upon problems of fair managepy, a ye! method of leavi é the oxi ~~ t, one ry. iG f ‘ : eh, = Kk. a s me . : : mother and, later, her 1 iy indisturbed, concrete construction, ith basement storer istration and the university. The uniIn the third place, the School of Commerce two additional enclosures have been erected S 454250 feet, and containing about 90,000 squa rsity is, of course, an educational sen paren ge . a. > er oad A po lm year at rent Park Zoo One is alre ady feet of area. Cost, $175,000, » ee a a ae =e Sa6 SU] . ot fe Association, awaiting rnal visit the other Ww Two new wings to present gr ant institution and can interest itself only offer a alized course in fair management pe ready a second lioness is in need 42s feet in lengt thirty A ny os me, = . . : el ill round o1 he gener: ~<ducat ic anc pen ; : el etagy te 3 gow cohen ae: projects which have educationa] Wich Wilt rm ind out the gen al ¢ lucation and of aq wit m. to the north and one to south: concrete a : r * P general business education offered by the Two rare parrots have been steel constructiot with booth openings at r omise. The officers of the universSchool of Commerce and Administration a a sw BN pr tone laine “ : anvas s r. ill give total stand seat : : . tions in fairs and expositions. f Dom prveroicxs e W 8 , 7 the association, held early in March, These are three of the ways in which the is bee Pavilion at Wembley is the new a “ . A ts ~4 ag 50 fe ~ * ae 1924, at which the preliminary negotias School may be of: some service to the business home of two female elephants from the Zoo. aCe pases Veo Senet oe aaaees \ : pale oie S : ce annoa, ©ommun'ty by establishing and conducting a were gi by the Karen So. Coustruction, woth refreshment allocations, et tions for the School in F air Managejoint ed<cational enterprise for the associas clety of , 3. E. BE, % cost about $0,000, ment were had, made it clear to the tion. em et there are, but memqyring the seas 1 on foot in aster ride, 2.4 “ seek, — by M Sve a é tion these nee 2 ade > wing lpr ait? miamaiteas sTei ‘ost about $75,000, To be ready f Association that the university coula °°" ° ese need not be made now. the sats — ged ViQNeeny notion Sale 4 eo eee j ini : for buns from all strians they met on : . = on enter into the joint undertaking only F 4 d F ° En la d an eae t} ie ane Four-abreast usel, with pavilion Sx : cs 7 > ay to er summer quarters, ’ ° upon the condition that the school airs an un In g n Stepen Hadfie t Southpart showman, feet (Miller & '; werial swing (Miller would in some way advance the ends of education. The university d.d not By “‘TURNSTILE” swam three miles across Solway F'rth feel that it could spare the use of its : already crowded buildings for a con‘ntion under the guise of a school. We are convinced that they are not inter ve ’ . ion as usual, The The part r sicnificance of these improve ested merely in holding annually a trade conBussy from the pos‘tion of managing director orm and mounted ments is the fact that in the city of Milwauke« vention at the university. Now that the first of Wembley Amusement, Ltd., the company ! . F fai there are no parks, For School in Fair Management has come to a that controls the park, has come as a surprise John Collir : is are organizing a three ten years t nothing * ‘ fos) Ghat tie officers 2 aoc, : to many showmen. It is stated that the retireweeks’ fun carnival at Walton. Liverpool, becharacter in the « 4 pase cose We Tet — otiicers im Charge Of ment is due to health, which prevents him g‘nning May 30 and running thru the Whitsun = ae TE ee gage ht. y the association are interested in projects which from completing almost completed task. holidays, Street being organized B ey om I “or have educational promise. We at the uni: jussy had a colossal task before him, and, to boost the novel Heh S.C. bee —s ro = : ; i altho mistakes were made, he certainly showed planned and dane ng in the evenings will be ni Pes S aran ne versity more tha eve ppreciate the > os ’ . Mie pan — £ in ' ~ = a emand for tl ws ti “ie “iti . = 1 ‘se sae t Hs = his ability to learn from errors, His energy feature. One day's takings ea week will be a and t vis mu ix I role which fairs and ‘expositions play g abilty have won high praise given to the hospitals of the district. Riverview and Pa musement parks in our econom’e order. We secured an apn ] showmen fee] for the late director Prosperous When eyulpment Was new, itt preciation of the many problems of business iM What must be a great d'sappointment. ABILENE (TEX.) FAIR IS Were let to rum Gown and go out of business. a admission to Wembley Exhibition and thus the Abilene, Tex., June 6.—‘‘We are going to nent, as well as Wth this appreciation of the role of fairs fist million was exceeded by over 100.000 The 1 one the ld in the is being built on and expositions and the e plexity of the authorites state that a gate of thirty ‘aid the State taking problems « policy @ mplete success jon managross for that period certain quest ror be reached staged at al of contract or pu: Can the §S of ¢ from the way Londox me. tion be of any ser enthusiasm for the has conAugust 25-20, and Dair the p e of in the provinces l ir acte fo ive big hippodron acts to be given local pienics have bee nw y or wa sons 18 ass t's Cadet Saturda That w 1 be of es express plete satisf a feature of this . plier parent ( an an things are and exp grams of Thearle weanizations and pert the way or Ways tendance f ipire Day Celebrati ! “ as ure sued in the order applications are ic a new record. a a mn. s id cations are a ceived, This year nearly fifty applicat > —_ = niace the heal oan : serv. 7 s seXans from nudreds of miles arounc vere turned 4 —~ a ‘ ‘ f ten ‘ 0 ge +N seer ae Heong aS : be Sits U. S. A. Bidder for the Park Abilene will attend the 1924 fair. ~ ! vn ccause of jack ‘ t ds .. itlo Dp e 3 ol r mane rt ed ondon by offerin fair t ] . ‘ome in t manye gg Fe Foy FAIR NOTES AND COMMENT = ices’ by arranccment with the muemomet cr I ght f nM de nbley | “ t No games of skill or ark by age and with t A fair secretary who can’t make a four-ine allowed on the grocnds th's year. as by the ¢ a that hand “stay put’’ ought to wear a bow tie. I plan, by w h the State fairgrounds : on the make er nent village ——— to be developed Into a public playground f fairs the r’s doorstep.” He take OF , privat sitet. ts in: hk eatese one n it. the t as it «t is at avn » citizens of Linden, Tex., have purchaseqd Privat c tu is in the nature of an ex pe ne rdica th $10,000,000 to start ready res of land just outside the ment, altho the Welcher permanent Old M progress for immediate negot ations for permanent fair grounds, Cor Plant came n on that basis and has pr ‘ b> more I gather from the tude of authorities work planning buildings, which is that protit and success are possible under t wort! that there is nothing doing t at any to have completed before the fair next @rrangement pla hug (100 “) feet) The State spends about $40,000 in pub! to running at Wemmeee promotion for tie preverty, and concessionair emp hlic 3esides “We will get on our fair grounds just have the benefit of this, Was attracted by story of s quarters s running away from a pony and is showing it at Pleasureland Bussy’s Retirement London, May 23.—The retirement of F. E. management which the officers of The First Million sociaton face in performing their duties “ . On Saturday last over 150,000 visitors paid connection with fairs and expositions, we are willing to stand for,"’ ys Jol , eat of ing difthe Crystal Palace, the great pleasure center the beauty of the historical " and bought lately. y are smallish birds kno ity in a meeting with the officers of Po'nt men for managerial and executive posias Bouquet’s : the Rose) exploits of an unbroker els pony Wh x away. Hadfield has bought the adventuren fair was opened June 24 for « rat to the Despite the counter-attraction in the north, to modernize the square would detract from stance, Stands to have ren ' ‘+h SOTO feet; skee-ball alley (Percival): s mecha il shows, ete., to be completed State Fair Park will accommodate In regard to the Manufacturers’ Bulldir ught to have The Drury High School Band, of North Adams, Mass., a band that has made a splendid reputation playing be featured at several fairs this year. 70-foot tower: whip (Miller & Row m after ing gallery, (foot front Fer les SO feet in he ght second-stor 8s ment pavilion, to be erect this runways of Welcher’s Old Mill; fun house, GOING TO BE BIG EVENT cars; sree — ng and electric interurt es nen ar r r the Car & id exposiI te . sddr eS y ob er t gt note that uy A to ioney, but omises to be a great t? eons t rs ; we ago the ins called for the larg economic concerning this big conee ms problem uilding in area of any fairgrounds stro day and . iran is issued an sasiainelinene an Ur tes u for exhibition f ok rives full particulars Considerable discus n has been pre nitated Deo 4 ate 8 * Fair at Springt can be ae otns is calculated to allay proposal of Mrs. E. T. Stotesbury that for a building © ertaking @Dy¥ linger’ng suspicons roused by the anti-pernber of ges be made in Independence ‘ ch will be and sun1torming animal cranks. are as a part of the sesqui-centennial celeMilwaukee ete : assistance brati in 1926 There has developed opposition M8 been placed auction Crystal Palace Pageant on the part of some persons, who contend that ain foe the tee at New England Fairs, and which will