The Billboard 1924-06-14: Vol 36 Iss 24 (1924-06-14)

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188 The Billboard Free, prompt aad far-famed, the Mail Forwarding Service of The Billboard stands alone as a safe and sure medium thru which profes sional people may have their mail addressed. Thousands of actors, receive their mail thru this highly elicient department. artistes and other showfolks now Mail is sometimes lost and mixups result because people do not write plainly, do not give correct address or forget to give an address at all when writing for Others send letters and write address and name so near it is obliterated in cancellation by advertised mail. stage stamp that the post-office stamping machines, In «+> such cases and where such letters bear no return address the letter can only be forwarded to the Dead Letter Office. Help The Billboard handle your mail by complying with the fol lowing: Write for mail when it is FIRST advertised. The following is the key a to the letter list: Cincinnati............(No Stars) ***Cobb, New York......... Scher Chicego.........Two Stars (**) a? St. Louis......Three Stars (***) man Manaas City........2-se000 ) Los Angeles..... Oe ee . (K **C offing, PPO RERE Coffing, oe 72GB) **cogsail, If your name appears in the Let ter List with stars before it write (K)Cohen. to the effice holding the mail, which ou will know by the method outined above. Keep the Mail Forward«(-))\\cr, ing Department supplied with your route and mail will be forwarded without the necessity of advertising it. Postage is required only for pack ages—letter service Mail is held but Cole, 7" is absolutely free. **Connor, 30 days, and can Conway, Cat not be recovered after it goes to ...,. the Dead Letter Ottice. in this issue was ¢ Mail advertised uncalled for up to last Sunday noozm. **co All requests for mail must be signed **Cornier, Mrs. E. C by the party to whom mail is adCoulter C€ dressed. There are numerous persons re ceiving mail thru Forwarding Service who have the same names or initials. When @ letter is forwarded to a person for The Billboard's ©°* **Cavanaugh, **Cavanaugh, Cetar cl Christopher, Chronicle, Chumilevy, Matthews, Cordinne R. Coeamer, N. A. Dreczka, Blisabeth Collier Durham, Mrs. C. C. *Collins, t *Collins, Colson, ra Edwins, Mrs. T. K. (K) Coy, Coyne, turn it so that it may be advertised again until the person for whom it is intended receives it. | PARCEL POST whom it is not intended please re—_——y, ’ = ie Armstrong, G. Bartlett, Raiph, **Beckwith, Ben o ° ** Bernard, Floyd, Fi Blankinsop, Jas. .. aQ *Bligh, Francis | c Bolton, Cleo M., 2¢ Bradley. Jean, 4c *Brewster, Jas. B, *Brown, Jack, 10c Brown, John, 320 Brunswick, Jack, le Carson, W. E., 2c Cone Dewey 3c Copeland, Jno. B., 2c Davis, Ches., 9c Doran, Jimmy, 6c Duncan, Grace, lic T Edwards, Mrs. c Gregory, Mark, 3c *Harrison, Mrs. Jas. H., 4c LADIES’ LIST Adair. Louise Adams, Julia — Alton, Mrs, Inez Anderson, Mrs. Roy Arnold, Mrs, B. Cc. (K) Attawas, * Avery a. iliargeon, rs. — Ward Baker, Mrs. *Baker, Mrs. 3 **Baker, Beulab Baker, Minnie . Bald in, Hacebah **Barber, Alice {K) Barlow, June Bares. Tad (K) Barnett, Mrs. B *Barney Violet Berringer, Mrs Princella (K)Bessent, Lillian *Bessett. Lillian Bowers, Blaneme ***Bowlin, Ms. lice (K)Bowman, Ivy Carter, Helen 2c Houston, Percy A., lle © Kaufman, Whitie, ‘de ** an . Brayman, Mrs. EM. Janoki, I. M., 2c *Kane, Maxwell. 2c **harg, M. A.. 4c *Kennedy, Vic, 2c *Lacombe, Charlie, $1.10 Latain, Louis G., 8c *Low oe, 2c Bunny, 5c O’Grady, Martin, 8c *Opel. Blanche **smith, Clyde A., c *Stines, C. F., 26 rout, O. E., 8c Watson, Mrs. J. F., *Williams, Mary, 2c *Yorke, Gwendolyn, 9, =c (K) Boyd, Ada sranham, Ruth Bray, Mrs. Jea *Breen, Florence *Bregar, Mrs. (PRIDDIS oe as (eae Se BELT EIDE 9 ae IIL Brenner, Dot and that includes musicians, advance agents, stage hands, ride men and privilege people, as wel as actors, actresses and artists, Who Desire To Make Their Permanent Address in Care of The Billboard may, of course, choose any of our offices, i. ¢., Nez Los Angeles or Kansas City, but you are advised, if en route, to give the home office careful consideration. Cincinnati is but Thirty-one Miles from the Geo of the United States and Canada, and ii the handling and forwarding of your mail. We want our service to continue to be, as it always has been, the very best and promptest, and, therefore, we recommend ‘‘Permanent Address, care of The Billboard, Cin concessionaires, press agents, York, Chicago, St. Louis, Boston, graphical Center of Population follows naturally that less delay will ensue in In writing for mail it is not necessary to send self-addressed and stamped envelope— a Postal Card willdo. Gire your route far enough ahead to permit ome mail to reach you. Write names of towns, dates and signatures legibly. Letters Are Held Thirty Days Only, after which, if no address has been oblained, they are sent to the Dead Letter O ffice. It is desirable to send for mail when your name first appears in the list. Address your postal to ‘Mail Forwarding Service, The Billboard.” Read the Explanation at the Head of This List. Vict LL RRR **Brent, Frances B. *Briskey, Mrs. Tom *¢Cpandell, *Bronson, Helem *Crawft **Rrooks, Ella ee * **Broome, Erma Crider, Mrs. Brown, Effie M. Croushire, M : Walter C. Crowell, Brown, Bobble (K)Crutchiey. srown Cudney r (K)Culvert, “Mrs Dorothy Brown, Mrs. Elwood Currier, Mra. W.A. *Currier Browne nda Mildred <)Curry, Buckley, Violet aa . sudeMa, Princess (K)Curry Bunker, Mrs. Billie **Curtis, (K) Burigey, D’ Are, Vivienne Dabney, **Burgdorf, Mrs. Dailey . *Burke, Mrs. Sid Dale **Burke, Betty Dar Burkley, Vivian Da Burns, Carrie Dar K)Buros, Edith Davis, ns Ethel) Davis, Dasat i : sett iss . (K)D ds Catherine Vera DeArto meron, (K) De Marguerite (K)Camr, bei . Rose *DeF */ aplar Lucy Care. Mrs. Frank Carpenter, Mrs. Doc Dela 7 leona) =* DeLauzoi **DeLisie, Jean **DeRapaeile, F «tta (K MeVaul. DeYeauszee, Dott e U. Dea **Carroll, Florence Dean, *Cartson, Mrs Dean, 3 Eether (K) Dean, Carson. Teddy Dell, (K)Carter, Mrs. % RMN RR RENE RMN MME HOM RIN MA Moore, Mrs. Mollie Lillian Cummings *DeF razier, Pearl Deitgen. Dempsey JUNE 14, 1924 ***(y Neil, Nan Singler, Mrs. A, Obrien Sisters **Sinnett, Pree Odus, Macam Skello, Mrs. M **"Olga. Madam Smnith, Bessie Opuni. Mrs. Chas. Smith. Delma PR Orton, Grace *Smith, Mrs tue Orway, Dixie Smith Kittie Page Mra Robert ***Smith, Mre **Palmer. Margie Gertrude Panno, Mme. Zinka “Snow, Pear) Parks, Mary *Sohper, Dorothy *Parker, Stella Mae Varker, Blanche Spellman, Mrs. [rene Parks, Babe Spencer, Jimeiy ” Partillo, Jessie *"St. George Mr Patterson, Zelma **Stamey, Exiythe Paulette, Louise Stanger, Mrs. Loulse Payton, Janey (K)Stanley, Mr *Pence, Mra, Helen Harry Pendleton, Rachel Stanton, Baber: Peper, Mrs. Helene Stanton, Elen (Ki) Perkins, Grace Star, Bobbie *Perkins, Laoutse Steele, Jean Pickering, Mrs. Eva Stein. Billie *hillipl, Mrs. “Stevens, Beulah) ¢ “Stevens, Mr **phillips, Mrs w. Junitta Stewart Sisters Pierce. Lucile “*Stewart, Betty Pick, Miss E. G, Stewart, Mrs Piatt Mary Catherine (K)Pogue, Oua Lee “Stewart, Mrs. Wm, Poli, Babe Stewart Lattice **Polk, Catherine Stewart, Pearl Volleson, Cyutbla Stone, Mrs. Maud Polta, Nellie Stouder, Mrs i (K)Poor, Marte Strange, Mildred **8Pcas, Gertie Lee ***Straub ~ **Post, Mrs. Reta ‘**Stricklette, Mr a **Prather, Elizabeth Strode, Mre W. 4 Price Strothers, Clar Price, Rose > te . ara Price. Blanche Stryker, Helen Proctor ssie Sullivan, Dorothy Proctor. Margie wain, Mrs. Gc. ***Porter, Gracie Sweeney, Kathieen Raines, Rose Sweet, Juue Randall, M delineX Tanzell. Aggie Randell, Peggle Telles, Four w. Mrs. Bert le, urs **Rao. Mrs. May Tances Ray. Margorie SsTemple, Dess ***Ray, Marie Temple, Mr ° mor ancis anal Jenet Reday, Pearl Thomas. Ina *Reardon . lie Reed, Mrs Grace **Reed Marie Too (K) Reed, Mrs ¥ n Reed, Gertrude Pauline Reeves, Dorot *Thompson, Dorothy “Held. Betty “ paw eg Sore Hhetget » 3 Jennie ***Trout, Ria se Reisert. Mrs. Mayo ‘Tremble. Dollie Keno, Macam *Temple, Mrs. S. W. *Reuber, Lillian *Trevor, Vera **Rich, Irene Trevor, Vere (K)Rich, Francis Trout, Mrs. 0. F. + — Dolly **Tullis, Mrs. Ree ichards Turner Helen 48 cons Re ay D. ¢Ujurray. Mrs. Bthe} cases, . Una. Miss * . “Unger, Mae Richter, Mrs **Vail. Bertha Hallie (K)y Ridley, Mrs, Helen {K) Valentine, | Alma Rif "Har a So ot Cu. Hestet Nees aiary 4 Rinehart, Jewd *Varnel Orie Vaughn. Ermine Velardia, Mrs. Heleo e rerts Venus, Bobbie sucherts, Jone Verobell, Madam Kobertson, Grayce Vice, Mrs. Fred Robertson, Mrs. (K) Vinson, ~ » ssell . Robinson, Mrs. Vour, Mis. Elmer F. Remell **Vyryan & Kaster (K) Robinson, Mrs. (K)Waite, Gladys frank Walker, Billie Baty. Mrs. Wil Walker, Mrs ne "5 Marshall ) gers, ee ‘ Rodgers. Mrs, ieee Bovbie wan. Alma Rodgers, Mrs. SD. wallace, Mrs. J.C. (K)Rogers, Ottve Wallace, Mrs, ‘ 7 Wallick, Mrs. Frank (Kh )Rogers, Mise. Walton, Margaret M. *Rogers, Jane *Ward, Irma *Rogers, Luella *Warwick, Mn. . (K)Warwick, Mrs. gE 8 Rose, Ethet *Warwick, Jane (K) Rose, Lillian **Warwick, Jane *Roselle. Bobby Waters, Miss D Revell, Mrs. Mildred *Watson, Ethel Rudy. Mary (L) Watson, Jear (K)Ruhl, Loulse *Watts Mre Kate *Rulin, Mrs. # **°Wayne, Louis’ Runion, Mrs. Oilie wayne, Gilda "Russe |, Thelma Webb, Mrs. Pauline **Russell, Pauline 5s. Mr Russell, Mary EB vo 5 Grace H _ ' te >. ma Weiss, Mr Estelle i Ussell, Pauline Wells, Grace {Russell, Maude Wells, Mrs. An L ag Tm Wendell, Alice Rydeen. Mona SWeet Bile St. Clair, Margaret $ wee * Mra. Rollin Salmon. Patrica West, Mrs ‘E Salvator, Helen Sanders, Mrs. Holen Wharton, Mrs. G *Santley, Mae — — "Sargent, Edith el en Saunders, Baby Lee “Wheeler, Henr 4 **Sawyer, fauric **Wherry. Mrs. Eehaffer, Clara Blanche Schears, Mrs. ©, J, White, Mrs. Ida (K) Schmuck, Louise *White, Claire (K)Schoppe, Rose *Whité, Peart **Schwarts, Mra. *White, Peggy Paul Whitehead, Dorothy Scoble, Mrs, *Whitman Sis Courtney Wilkins, Maret *Soott, Helen **Williams, Sophia Seott, Loulse Williams, Mol le “*Seabury, Beatrice Williams, Alice Seet ack, Harriett *Willlams, Mary *Selje Mra M. **Wilson, Myra Shaberg, Daisy V. **Wilson, M }. Pee des, Mrs. C. B. (ik) Wilson, Roberta wffer, Vi (K) Wilson, Mr (KoShanks, Mrs. d. Dz. , P (B) Shanks, Parnell whew. se i] *Shannon, Violet Mnuflele one Shansk, Jean Ruby Watate “ be “— idle piste (kK) Show, Me Faye **Winona, Pri ; (K) Shelby, Mra — , : y eno Sheldon, June a Sheldon, Ceil oods, Mat (K) Shepard, Mazey “*Worden, Mr i "Sherwood, Lee Ann. Shumaker, Mrs. Wordley, Mrs. Ralph Abbie Worth, Mrs. ¢ Silverman. Mrs. (K) Wright, Leot (K) Yeoman, Nellie . Sinclair, Billie *Young, Mrs. Dot \ ee7 Fe ee ee ers 22> 5 r* Ra