The Billboard 1924-06-14: Vol 36 Iss 24 (1924-06-14)

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170 The Billboard JUNE 14, 1924 oe CAN Y PRICES REDUCED! DUE TO THE INCREASED PRODUCTION IN OUR NEW FACTORY, WE ARE ABLE TO MANUFACTURE MORE ECONOMICALLY, AND ARE PASSING CUSTOMERS. THE SAME HIGH QUALITY OF CHOCOLATES WILL BE MAINTAINED THAT MADE Ireland’s Chocolates FAMOUS FROM COAST TO COAST BONNEY GIRLS... ey S| ee cesehiasithas Lido ateeee ea WHIPPED CREAMS. tea eaacd FLOWER GIRLS .. oa ; ‘iiigcanns Me The well known Witeeed Chneas series, peickad in large flat Flashy Boxes. Service always prompt. One-fourth cash must accompany all orders. PRICES EFFECTIVE JUNE 12 AS FOLLOWS: No. 1. ARABY | No. 2. ARABY _ No. 3. ARABY _ No. 4. ARABY The new Araby line of double-layer pam of assorted Milk Chocolates. Each box wrapped in in single case lots of 250. These are pre-war prices on Chocolates, and remember that the Quality is the Best. Eastern Representatives: SINGER BROTHERS, 636-38 Broadway, NEW YORK, N. Y. 501-3-5 North Main Street, NEW FACTORY CURTIS IRELAND CANDY CORPORATION, St. Louis, Mo. ( { ; | GIVE-A-WAYS ALSO REDUCED. Rocky Mountain Bars now $13.00 per thousand, or $3.50 when bought ) THIS SAVING ALONG TO OUR MANY Order from any one of our three great shipping centers. Northern Representatives: H. SILBERMAN & SONS, MILWAUKEE, WIS. } sncshaiaeil _ 61 Cellophane paper. 328 Third Street, Yd ff fod fd fe) ed eh fe fe fe fel fel fd fed ed eh fed fff fo fo fed pd ped fe fe fed fed pe fo fo fo fos fo pee Schenectady, N. Y. WEEK JUNE 16, 1924 Best location in city. Some of best spots to follow. First in this season. WANTED—Shows for balance of season: Ten-in-One, Hawaiian Show, Wrestling Show. Any good Show that can get the money in 1 spots. Our Fairs begin August 18th. Also Concessions wanted, Grind Stores; no Wheels. Wire. PHILIP ISSER, General Manager, Capitc! Outdoor Show, Inc., Hotel Mohawk, Schenectady, N. Y. ooo scat taller alfellaltalinl ~Ufnlfrdlnlalluldlnlintinl feed IFS FF fee fe ees eed FF Fae Ge fe fae ee Fd Fed FF FF fe fo fa fa oo ooOOOOoleleleeleeleee—e—OOOOOO The bes st-looki ng stu ff in the country. In stock for immed yc y. We Guarantee Pro mpt Shipmer PRICES: $21.00, $22.50, $27.50, $30, $36, $48, $54, $60, $72, $102, $126 Per Gross. Wire your o: ‘ders or send $5.00 for complete sample line Must huve 25% deposit with each order, balance C. O. D. FRANKFORD MFG. COMPANY, 906 ilbert St., Philadelphia, Pa. Philadelphia’s Largest Umbrella and Stick Makers. ——————— SWAGGER STICKS at Reduced Prices a ( STOP! LOOK! LISTEN! | CIRCUS, SIDE SHOW & CONCESSION TENTS Endicott-Hammond Co. 155 Chambers St., NEW YORK CITY Telephone, Whitehall 7298. Tent department under the supervision of the well-known tent constructor, MAX KUNKELY. All Sizes Tents To Rent. Send for Prices. When Writing to Advertisers Mention The Billboard. DURAND APPEALS FOR AID W. H. th irand, for many years a with va ious carnivals and circuses, a doctor's care in Cincinnatl, O., with an oo cerated stomach and says be igs unable to provide a living for himself, wife and five-yearold daughter. A Billboar d representative found Mr. Durand in an apparently weak condition last Saturday at his room in the Rand Hotel and at that time he confirmed a letter to The Yi Iboard that he is without funds to pay for further medical treatment and a hotel bdill which will amount to twenty-two dollars June 17. Mr. Durand stated that he has worked very little si Chri-tmas on aceount of his poor health ar ad would be grateful to those who offer fi e‘al ass'stance in his time of need. Mr. Durand is the eldest son of the late W. W. Durand, a new wspaperman, we'l known to many showfolks, One of bis brothers is de ~ and the other is believed to be in New Yi Letters uld be addressed to Mr Dur and in ¢ are of. ‘the Rand Hotel, Cincinnati, FREDERIC THOMPSON’S MEMORY IS HONORED New York, June 7.—In accordance with the regular custom, the officials and attaches of I = See 6 howed the ir respec ¢ and affectionate embrance of Frederic Thompson, creator of Luna Park and the New York H ppodrome, June 6. “this date be ing the anniversary of his death At twillg! it, during the period hetween the afternoon ar 1d’ ni ght visitors, the — as the Le una Am sement Company, on ollier, dent, and all employee “s oad . ound the main fl sgstaff and while the “bell on the adm nistrat! n bul ding tolled, a moment's si led afte ra . w well-chosen remarks in tribute had been delivered bs Commander Wells —— Arthur Pryor’s ban m played “Should 4 Acqualt itance Be Forgot’ Among the men now conne ted with Luna are some who were employed when ft was opened by Thompson and Dundy, twenty-two seasons ago, @ |’ WATERPROOF APRON * i ry} 25cC Each In Dozen Lots. $3.00 Per Doz. $31.50 Per Gross Sample, 35¢, Prepaid. Made in attractive flashy patterns of Percale and Cretoune. Easy to sell. Iig Trofit to you. Send us your order today, Iramec Mat e shipment. All goods guaran 20% with order, bala: co C. O. D. L tk M. SALES CO.. 2'2_ Wyandotte se., *? KANSAS CITY, MO. Umbrellas and Canes The kind that will attract business your way WY COLORED SILK UMBRELLAS With Latest Style Novelty Handles, $30.00 Da With Satin Borders, $36, $42, $48, $54 and $60 per Doz. American Taffeta Umbrellas.......... $9.00 Doz. With Tips and Stub Eyds ........+++0. $13.20 Dozen Better Grade, with Tips and Stub Ends.. 18.00 Dozen High Grade Silk Mercerized Umbrellas, $21.00 Dov. With Amber Tips and Stub Ends....... $24.00 Dozen LADIES’ WALKING STICKS Att ractivel y fir uichod oe ign “a spe $20.00 Gross clally to ay Also at $24, $35, $48, $60 and up to $150 per Gross, 25% deposit with orders, balance C, @. D. Immediate shipments. ECONOMY UMBRELLA MFG. CO. 96 Essex Street Boston, oo TheSimplex Typewriter » se > A West Virsi pag ao customer #role ~ “| would & ot \.7 4 part with the . Simplex for fire times what ~s 1 agate tor %.° A Connge customer writes little girl is well shone ‘with he Simplex.”’ Agents wanted, Only $2.93, sent C. O. D. Hurry your order, We thank you, Ward Pub. Co., Tilton, N. M Wanted—LADY BALL GAME AGENT on wire, Work fifty-fifty. Wire JERRY MARSIL Burns’ Greater Show, New Lexington, 0, 0. KITTINGER, WANTED TO BUY PORTABLE SHOOTING GALLERY. State a] dimensions and all particulars in first letter. JOH) . 2923 Cass Avenue, Louls, Mo J -—-_ —— alli rt eeereeeeeoeeeeeoeeeereeoreoe oe To Seer eeceseoseooe ques com |