The Billboard 1924-06-14: Vol 36 Iss 24 (1924-06-14)

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JUNE 14, 1924 The Billboard : 85 ALABAMA rr a Rast ee States Expo. Aug. 15-23 Clifalexander City—East . a i esp. ord R. Trimble. eck ip (et. Lewis B. Dean. Benton—Franklin Co. Fair Assn. Sept. 30-Oct : 1y Co. Fair Asem, Oct. 15-18. A. 4. FP. B. Nolen. : mpten F Bridgeport—Lawrence Co. Fair Assn. Sept. 9-12 Limestone Co, Fair Asan, Sept. 24-26 ned hee ap aaa C. E. Schmalhausen | sarver . . . . Breese Clinton Co, Fair Ass Sept. 24-28. westoue Co Negro Pair Assn. Oct. The Data in This List Gives the Dates and Names of |) (1 : \ ox mbridge—Henry ( Fair. Sept. 16-20 ‘orm ogbam—Alabame State Fair, Sept. 29pe Mitt, J. by Dent. * ‘Secretaries of This Season’s Fairs Obtainable Up Stine Carlin Macout n Co. Fair Assn. Sept. Cherokee Co. Bair Assn Oct. 21-24. ; . : eas ° 26. George W. Denby. De. 6. C. Tat ot um, Get. 1682 to Time of Going to Press -Additions Will Be ae ae eee 1 ALLA D. | Mob ( Pu : t j rstone pres Carrollton—Greene Co Fair Assn. Sept. 20| EB. ee ai Pele haem. Lent week Made in Subsequent Issues as Received —?. & oa ” ip Oct em Oe | a ee ee ge oe ee eee Carthage—Hancock Co. Fair Assn. Aug. 26-29. gs i asatl Payette Co. Falr Assn, Oct. 7-11. J. Elli s BP. Cor ti ; Yuek ter Ag 3 Sept. 1f “larence on xombs Co © Ass "t. 7( eston—Coles Co. Agri. Soc Sept. 8-15. Eh H A. Noone Co. Fair. Lact week in Sept. r Agri. Soc. Sept. 19. Clar I “omg ab nbs ¢ Fair Assp. Oct. 7-11. A. L. a 8 : I re P Kiley. —_ t. 6G. Macon—Georg State kxpo 25 » ago—lIntl, Live Stock Expo. Assn. Nov. 20a f , . ‘ Sorthwest Ala. Fair Week. Oct ury Agri. Soc. Oct. 6-i1. I —— : we a ate kLxpo Oct. 20-25. E. @ B. WH. Hh le, Union Steck Yards i ‘6 Chester Tubb. vee A ae Glastonbury—Glastonbury Agri. Fair Assn. Mad lorzan ¢ Fair Assn. Oct 1S. Lee ‘ I . ~ a eew! Co. Fair Assn. Aug. 5-8. ia oo —Madison Co. Fair Assn. Sept. 16Sep 15-27 seorge W » | : SWigert. me 3 Oe D.C. Pinney, 1 Qtdeun~Gethen Pane + a ae eo, Cooke. Rome —Flosd Fa First week in Oct, Danville—Ilinois-Indiana Fair Asen. Aug. 2tey Hunt — ne red Fair Asan. Sept. Hamburg—Lyme Grunge Fair Assn. Sept. 17. if. Foste Aa op ~ Me ~~ "= oy A Soe Sept. 9-13. 4 } 34-s (has enatey J. W. Stark, s j Wa ng ( I r Assn. et. ‘5 ~ * Peat 1 — a or +? | Youroeville—Monroe Co, Fair Assn. Nov. 11-14. Hartford ‘ * mn. State Agri. Soc. Sept. 1-6 “ ‘ . Oct ; a . A cy : / ] e ¥ Q. Salter k of Alsbame Nor E.G, Trimper. Savanna h—Savanna) Expo. Oct. 27~ a Me irda Pe ee ea . heonll vy -State air . 3 e ‘0 ch— Ne »ndo ’ Soe Sep 1for. 1 B = . . — ‘ "Tt Mort of Rixler. — ey ‘y -— ace Co. Agri. Soc. Sept ~. Nov. 1. ' oa JK. s Sept 64. El = I aso— Woo Miford Co. Fair. Aug. 26-30. i 4 onelik Opelika Dist. Fair. Assn. Oct. 13PachaugPachaug Grange Fair Assn. Sept. , 5 Ss. ¢ se . par einsinl ge ee Baker _ : * 18 N. BP. Renfro, pres. 11-13. Marge ry M. Brewster, Jewett City, Statesboro—Bulloch Co. Fair Assn Oct. 2iis —e Fabery Fale. Sage. 26, © SS a * ater Co. Fair Assn. Oct. 7-11. HL Conn ; 7 25. L. A. Akins. ; ‘ rm ore C Agri, Assn. Sept. 17-20 | H. | Stafford Springs—Stafford § Spri Agrl. Sec. Summerville—Chattuoga Co. Fair Assn. Oct. —. ae ae P20 eee _ a Sriecauga“Tal ladega Co. Fair Assn. Oct. 14 Oct. 13-1 3 Db P * tchell” pinntdlivanss W. L. Abbott : : eanainad nina 1 Co. Fair Assn. Aug. 26Hi J. E. Jordan. Storrs—Mansfield Fair Assn. Sept. 24-25. A. Sylvania—Screven Co Fair Assn. Oct. 1418. "39. B. J. McDonagh. . ik i. ALASKA J. Brundage ©. D. Hollingsworth Harrisburg—Saline Co. Agri. Assn, July 22-26. ; Juneau—Southeastern Alaska Fatr Assn. Sept. Washington—Washington Fair Assn. Aug. 29. Washington—Wilkes Co. Legion Fair Assm. Wy, Rathbone. ' ; : i 21-25 M. S. Whittier. F rederic J. Ford Oct. 7-11. Blis! Breland. ss Henry—Marshal Co. Fair Assn, Sept. 25-26. : —" Waterbury-——Wolcott Agri. Soc. Sept. 12-13. Winder—North Georgia Fair Assn, Sept. 20-Oct. Cc. A. = llips. ARIZONA M. EB. Pierpout, R. D. 5. 4. G. W. Woodrut Hillsboro—Mo > ol mery Co. Fair Assn Aug im Phoenix—Arizona State Fair. Nov. 10-16. J. Woodstock—Woodstock Agri. Soc. Sept. 16-18. 25-28. We alter "Adi sson. ghee: $4 P. Dillon. Wm. M. Gallup. IDAHO Jacksdnville—Morgan Co. Fair Assn. S6ept. 174 Preseott—Northern Ariz. State Fair. Oct.—. DELAWARE American Falls—Power Co. Fair Assn. Sept. 5. Harold C. Welch. bof Grace M, Sparkes. Harrington—Kent & Sussex Co. Fair Assn, Inc. 17-19. G. M. Oliver Jerseyville—Jersey Co. Fair Assn. Sept. 9-13. : ARKANSAS July 29-Aug Ernest Raughley Black foot—Southeaste Idaho Fair Assn. Sept. P oe. =i * D. “isl hon. per ‘ . Asso Wilmington—De ion are State Fair. Ge t. 9-13. 16-19. E. J. |! tead oslyn—Rock s Co r ssn. ug. 3 oe ye _—— } oe L. P. Randall, mer. . Burlev—Cassia Co. Fair Assn. Sept. 16-19, _ 19-2 Homer A. Dailey, Hillsdale, Il! tg Renton Co. Fair Assn Late in FLORIDA R. J. Burke Kankakee—Kankake e Inter-State Fair. Sept. 8; Tage og 7 “ ; oe ls sep -12 2 s tet r early in Nov. Frank P. Harris Jacksonvilie—Floride State Fair & Ex Nor —_ — Fall Co. Fair, Sept, 912. J. M. Rewstee—tewante Dist. Agrl. Board Sept Forrest City—Francis Co, Free Fair Assn Oct. 20-29. K. M. Stri lin. F ee Ka nah—-Clearw ater Fair Assn Sept. 2527 1-6. Luke S. Sprietsma : = ae inns ley Oo. Vale Aven. Gept, 28-98 Oeala— Marion 1 Co Fair ‘Assn. Nov. 25-29. D. Harry W. Dissmore ore Canes * Knoxville—Knox Co. Fair Assn. Aug. 27-29. SS : —?e ericsce v m S, pres. ewiston—Lewiston-Clarkst Dermis. Hot / a Garland Co. Fair. Assn Firet Pensacola—West Fla.-Ala. Fair Assn. Nov. 3‘ 13. L. i. Fries i. ee ee La _"~ moka Fayette Horse & Fair Assn. ‘ aaa — t Hniste Lake ¥ am. : *, B. Siters . 1. 58 sth Nampa—Nampa Harvest Festival Assn. Sept. Aug. 26-29. Frank F. Quinn. 2 lasper—Newton Co. Fair Assn. Last of Sept. ie Pla Co. Fair Assn. Nov. oS. Arthur oun Pw. Du fen, ai P Laljatpe—Zri-Ouanty Fair Asso, Aug. 12-15. J. J. C. Ferrter e Tampa—South Florida Fair & Gasparilla Car“Oct. <¥ EW: I oak, edie: — LeRoy—LeRoy Fair Assn. Aug. 12-16. D. © Little Reck—Arkansas State Fair. Oct. 6-11. E. nival. Feb. 314. P. T. Strieder, mar _Oct. 1. E. W, Jewell. ; % a Be 3 o "Belender ° . . . . & Ger, er. Preston CityFr: tbiin Co Round-Up & Fair te me Fult Cc Fai A Sept _ Maliern—Hot Spring Co. Fair. First week in GEORGIA . oe = : 19-20 = ( a i —— poe o. Fair Assn. Sept. 2-5. : ’ ; " texburg—Rexburg Fair Assn. Sept. 2-5. Arthur USUI 2 a19G. —_ oct. C.F. ——, Assn, Sept. 9-12. a ~~ Fair Assn. Oct. 411. Be “porter, Jr Libertyville—Lake Co. Fair Assn. Aug. 29-Se)t 7 = r F 7 vingston 7 E Barnes . P -_ id Wale Aas Oct. 13-18 Soda Springs—Cari bou Co. Fair Assn. Aug. 271. John G. Wirtz. . Wrnne—Cross Co. Fair Assn. Oct. 14. ©. Cecil G. Neal 5 ae "29. Harry 8. Wilson, mer. ” mo % 7% "a i eae es a ~ ry-k ‘ . “ ~ :~ . = Feiser—We toundu PI e —— r ra EB. Vickrey — Bites Ridge —Fes annin Co. Fair Assn. Oct. 7-9. bes ~y =a P W a Ty Stock Show. ,,-reansboro—Hamilton Co. Fair Assn. July 2 IFo RNIA J. zechhe aa : aig ‘ Aug. 2. W. B. Severs. Anderson—Shasta Co. Fair Assn. Sept. 25-28. Qolumbus—Chattahoochee Valley Fair Assn. Porn = Nt ann Ny ‘Agrl. Fair Assn. Aug. 19-22. Mrs. W. H. Tormey. : pict, IIS. Harry C. Robert. ILLINOIS _$. A. Thompson. : Babers ‘ At oe ry y— oe = “oe Newton Co. Fair Asso. Sept. 23-27. "ca Qo. Fair Assn. Sept. 9-12, Ben ae we iliamson Oo yu Assn. Sept. howch ilia—Made . iain enry Odom y 12. George C, Campbell. ; ED & ! ~. ay 0.18. W — — . on roe mR .-| Approx. ane —Mercer Co. Agri. Soc. Sept. 9-13. G. Martinsville —Ciark Co. Agri, Assn. Aug. 1%sa Us . ‘ . Sept. as ct. Glo. Miss Annette ¢c soWwers, o x x. bd rt — neath Gn. Sete Ou 7 =o Dist. Fair Assn. Oct. 13-18. B. Ain a—Marion Co, Agri. Soc. Aug. 6-9. 8S. L. Mason City—Mason Co. Agri. Fair Assn. Aug erndale—Hum . Sept. a Ross Jordan aswe 26-29. H. A. McCreery. 21. Robt. H._ Flowers, Dublin—conee Colored Fair Assn. Oct. 20-25. At wood— Atwood Fall Festival & Agri. Assen. Mazon—Grundy Co. Agri. Fair Assn. Aug. 26 Fresno—Fresno Dist. Fair Assn. Sept. 28-Oct. 7. ©. Kinteben. Sept. 24-26. Glenn D. Painter. 29. F. A. Murray. 4. H. E. Patterson. Elberton—Hibert Co. Fair Assn. Approx. Oct. 1. Amboy—Lee Qo. Fair Ass Aug. 12-15. W Mendota—Mendota Agrl. Fair, Inc. Sept. 16Hanford—Kings Co. Fair Assn, Oct. 7-11. B. Tr H PP ‘ i tg a ae = 19. B. Ki . : : an = ° ° ad OM as ‘ oe A ech. { atzwinkel B. Price —Griffin & Spaldin lo nna—Souther x i ssn. 26-2 ¥ Monee Dist ‘sn. rt. 24-26. Hasfork—Tririty Co. Fair Assn. Sept. 22-24. — 13-18. a e pon on Ay mes Merrie ee ae ee ee oo 3. Conrad. ee x i. — “A Community Fair. Aug. 18-19 — ree Da ( Fair Assn. Sept. as aa anta Union Agri. Soc. Aug. 19-22. —. ao Co. Fair Assn. Sept. 2-5. ilmar mar 4 . . td (ret. 0 ohn togers, pres N >» E : ‘4. WwW dwell. Fayetteville—Fayette Co. Fair Assn. Oct. —. AngustaFair Assn. Sept. 10-12. y Co. Fair Assn. Sept. 23-26. McArthur—Inter-Mountain Fair Assn. Sept. rf Vv. Shirley. r 7 doanie . tata : y 19-21. J. Rourke. “ Mt. Guieia _w ahash Co. Pair Assn. Sept. 16oS vd Co, Fair Assn. Sept. 17-20. —— TE — ue FE. Ga y Mundy . * . sake SOROS vw LLL PILL LI PRR O PAO ROOCO) oll—Carro! ‘0 2 sn. > a a Co. Fair Assn. Probably 5 ‘ = M. Pe J . a oe 2 ‘ 28-20. Geo. T. MeCabe. 4 — From n Co. Fair Assn, Aug. 40. Feature Free Attractions for ae Fair Acca, sept. 2 | Ms artin H Murphyshoro—Ja: son Co. Pair Assn. Aug. 12 15 Jos H Borgers PARKS FAIRS, CELEBRATIONS ca Rpaigertaeeer pi cae | ; ey ichlan Po Fair Assn. Aug. 19-22. ‘S For your Free Outdoor Attractions book us. All worries relieved when you contract with the Orland—Glenn Co. Live Stock & Agri. Assn. ¢ Sept. 15-20. E. A, Kirk Pomona—Los Angeles Community Fair. Oct. 4 14-18 Geo. W. Cobb. Tehama Co. Fair Assn. Sept. 29% Mert. 4 R. E. Whitnes 2 Riverside—Southern Cal. Fair Assn. Oct. 7-12. W. W. Van Pelt Sacramento—Calif, State Fair. Aug. 30-Sept. 7. Chas W. P ' 2 a ira Co. Fair Assn. Sept. Assn. Sept. 9-12. G. ‘ 28 W. ¢. Bailey. 2 a 2 Snye ; it —LaSalle Co. Fair Assn. Sept, 9-12. W S Luis Obispo—San Luis Obispo Co. Fair ; Ottawa aSa s Sep ; ee a ee i i i i i il i ld \ ’ 5 F k Burt N. Strawn ; F : Oot ; ran urt. Palatine—Cook Co. Fair Assn. Aug. 27-Sept. 1. Senta Ana—Orange Co. Fair. Sept. 23-27. A. § AI—AERIAL UTTS—WMabelle ( a ennedy, gen. mgr. . ° M. Stanley . . P ate Neila . Ws am Sept ; Stockton—San Joaquin Co. Fair Assn. Aug. 21{ Two Big Sensational Aerial Free Acts. Lady and Gentleman. = Pere a = ee ey ee cadets " r Douglas Fair A Sent. 11.18 Sensational Aerial Trapeze, act No. 1. Comedy Electrical Revolving — 1ica—W .~ ago Co. Fair Assn. Aug. a + ae a om hi Ladder, act No. 2. Guaranteed acts and appearance. Cash bond if 39-2h, | oo pone xpo. Sep 26-0ct. 4 ‘ r—-Tulare Co. Fair. Sept. 9-18. Chas. 4 required. Now booking season 1924. Address :. Fossett. oe Cs roe . ah L. Kennedy ; : potone— 8 ; 7-19 d . al % Peotone Will Co. Fair Assn. Sept. 17-19. Ben ; Upper Lake Lake Co, Fatr Assn, Sept. 25-28. 3 AERIAL UTTS, Convention Hall, Kansas City, Mo ge oes . r Hellbaum D2 4 Petersburg—Menard Co. Fair Assn. Aug. 26-29. Ventore-Ventura Co, Fair Asan. Oct. 15. W. @ John Bennett. , t G. Wilde “A ~ Pinckneyville—Perry Co. Agri. Soe. Sept. 3-6. t« COLORADO Saieaeerereeeaaimaa _ moerpek ee on earn nate Harry Wilson. : _ . Washington Co. Fair Asan. Sept. 3-6. —— RRR | UPTIN “TEE ireau Co. Agri. Board. Aug. 2: t VY Vanee 29, . 4 iweett. rie h cares co trios et T SUNEAU COUNTY FAER fi opi 2sie Gi so. son as © week in Oct. HH. G. Hoskin, C. Mast. ‘ El Paso Co. Fatr Assn. Sept. 29-Oct. DAY AND NIGHT, AUGUST 19-22, MAUSTON, WIS. Robinson—Crawford Co Grange Agri. Soc. Aug c ie test a — 7 Oct. 2-4 Wants Shows, Rides and Concessions. 11-15. O. L. Wakefield. BA. Reeve nts oe. whe W. F. WINSOR, Secretary, Mauston, Wis. So Pn ane Assn. Aug. 2 j . 7 oJ. . & nder Denver—Nat'l Western Stock Show Jan. 1lies ‘ S cle Vato Ane ex ‘ , ‘. Robt. R. Royce, Union Stock Yards. ~ Sandwich—Sandw ik air Assn. Sept. 3-5. C. L. moupasture—Pueblo Co, Fair Assen Sept. 18ILLEGAL BE AR ee ~~ dea : Stinson, Gal . i = Herbert P. Bornschein, Reulah, Col. nimi mtSine aici aint — tow C atte = 0. Agri. Assn. Juls Ww. tres Oe Ca dem, et, OTE. G. % Shelbyville—Shelby Co. Fair Assm. Sept. ° ; Hotchkica—De 2%. B. W. Kerr ; A N.M ‘Delta a ee oe See Sparta—Randolph (Co. Fair Assn. Sept Longmont—Ro on A. A. Brown res tg Ch ne & ee ae, Oe OS To play Liberty (Texas) 13th Annual County Fair, October 23d, 24th, 25th. Springfleld—Illinois State Fair Assn. Sept. } — ! = arimer Co. Fair Asan. Ang. 26-29. Lots of money. Lots of people. m.. fae ese siete Fair Asst ; arnock, yior ihe— rist an o. ASSL Ss . Mon rowe—Western Slope Fair Assn, Sept. 153 Write M. T. KARKOWSKI, Treasurer. 1-5. Clair E. Hay. } a ‘hn J. Tobin, ott ttt ott tnt tttt ttt tt S SPINS > Vienna—Johnson Co. Fair Assn. Aug. 19-2 ‘ Colorade State Fatr. Sept. 22-27. ona George Gray. Rox y Pord—Arkansas Valley Fair Assn. Sept. eee Werssmetwe TWIN FALLS COUNTY FAIR) S200 "0. a Mra oe hae ett Am Ave Concessions for the Watseka—Troquois Co. Fair Assn. Sept. 16 < a i &—Logan Co. Fair Assn. Sept. 9-12. J : Ring. At FILER, IDAHO, September 9, 10, 11, te as ce. ee, A win ne Co. Fair Assn. Sept, —. W. W. The Great Twin Falls country is prosperous. Fairs and pak towns offer & Woodstock—Melenry | Fair. Sept. 9-12. Obas. Broek CONNECTICUT good field for shows. This is the biggest fair between Salt Lake and Spokane. | ~ é.. men) ‘ ¢ Stark Oe 25 Bnd Acti. Sec. Sept. 23Write for information. J. M. MARKEL, Secretary, Filer, Idaho. Aug. 19-22. E. Arganbright. > aa