The Billboard 1924-06-14: Vol 36 Iss 24 (1924-06-14)

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174 The Billboard JUNE 14, 1924 JOHNSON SALE SET BACK Uniontown, Pa., June 6.—Several lers from New York and Chicago came to Uniontown last Monday to purchase the tent of Johns us, Which went broke at the Fayette county seat several days ago, but when t learned there Was sor stion of ow declined to bid and ale was contin r fifteen days. Mrs. » Metz d contro] of the circus fter John ] enter a voluntary bankruptcy in ant t is understood Ch: ipprox ting SS.u0") have been entered tl circus When the circus ke up in Un-ontown we employees, numbering avout fifty. went ) an agreement with Mrs Metz to mt Alderman R. B. Collji ns as trustee so that could sell the property and pay them 1 r wages and the bi lls of other claimants After considerable difficulty the majority of the cir cus men got out of the city but a few are still stranded here, some of them being in pitiable circumstances. The Five Lloyds, \ ’ were with the circus, have joined the Walter L. Main Circus and are doing six different specialties with the outfit. Mr. Lioyd states that the Johnson aggregation owes him $1,100 Mr. Milvanis, of Wierton, W. Va... who ow d the ‘‘white’’ elephant with the Johnson Circus shipped the be ast Monday to Columbus, 0 following the suicide last Friday of another elephant which he had working at the sew stadium at Columbus, which dove into the Ohio River and soon sank, its trunk being paralyzed. HERK A LOGICAL HUMANITARIAN (Continued from page 30) of thirty-five weeks $30,625, to be distributed among the producers according to their standing. At the present time the plans eall for a graduating distribution to the best ten shows, but this plan is subject to modification ere the opening of the coming season, Mutual Burlesque Association Now Controls Thirty-Five Houses After the annual election of officers for the Mutnal Burlesque Association for the coming year President Herk submitted to the directors and executive board the list of houses and terms by which they could be had. The terms were ratified immediately, and the announcement made that the Mutwal Burlesque Association would book Mutual Circuit shows next season, Viz.: Cities Theaters New York CitYeeeeeeeeees [paw nnnauneee Olympie RR, Us Mekcbeseee’ 60nex'spncncendiss Star Newark, N. J.....+ a ee Rr rer Perth Amboy, N. Jd. ccccccccsesss svcece See DEARCE, N. Jiccccccccessccvescces MN. . TA, Bacccoscess cetzcesnscosece PiiaGelghian, PR. wcccssescccvcsecvccces Gayety Baltimore, MG. ...cccccessseecccess . Gayety Washington, od GRetotcos i .-Mutual Penn Circuit. pclateathak sah hh hae No. 2 Pittsburg, Pa. nebh neem neh back cossvcosk FOOUm EEN EE Ee Serer errr Columbus, O. cecccccccrcecssrsccssccees Lyceum Cincinnati, O. cocccccs-coscereresess .Empress ROGIER, TK so ncncnnseccecss scares .. .Gayety Indiarlapolis, Ind...........-+--.-+: . Broadway HE... HAGiM, Me. cccrccccsscces en Kansas City, Mo.... pres Des Moines, Ia Minneapolis, Minn. St. Paul, Minn. MMwaukee, Wis. @hicago, Ill. ...-. ° Detroit, Mich......... London, Can. ......-. Hamilton, Can ..... : tenes ak ERED, DRM. cps cc ces ccswccscccses -Strand Buffalo, N. Y....-.-. ee waa rden Rochester, N. Y. 5 ; . Corinthian ee Tl. Ressecobcsssanst0enceenn se Kinghamton, N. Y....-..-+02-s+eeeeeee Sehenectady, N, Y. ..... esaseceeeeens | CR TE cca s cess en vecnedon enn .. Majestic Wilkesbarre, Pa. .......-.-seecccerseces Nes it Penn Circuit errr ee See | ae Philadelphia, Fa......i> ieee Troca lero Hoboken, N. J...... coke oan beh eeeeee Empire ee, OS Pe Prospect Brooklyn, N. Y.......--errr r erry Boston, Mass. se tna OM kee ..+--Howard i MOREE, cons ce. rnscee esas ..New Columbia At the time of issuing the list of houses, old and new, President Herk said that he had options on several other houses in different SNAPP BROS.’ SHOWS WANT FOR O’Brien Bros. Minstrels Two Comedians and one good Team. WANT Cornet Player, also Trap Drummer with Traps. Keith or White Rat answer. Ali 1 old pect wire. Tickets? yes. Pullman qoctmmedation “ Address communications, DICK O’BRIEN.* Account disappointment, can place good Athletic Show Mam. Have swell outfit and wagon front. Biii Lucks, wire. Week of June 9, Derver, Colo.; Laramie, Wyo., follows. AGENTS STREETMEN CANVASSERS Our Boys are a!! making ey selling PURE SILK HOSE fcr Men, “FIVE PAIR FOR A DOLLAR’. This isa <« a than you can buy Cotton hose for in the . It’s the fastest dollar getter in the « 5 I sample dozen and quamtity prices. THE DAISY COMPAN 675 N. lith Street. Philadelphia, Pa, NE Gy i Fg Bs from neck Good, fat. sound and tame. WITHROW, Johnson ansas Address MRS. A. W. —— —_ Unquesti \ ess Bi t is ed i 7 $ third ‘of ‘the dozen ‘te the cast $45.00 per Case (6 Dozen) Sample Assortment of one om $10.00 The very sam $30.00 per Case et Dozen) SMASHING PRICES ON | WONDERFUL ITEMS DOLLS i Dolls on the mari styles, with hats to match. able eyes and es. Fach Doll a lividu wx Sizes ra ge from 13 to 2 You y &£ vr 4s our cone is t 1t eft mber y po vsitively onelesale price Quce you see a sample, we aro Packed in assortments of six in. high, assorted, RUBBER BALLS— 2 inch diameter $3.60 per Gross 2% inch diameter 4.80 per Gross INFLATED Latest out. Something entirely new in a Roller Auto. A real regular chil d developer. Operated by throwing balance of weight forward and backward. Decorated horse hea 1, body painted red, wheels green. — set up 28x18 inches. Packed, knocked down, in individual cartons. No breakage. $15.00 PER DOZEN. SINGLE SAMPLES $1.75 lance c. ‘O. When in town, be sure and pay us a visit, as we ~EASTERN-AMERICAN MDSE. CO. 2802 Olive Street, RO-O-PONY Imma shipments, 25% deposit with order, dD. w we have items and prices that will open your ST. LOUIS. MO. WANTED WANTED WANTED For Moonlight Shows CAN PLACE any Show of merit except Athletic a strel Show d’eople for the largest and best dressed C good, clean Concessions. CAN USE experience? Fer Piedmont. Want to hear from all of my old people interested people. Our Fairs start early. CAN PLACE ¢ od Athi i Mit strel. ALSO PLACE Colored Musicians and Minwed Show on any Carnival CAN ALWAYS PLACE n Extwine, Whistling Pete, k June 9. Route furnished to ‘opie, to join at once D. W. STANSELL, Manager. Tu tir Of Course You Want An Airplane at Your Celebration We do Wing Walking, Parachute Jumps, Day and Night Fireworks From An Airplane. Have new ships, TMeensed government pilots, and guarantee our show Prices rea to the limit, you to be the judge, Send for catalogue. ‘DOC ARROWSMITH, Business Manager, Garver’s Flying Circus, Belleville, Kansas. R. B. KECK, Secretary, ° ° WANTED SHOWS AND CONCESSIONS For CLARION FAIR, AUGUST 26, 27, 28, 29, 1924. CLARION, PENNA, cities that had not been closed as yet but in all probability would be closed within the next week or two. Franchises Granted for the Operation of Shows That the Mutual Burlesque Association bas experienced no difficulty in securing producers to operate shows over the Mutual Circuit next season, or principals of Known ability to appear in those shows, is made manifest in the list that follows: Franchise Holders Principals Julius Michels and Harry Bentley............ ieeeas Harry Bentley gan no Anna Torb -George P. Murphy on eesebesennseesee Cast unknown I Is and Dixie Mason i 1 Myers..Cast unknown Tom Sullivan..................--Cast unknown Ed. | tush ; 7 eee Ed. J. I Bill Ss. W, Man ’ ‘> ge Morris bard Lew hk Joe Le Joseph Howard..... ; Frank Damsel.. oot tO s Farr and AL “HM ar R. G. 7 Roe vat alte Gus Fay 1 ¢ w Gus Fa tay Reid 1. Re-ves Max F elds Sam Ho Jonneson N on Harcourt Mike Sache Sidman unknown ee un nown The foregoing are the names of franchiseholding producing managers on the official list of ‘he American Burlesque Association at noon today, supplemented by their own list of principale to be featured in their shows op the Mutual Circuit for next season, T'resident Ilerk has a number of additional applicants for franchises and they are now being considered, as there is room for more shows on the circuit. PAT WHITE AND HIS IRISH COLLEENS New York, Jone 4.—Pat White, past season comic in Fred Clark's “Let's Go", “Columbia Burlesque’? Show, and more recently at Scrapton, Pa., with Matt Kolb’s stock company at the Majestic Theater, has been signed up by George Young as a featured comic in a Mutual Circuit show, titled “Pat White and liis Irish Colleens’’, for next season. Richy Craig, Jr., will be the juvenile. Dave Kraus, manager of the Olymple Theater, this city, will feature Pat for several weeks during the Olympic’s summer season of stock, BILLY “BEEF TRUST” WATSON New York, June 6.—Rilly “Beef Trust’’ Watson communicates from Paterson, N. J., that be has no intention of appearing in burlesque next season altho having had several Jucrative offers f:om his former partner, George W. Rife, and other producing managers of “Columbia Burlesque’, and that he will confine all is activities to Paterson, N. J.. a8 general manager of his two theaters— the Lyceum, playing road shows, under the management of Dan Guggenheim, and the Orpheum, play'ng ‘‘Columbla Burlesque’, under the management of his brothes Lew Watson. In addition to looking after his two theaters Mr. Wateon hag other real estate holdings in Paterson that require his personal attention, and as his children are now growing up into promis ng juveniles he feels that he should give them more of hia time at home Mr. Wateon says that the past season has been one of the most pleasant and profitable he bas ever had In burlesque, and that ‘'Kraus (Continued on page 182) CARNIVALS, PARKS & 4th | OF JULY CELEBRATIONS 11INCH BABY LET MEHELP YOU IAMASURE WINNER In order to have a prosperous season, be sure to get the good Dolls first. SOME OF OUR PRICES i. In. Baby, as illustrated, with Hair and an Tinsel Hoop Dress, $26.00 per 100, With Piume Dress, $33.00 per 100. Also pial Friseo Doll, with 368-in Tir se] Hoop Drese $32.00 per 100. With Plume Dress, $41.00 per 100. Plain, $14.00 per 100. Sheba Doll, with Plume, $35.00 per 100 Also 20-In. ith 48-in. Tinsel Hoop Dresses, Our Dolls are clean and stror come well packed. Promptly shipped. (nethird cash deposit required on all C. O. D. irders. MIDLAND DOLL CO. 1015 Orleans Street, CHICAGO, ILL. JULY WINNERS No. t—Genulne Mexican Wire Monkeys, Per Gh ever. POF 060. 20.0... cccsecocese -$15.00 No. 70—Extra Large Heavy Transparent Battects. Per Brees. ccc. cceccccccece eevee 3,00 Best Balleon Sticks. Per Gross........ 30 ge | ad Ree pees eqsetes colors. Per logue. mt Ba Los "ANGELES. NOVELTY & TOY CO. 542 Se. Les Angeles St., LOS ANGELES CALIF. WANTED Merry-Go-Round, Ferris Wheel, Concessions or Cat nival Company. 25th ANNUAL HOME CARNIVAL BARNES, KAN., AUGUST 14, 15, 16 E. R. MARLAR, Secretary. CASS CITY DAY AND NIGHT FAIR AUGUST 12, 13. Independent Shows and Sacituians Wanted D. W. BENKELMAN, Secretary, Case City, Mich RUSSELL BROS.’ CIRCUS AND BAZAAR Experienced Man to handle big soft drink proposition on percentage basis Novelty Concessions for sai¢ 7 good, expertea ed Electrictan Union, Also A-1 Promoter, HKeOM 200, 35 So, Dearborn &¢., Chicago, Iilinols, Jack Turner's Fire Dive At Liberty Same as given at the two Chicago Pagear itive ers wd getter Positively cannot go wr =. with this thriller Amusement Par! s or Boat Shows Address DONALD SMITH, 58126 Blackstone Ave. Chicam, Hilnota, WANTED GOOD CARNIVAL For Fair week September 1-5, four-day and night fair. No gale admission charged for night fait. Will give good terms, O. J. ROLAND, Secretary WHAT CHEER, IA., FAIR AND EXPOSITION. ROPER-AT LIBERTY From June 15. Cireug and Camival experience. Would iike te hear from a good, rellable outfit, PHIL SPERLING, P. 0, Box No. 564, Poughkeepsie, N. ¥ | & "J 2 =>) FSI IIIS SIC) ' ] g