The Billboard 1924-06-14: Vol 36 Iss 24 (1924-06-14)

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i ee 27 ww eanmaneeana” a ~ranaee ss 5 S or JUNE 14, 1924 The Billboard 183 —_ BLANKETS BLANKETS SAMPLES CHEERFULLY — TO YOU FREE FREE proof of BEST and BIGGEST values. 66x54, stiindard size Ss, you get mo Weight, flush, value, profit at lowest mples. Packed, ready to ship to you. Ask for them today. Save 50c¢ on ever Glanket vou use So FLASHY INDIANS, $2.25 EACH. SPECIAL REGI LA Don't delay writing for SAMI’LES. Wire or write at once, 7 ‘ vn LEADERS el — — CORN GAME OPERATORS Seventeen States NOW USING our Corn Game flish. A sensation, Real flush. Real prices. Cheapest in price. Saves $15.00 a week on express. Try them NOW. Line up today. Wire or write at once. $6.00 and $9.00 per dozen. even $2.00 dozen Express. Serving the ones who make money. Samples ready. Wellington-Stone Floor, Junior and Bridge Lamps, $6.85, $9.50, $10.50 (QUANTITY USERS—WIRE US TODAY.) Cc, C. McCARTHY & CoO. (Nothing but Bargains, Bargains in Everything.) WILLIAMSPORT, PA: applause. — Be =a oo oa pmo a Herrings who were not present, but many also put over a double acre ance 2 Visitors were in attendance at the banquet adu ‘ inner, a ; served in the hotel dining rooms. The Herring I brother-in-law bit was gon oe 1° , 9 Club ended its official 1923-24 business with wetter al led ou t a number by *rim: , ug oo Fa Fi Bi ce Si Rigg NOTICE OF RECEIVER’S SALE the cuca ah ae “Seep ok Sea ( aii alti . . : Newark, but Juanita Mitchell, is secretary in | on staging a shimmy contest of the Notice is hereby gi en of the aut ty and directicr tained in the order of the » os me ; , = — — ay aan ine ne ave Pulaski Chancery Cou pen i 1 , ‘on ia plantife Of the club, will keep members posted thruout eborister that promised much but gave woh . > Tras b el ! t. Margaret Golden is pl ' ! ; I ay tiviti l , 2 ; en Bros ra . is e de ' 0 r a3 é i 1 the irnth the summe honths as to activities or plans : more than a shimm mwinu sug: P » 19 —* aaa Rhee e : . > ah : b “ t y s us « Ju ly2 I r sale a properties f the Golden Bros.’ Trai _ for the coming season 1924-'25, ges Jt'S8, As : v3 uy ¢ er, ad ime elig on file e « ance “th '. the Oriental dancer, who is a ‘ of Pula AL Cou the office of the KR ver, 2 Fu Building, Little Rock, Are . : a , kansas. Said sale to be ffers “ writing, sealed and a ssed, or delivered, to Hl. S. 4 pert ut attraction at the Olympic, has Nixon, Chancery Clerk, 1 ‘ ssid bids ma o tor the ome o of all eo any part « mastered the art of Oriental dancing graceparts of the persona “the Re eiver’s inve ry, except notes, due bills, mort tages, 1 artistically aud sufficiently realistic > ova ids — be received until 10 © *k a.m. Wednesday, Jume 18, basen? al , a 1924, upon the follow , t: Unor acceptance of any bid one-fourth (14) of the bid price NELSE to use all 1 offend none, The silverjn cash, and the ba vety (90) days, the purchaser to ¢ mid for leferred payment to be By spangled gown ¢ “Fifi is a revelation of a; ed by the Chancer <« of Pulaski County, Arkansas. Said ferred payment to bear interest at — t! liste's art that makes her voluptuous e tate of 8% per annum until pald. The properties may be sold either in bulk or i to the highse Mast et f t tical f f " , > est and best iders i all offers received are subject to the acceptance or rejection the Chancery Dav Marion has signed up Bobby Taylor, Jr., form aD oj il feast of delig Court of Pulas ki Coun i Arkansas. a issy juvenile who has been doing a single Taking the show ip its eatirety it was a real The property is In custody of the Receiver in the City of North Little Rock, Arkansas, wl i snging, dancing and talking act in vaudeold-fashioned burlesque show with double encublect to ins lon of all ir terested parties. Following is a lensed list of the prop ville, over the U. B. O. Time. teadre abundant, but sufficiently camouflaged 2 le Performing Elephants, 3 Performing Camels, 13 Perfor g Shetland P 3. 2 Bu to mak t permissible os aah and ° 41 Head Baggage Stock (Grays and Blacks), i rses, 3 S e Horses, 1 Tr aha age Maas 8 on eee objectionable, Lion Horse, 7 Male Lions (a big fe I A ? Trained Bears, 2 Tr Ed E. Deley has signed up May Dix as { lines were pot qualified by any action 2 Tra nas ined Dogs, Mor igeons; 14 Ra ad Cars—7 Fiat 4 Sleepers, soubret for Jess Bu * “Columbia Burle a that could be termed suggestive. 3 8 : Wagons, Seats, Li s, Trappings, Cook House Equips ment, Sledges, ae sect Ses Suey r lant, Ter i ” ~ x ane in On ate = Mattresses, etc., etc., etc.; 1 Advance g Ft Car. show “Fast Steppers’. Fred Sears will manmpany is well casted and every one age the company next season, ‘ ae i a spirit of co-operation. This was HERBERT DUVAL, Receiver ae gta sande aa ae ss ker ae GOLDEN BROS.’ TRAINED ANIMAL SHOW, INC. Harry Rose, manager of the George Jaffe ue | } unison, “‘Bashful Babies’, on the Mutual Circuit for ref murh credit on Billy Koud, the proWITH LARGE next season, has cast several well-known ducer of dances and ensembles, who was the burlesquers in Ethel Bartlett, soubret; Sue r at . a 7 i floral borseshoe PLUME DRESS C Milford, ingenue-soubret; Larry Francis, \raus amiuy. E . straight, and Jean Fox, prima. ] Kraus Bros. and their producers CALIFCRNIA LAMP DOLL and Large Plume..............--.. eedeseesenccsess — ber wong will continue to present SRESPORMEA LAGE BOAR, Giada GRO BrOte .ncccccccccesccccssscsescccccces = Frank Manning, veteran burlesque comedian, cea rena ple ng Se CALIFORNIA CURLY HAIR DOLL and Plume .............0ce0e0e. sxossedad 4Se is house manager of the Duffield Theater. a witinae — — 20-inch CALIFORNIA HAIR DOLL and Dress ..........-+. nbs Werccendauss 75e hich class motion picture house in Brooklyn, (S-Inch KEWPIE, with Hair and Tinsel Dress..............000 eendesteceece 3iec N. Y¥. Frank has been in the business more PICKED UP IN PHILLY 15-inch PLAIN KEWPIE, with 3-Piece Dress and Cap ..........--.eeeeee+ee-.$7@ tian thirty years and has tackled everything, " 7 pga One-third cash. Send for Catalogue. medicine shows, circuses, musical and farce Peedi —_ under management of G LL. comedy, and, of course, poe og a Howard a: irst, the only burle-que bouse Frank in vaudeville. The Manning and Wooley og during the summer mont . bad @ EMPIRE DOLL co., 20 E. Lake St., CHICA 0, I act was standard for years. , seed speedy show last week with good busioa ae wee The cast included Billy Kelly, ily Barry, late of —e & Seamon’s ‘arry Tiarrigan, Ed Jackson, Florence Drake. eater in Dayton, O., has been Bags inhby Wa » Helen Jackson and a dandy manager of Miner's Bronx Theat er, New York ‘ kers and steppers that showed the City, for next season. Barney Ke sy, manager good ¢ e direction of Babe Wheeler T last season, has been engaged by Dave Kraus, i ga fine suppert to the show and of the Mut ! Burlesque Association, to manage the Prospect Theater, in the Bronx, next goed peppy selections between the acts under a ie ection of Le Bint UNITED CONCESSION GOODS CO rg ry ES pg i ‘ ty Theater has : i " sad ho of friends ile agi . oF oll ny am ster _bas a large sign out COVINGTON, KY. made a st of friends w managing Miner 3 e a ng that $%).000 will be expended Bronx last season, he became the logical s8eme mites s to t euse for the reopening lection for the Mutua] to make for next seahere with Mutual Circuit shows, early ip son, August ihe Tr ideto likewise has @ ster — ee ng alterations to the house and open ee When Chuck Callah: ‘ Og ea nh August with Mutual Circuit shows , han and Rliss, the yt er ar — » enle af ™ er : 100 and railroad) to join on wire — CAN PLACE f n, Electrician, * aa: . ¢ . : a weg ey aur et th eal of the —— cco : ae ae ced Wi rking Men on ca M r to tak t must see Was seen in the St. Regis Res aurant tipping rence 1 na le Ox1T> and as “pe i “ ; > te and Lady to 8 I s on 5 te his friends off in whispers to the effect that ged at 170.000, sold by R. E. Deady to Aintetie Ouitit excert 1 ‘SEW BARTHEL, ae0 oe CSN FLACK ged Com es Juice Joint and it was a girl, we sensed a new act by that * Ader subject to a mortage of £1275 .000 orn Game, also se veral “Wheeis and Grind Stores. Pr on : . . r r . ft *“¢) _ twas “Pritte “A amaeag WM. Ww. MAU. Manag re Terre Haute “ind. title, and on ‘ny x K r ‘a ad & peasant chat wth Colonel! Robert address a . true, he blushed becomingly and modestly adf. 1 yr, WwW wks the pleture of good health ih . ' tire new t stag I {xf health mitted that it was an « e new ged and js j ng S Werk-end trips to Atlantic {—¢ to be found, where he is the guest of be Room of e Tio el Touraine s veral n w mem oa Siva ch at St. V nt’s Hoxpita Doris Cty management bers were admitted, among them Jake Strouse, Lucille is the name chosen for the danghter \ 1 John F. W ulsh, former manager of This spring the ever is ctroncer tha ever, Who us 1 ed the trail for the “‘Talk of the a SS Tiscevation Thad, Mother and } | ‘ ‘ , ; . * _— ‘ . . . . . 9 . x ») tor e+} = = ’ 2 Sasety, is often seen strolling about Elchth eng Mr. Scribner, accompanied by Tom Henry, Tuwn'? Company. He was christened “Kk F are doing well, 1 will n leave for their be \\ inderstand the Colonel hae some manager of the Gayety Theater, Boston, will Hert ne’. A distinguisied member admitted home in Toledo. Sg up his sleeve for the coming fall seastart on @ motor tour June 6 that will take id initiated at this meeting and well known oD, Wit rule t } nrer ’ 7 , " . +1 te } } ft : t the gr , Louls Martin, Ss treasurer, 1 ©) them to Sanford, Me.. where they will follow in theatricals and newspaper offices was C. R. Sel Fields has made a few minor changes ° bd floor ; : . Dietr thor of ** th’. ar ine article “oO <= = —— aan Wank le same route taken by the Scribner & Smith Dietrich, author of **Y > & magazine arti ‘ ieee aes | ter Stock Company that “eorge Karlavagn, proprietor of the Kar= ee ; of thirty years ag They will of unusual merit He was accompanied by °? a ; 7 os sib ee q 7 ow ears 0. e] i asus . : aiiiliiadidea P > ‘ 3 4 om Hote Wil make a trip to Los Angeles inte cesele yt 7 3 E YD pie thence into Anita Balzer, who was also declared a met ber. des the r of Jean . middle of this month In his new and ™O'er Up as far 8 nS ore pe MN tape : eit Jistinction as : prima donna, by Jean Leonard, an ingenue bovel motor ‘Pullman’ Accompanied by hia A?eestook county into New Hamesphire, making Miss Balzer also claims ¢ Pt ad ¥ nger of blues, who has been a special fea f + thelr three children Y ~ 1! mak two or more towns daily in order to cover #'thor. Al. Bernard, a cousin of Sam Bernar P al ; ts In and around New Yo . are he I e . ‘6 PEM , he legitimate tae m2 als f sever: cabarets in and ar “ the Toere and back Im thie machine 1a. the entire route in one week that took the late star of ar is “a 3 bee D juvenile straight exited t bes on oo ' ntl . initiated at th gathering and received the © e any, onbeeptiny — vr ert Weeks, builder of the outfit. Wagen show months to cover, a yeep : " ante.) tame is fraternal Saturday, May 31; Billy Wallace, whom Sol The r pullman is one of the best the writ In a letter te Roland Butler Tom says: henors of the King Herring from his fraternal * : . . ante ent: Che aie ae a o 7” ma rother nad .sieter< ngaged as a comic ar arsed for bi is ever seen, being equi pre d with bath, “Wont we have fun We'll say they will. brothers and , \ 1 June 2, was forced to cance! ‘ P nening nday, June « § . 4 . and 1 running water, toilet, berths. own Howard Thurston and Mrs. Thurston, —— eg ce li : to Sol, by a contract elect t : » " st rement, accor £ 0 ’ con e . dynamo, radio, kite! dining THE HERRING CLUB in Boston at the t me, and both members of the his engag + a , ; Bg OM, onas awhies ‘ ' » + tur esd niet : OG ¢ ything. The outfit rans attracted Sry club, Were present on s ovcasion, also Billy With the Mutual B — ; ~ mI ittention that the daily papers have Had Its Origin in Burlesque Exton, advertising representative of the Sellgsobjected to his playing at the Irving Place. sent ters and cameramen for ai detailed l ret nether mer stor ) . New York, June 5.—The Herring Club, which Fle'o Cireus, another member, rt Weeks is to be commended on this . : ren le achlevement All the outfit { has guined wide repute as aie fast-growing Many changes were recorded in the naming MUSICIANS WANTED lacking for a complete botel on wheels -{ a organization, orig nated by Horace Goldin of of the Herrings, and ; omplete list of the Ts ad Cla nets, rnet, Tromt bone 190 Sees, Drum; ; . , in) 64 Onan ‘© hi ° a } a ere eS a, wire. € Enily Pool table. ULLRICH. the Step on It Company, a Columbia execu ives as well a members is as © S eaaseel Pa: Pottsville, Pa, next week. Burlesque attraction, is about to wind up its follows: SAM A. SCRIBNER SUFFERING season of 1924. King Herring, Horace Goldin; Head Herring, noes. WANTED—For a threesday Pi “ July 3, AN ATTACK OF CIRCUS FEVER This club was formerly comprised of members George Nibk Tail We ug. Helen Spencer; 7a i . % pt ed By I of the “Step on It’ Company, but as ft Right Fin Herring. Adele Ferguson; Left Fin F mL MIN, Owner a New ¥ k, June 6—Sam A. & ribner, former progressed {€ accepted members from all Herring, Juan ta Mitel Right Gill Herring, © Ark. Phone Slt cay tt, GnaRNe ie mania Se ae NE A Oe Senta yeaa ae ane: Renee tetany Tett: ON Seni Ses FOR SALE — FREAK YEARLIFG HEIFER past general manager of the they beast of executives as well as performers lloward urston; Herring, oh 1 Amusement Company, suffers an from yandeville, legitimate, burlesque and Semon; Left Eye erring, Harry Bart; Skin ’ GEORGE E ™BRADLI KF. D : of elreus fever every spring that causes circus, and the organiyation is fast becoming Herring, Tarry Leyton Rackbene * Herring, W seeely New York bim to hie himself away from Columbla krown as a national institution. Ben Joss; Sells-Fleto Herring, Billy Exton. Corner t h their address was to the smaller towns where a circus At ® mecting held in Boston in the Blue There are many other members of the Advertisers like te know where Shae sania