The Billboard 1924-06-14: Vol 36 Iss 24 (1924-06-14)

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JUNE 14, 1924 The Billboard 18¢ ee aetmmnntstneanaianat an <j .sbine]**Zimmer, Babe Caskins, L. D. i De Vere, **Fox, Cl 7 fred . © tare y rs. Babe é Teck Cas cing Stars, \ . — rf vie "Has gy om Imming, J. C. Lawrence. C. A. Martell, Art ***0’Dell. Billy / Ca B. @ hao ca Cie Senate & tent me anes te Gen ave i am, Ke . a ‘ a, Jack Martell. gE & } ko al Ronald U K)Catalano, Tor *De en * , Elgg ard i a, tilly y, : *Martelle, rady, Marti: . GENTLEMEN'S LIST “Gat a. C. W. . coon Lat ty R. M egy A can Gen : eee, an S Lay, Earl ***Martin, Hugh (K)O’Hara, Herbert **Cavanaugh, C. *Dean, Goofe Ee rank, s rH a il 7 at : I ame R. Bh. ***LeFoit. Billy (L)Ma rtin , ee (K)O' Leary, Cha _ Bostick, Ethan A. fan ee OD eee tee aed ee cate Lee ior Le} Billy **Martin, Bunny O'Neal, Clyde Ab . **Rottomly, Bernie (ik Caylor John & i i Sookie Ges ‘c om ee Sree Saacs, Letiere, Curly ***Martin. J. HL. O'Neil, Phillip a a **Bourgeols, : Myra *)eclise, G. A Franks, r 8 )0)oMarris & Hilliard | newt LeNolr. Jack Martin, EB G. Neill, BR AD : Harold M. Ceasar, D. lv = re Ge rue Fre teri 3 ‘G. Harri D : ; pet le a, Mark : Martin, John #. (1) Oba. Kirt *A a ** Bower, Raymond Cecil, the TurtleBoy *)yemarest. Emil *Frederick. sr. nets’ Weed . to bea K iE **Martine, J. H. (K) Ogawa, Francis \ ae J. Cerda. Ramon Deming, Arthur iF. i " H vy = le =" Leavitt, Harvey we: G. B. **Ohre, Stanley \ sowers, Calvin (K)Cervill, Lester Demitt, Skinny Frederick x, oneth ila ‘AloRaeeees a — Leddy, Steve *Mason. J.C. Oilfield. Waiter \ i Bowers, Jas. f Cetlin & Wilson ane ae De **Frederick, Hugo **Harris. W. BR Ficyd Ledeaux, | Jack sie J. Hal (L) Olsen, \ Ww. ‘**Bowers, Harry Chambers, Larry L penton. Karl 2 Freeburg, L. M (kK) Harri ir : S00, . oye Ledoux, Lawrene: (ik) M athe, a Opel, Harry ih = 3 sowker, Walter “Chambers, J. T. bes Jarlais. Arthur ***Freed, H. T Harris, Vincent T. jackson, — eb Mathews, Heury Ortega, Fidelle ‘ et ir : Bowman, Vernon Chambers, Koy *Deti men, e w. , “Wr 1 , ‘ , ackson, BB (Kifee. Wm. H Mathews ‘Chas. R. Osborne, Leroy } nA —_ Hh weer Hilly i Dettman, Fre : ‘ oy ne m nd — 3 — — a eee. Gue Oskidumar Prince : e ob tuyme ‘ tthews * a c Devereaux & Sprim Sad Doe lee, sip oo he s hs Joe oa c. ary eu D iw. e : James, Tod A Vv *behm Waiter **Matsu, | Rebert Pace, Aaron ‘ ' (K)Chaplin, RE. pipari. ‘Tons tee Neo” = efiberman, Jack Maxwell Mfg Plant (Fa dilla, Frank \ Koyes. Revenue E (K)Chapm T. J. Di on > 1% at PH ri ae > if e 3B ee. Billie ps age, Barney k °* Bradley ' . ckson, lettrics, Jel itur, J. Mayfiek *Palen, i oy Bradley, Huget “. Chapman Bros. Dilger, Roy see teal S +. Ma e t Art a 1. W. G ( } *Chase, Ted (K) Diller Jack John Le! Eu I 7 J aluner, — A Bradley, Jess ck EB a oe liot eland, Meehan, J. J. 3 oo -M c hatham, Jack E Dimatteo, Austit gs, ea jott ***T olan d, Jack Meek ae ye (K) Palmer. Ww Chessiia, Frank Be pinerst *Jennina : k . John k vu heen the Mnerstel Jeanine Ten x (K)Meiler & Palmer, Allan pleas ' Chick co iB. Thiet a ” uls oe Louis nk Lent, Yea. Ichnsop Palmer, LL M. 4 Aen Knows Chillo, Arthur pd, oo Stecse aT Lenz. wont *Menetti, Eddie **Pacli, A, RB. " ~ ( hiokas Great or) 44 2 iT r BB ) J **s ner n, Ga (K) m, A. Mercer, Bob e **Paris, Mr, h Chipman, E. W. De Te Gafincy, Sugartiet Gladstone jee We fener tom Merrett, Hal Parker, Earl 1 1 Choissre, L. RB. L De 1D os “on Gaines. Charles Harvey, N. ©. (K)Jewell Bobby b arg — i — a 5 Lie = “oC tensen, ow in ~ ; » larve | 3 oat ° seve ; a erwin, | 3 arker, 3 q jilen & Stoke Pion ore (K)Dogon. John Gale i Pe *Messier, Henry Parker, Paimer Nile bet Bed Worse Dolton. Texas Jack Omer Wm. “Haseltine, Jack *ejunien, Carl A. 1, a#e Sem Metcalf. Gi Parker, Tommie . . Cintula Alex Dona!dson ace. ( cx N E ; ** Hasel e Ss J Toht Cc _ ~ *Lewis, Irving N (K) Meyers, Jetty Parker, Bob_K. *4 : = Donan, Harry een ¥ eve oo p= = gommeee, Caeeer Tew Admire Meve Earl Parker, Ed E. ay (K)é nele Al «Dorgan, Steve Gamble Buford i ». Dr. P. Johnson, Nea . . i , seek , ny ey (K)Clat Somes ar. y (K)Games, BR EB (K) Hastings, G.G. Jon: mo “Lewis . Jack — Michaels, Sam pares. leo ; N ag (hk) Brewer obert e*«lark, Stanle a ier i gg Gant. I. (K) Ha 1, Joh ‘Toh : _ Rube **Michin, Ed H. ,arks. Sam Als ark a ye Dougherty. A. Carte: = = Hatha Win ah Sane Tewis, Suilor Ed Miles. J Patterson, Fred D. i yas nt —~ *Clark, Elmer De 2 Walter B *Garland & Smith Havis Ned Johnson, Kart TF _ A = ae ped Pavai » eee eo . :_ ause Radeliffe «kK)Dougtas. V * Garrett, Joe Hawkins. Jimmie lohnson F yd (K)iicterman. & x enn he oui rer 1 Bright. Bert ee me & eitee th (5) Deuse ‘rn pe > Na eet rece a ! yd **Liohtfoat, Andrew titer, Fred B Pas 5, M. L)ameley. **Fristol, L, R. Sciayton. Hobt. A. — enover, Eugene Gentine Itt. 2 Hawkinsen, K) Jol Delores ** Lillies, Indian Mi R. in » = re Frank “Britt, W. J. escienen. €. O Moe To Giat Se & Howard A. Johnston Teo mardi (K)Lilly, Leslie (R) Mil et Jack &. earce, A. (K)A M crrist) Chen ling, Wilmot (K)D <e Blackie **Gaymon, Red Hawn D.C LJ % Lawrence le G r —— tes Wa Al Brizendine. Jake P Jimmie C ot gs a eng, ag Ganar utry E. *Hayes. if. **Jolly. Chas. *Lily, Prairie & cary, Lester W. Doyle, Ja i, L E he % K +} s h)Anders oar F. Broadbridge, E J. “0 iif ford. Billy ***TDra oer, Earl Geneva. Glenn Ha Foe Jones, Dr. L. D. Murphy, Bert 1K Pe i Orca! 7 aon Se Broadhurst, Geo. Clifferd, Fred ay es “ P man, Carl Hayes. James C 1 Chas. A. Linder, Hilde sopembatt Orvall w Andrew 1 roadway, Charlie Clitferd. H B Dubarry & Duprees George Eddie Haves, Jack Happy Jones, Kid Lindsey, Lester, Miller, F kK Per a =e is " le a “Br ~e Doe *Coburn. Herman weg George Hughey Hayes ‘ H. **Jones ClarenceP. . Players Miller. Emmett Perkin: o" Fen _ *Codono, Alfredo a” aie rd 7 Hayne ‘red Jones. Wilson enhoker I. + ***Miller, Everett pA er \ Harry PB. , Bropet ~ Dudley, George ~ + . ~ int Eddie Perkins, J. *A bag’ ~——Te 86 Dock Mi aid Duty, Tas. © Cg iy le ae ippincett, ‘Saleom Sees ny Rn ‘ G)Perr. “it. Glen " fie. Neal Coghlan ouie (KiDutty. pads” (K) Heath. Wm *Jones, Baymond ssi. Johnny B. Mtitine, "George Sperry iab Ar — vel, F. A ‘ n, Manuel ¢ y ad *Gibson, Billy Heath, Bill **Jones. Jack theau. Bob $s Fred Me erin . Arous Lew 4 nD Dufor Harry . : Elk. Chief Ja Peters, Harry ae we FF rook, V. H. chen, Sid Al eenuke. D. D Jordan, Louis A I ik let Mills, Jack Peters, Floyd ‘K) = as Sack. Co ‘Cohen. Mam Bo **Dukeff, Theo *Jordan, Prof. Happy hn, Harold Mills, Joseph H. **Peters. LL N. Males. wks, Sheldon Cohen," Milton Dunbar, J. M Jordon, | Lorre % (K)Minck. L. EB (K) Peters on, Oltie ; — Brooks, Herbert Coe. EF. EB Denean, Andy **Jourdia, M. J. **Mitchell, L. K. SPetienene A c)atato, Robert Brooks, C. 8. Collander, Mr. & Dunean, Danny Joyce & Loraine Mitchem. J. B. (K) Peters. E G : a” ca **Rroks. BL Mrs. Duncan. Phil + ge ant Moland, Frank *Phifer, BX. W m an, ; “ I . Harry G, ***Brooks & "Collins, Revolving Duncan. C. Ray au Frank Molzan, R. Phifer, Elmer = Buchanan Coi.ins c. F. Dunham & B Kaathive, David Montero. Dixie Philbruton. Edw . 1 FP **Rrooks, Frank c ; ude *\Duniap. C ell : ka Moody, Andres *Phillin. Mich id ‘ vliius, Claude (K) Dunlap, C. EL Whit ~~ Th Phillip, Micheil . *Broone. P mt Sim pum, Vicior & White He ey, Thos. (K) Moon, Jack Phillips, Chas. e ciger, Harry . Broughton, Leon J. Colombo. Tony Dunn, A : ennery, See {K) Moore, Phil Frederick (Rp Bate Broutil atte, Bliot® Common. Wm (K) Dupree. ng, Mathew Moore, Homer EB Phinney, Carl — Brown, ster (K) Durrell, 4-5 a steers, Johnnie Pichaad, Gan Brown, J = ) =) ce, ae. ae 8, el Moore, Pickert, ‘oO . tak c ty S _ men t. J. Ce , ie wer, Nelson Moore, EL J. Piepler, ow ae ak Brewa. © Kasie, ‘Joke . — — pe ~— R Gam ore yt Jack (K)Pilger, FP. C. wot, Brown, Harold Farle Hert ve ‘ fen Ea -_ *sEonell. Eddi : “Pirro, Vincent H. ry lob = a oe . ‘ weit Earle, Frank siden. Be Hi key, Jack Lowenstein Ben ¢ Miran. St ~ a Sa : re wn, onrers *C nor ey. Ne ‘ a . . aad 4 orde oc oa ** a Kk) Baldwin. Le Brown, F Coonie, "Bddie " Heke, At Lowney, Wm. C.~ = Moreland, Frank A Sn ang: aa ’. ~ rn, B Brown, Harry Fitzie Coons. Jas. F. cen teen Me Hiidebs : Fi Z j ion i . B r Morgan, H. H. Poling. "Al RB “ *Rrown. Frits H Cooper. F. J. Fherhardt, Fred 7 ‘ay tag lebranc . . a an\ Morgan, Louis Pollard. Fred uM *Rrown, Ja Cooper, Tex Elder. George man Hyman Hill. H. bL. Lupten, Wallace Players **Pollock, W Ernie p mene + gg Harry M. Hi nt ( a | u r Morgan, W. E. Polson, R. BR. H. *Cooper, J. W oo; . on a. Pink Kearney, Geo. P. **Morgan, Clayton M. Potter, 0. A. oO Tne Mt 1 ; ~y"™ Flis, Douglas 4 as ver Hil, E r Kearny r ee J. A. **Potter. Bernie hos and oO cils, Gen > nm St arty rin, St Potter, Jas Brown’s Tennessee erman, Sol 7 a ee Evans 7 . ‘ ms x *Keller, John Morlock, **Potts, w w Minstrels bran, Wm. (K) Bilis, Louls +g (L)Hil, Cada Jas. é **Morris Pounds, Chas. H Brownee, wt & C ma Ellison. J — Hille. Hf . ne ly, é a oo orris, Powell, S. B Brownlee, John (K)Cortello, Geo. Sisworth, Adrian a mar hs *Kelly. Geo. Powell. Rudy 4 Brun, A. Costello, Capt. AP. tk \Fimore. Rey Gorn a rr man FOP e ae = Powell, Thos. E ; Brunner, Jules Couch, Cas Emerson, Bowers osh-B oi 3. Che ~ Ke K A. Powell, Wm t “onl er, St nag . ~By ) Himes, Chase E. #*K iy, Waiter *Powell, Ji lermar Brunner, Emest omiy, Eimer, Show pmiine, Val J Hinkle, Milt My Powell, Jack co CC. Bryant, BE. Couds, Norman *Ends, Joseph sou = 2 Hinkle’ Wayne A. = ag oP & on i, Walter ® } am Rs key ea gel Ss medians Gow, Chas ii ms E. mper, Chas, I ‘Pomel, }. me tl : lr aa ) ’ *Courney. Glenn Er glish Jas ‘. : al _, Herbert Ft! hir _ Ke ly. D c “Or 1 pocwal.. Larry ie Rares. Cai. Jin — oe oe < ion 7 glish. Floyd James Hite & Reflow Ret — Ss Te McCorkle, Geo . nents se darry ° ur Joe v ‘ Ju oe 4 Kennedy. ; j om hie, & 7 s % _ J a o ma We Sara (Kicex, & F **eBrdell Rossel Wm. R ~ x, Cecil Kenshaw & Paul B) M Cormick. Mike Pratt, 7 C. Barties. T. J Burke, H. Walter Cox. Ben). D z **Grass, Harry **Hodges, Alberti Kens, FP. 4. iM = — eres. Few (K)Bartiett, Tommy Burke. Thos ee ae (K)Evans Robert & Gratiot, Merle —-:,—lLlUlUlUl ‘i Pressey, C. A hy Bar Bert Hurkert. Earl *Craige. Richy Frans, RE. Guay. fautes *Hufman & * Ke salen, Jack ~: rosseD, , Hassle e W. J nk Bart iit Burmester P. T Crail, Rodney Evans. Rex Gray & Smity Weinberg Ki . \ ry WV **Price, Walter X. ML Rar t Burnett, T. 0. Crane. Wm. W. **Brans il Gray Robert *Hoffman. 1 (K) Keystone, | D. ba ie, Aust Ld . ae Price y 1. Bart 3 " Craven. Frank Frans, Wm Gray. Dr “Wn. Hogan, Frank | (K)Rigore, Fred C. Donald. i **Muir. Herbert Pritchard, Jim Rar Crawford, L. T ***Esans, Billie Gray 1 Hoggatt. ¢. T Kimble. Charley MeDonald, wet om, Cation **Prince, Chas. an Kas: P ***Crawfords, The cofra: “ “< ii tray, A. Lo Seas King Dr. Ja . Bob Ww Prinse, Arthur L. Bas! zi Cr 8. Vv Frerette, T. FP King. Bud br a ald, F. F. Muni, Bob *Prior, Harry . oooh Cr Pr Fiiella, Andrew Kings, Two McElroy, Gill Munger, Ford Proctor, Bert 7 Baxter Ray O Creight Bobby Faires Geo 5 King. Joe McElvain Alex (K)Murphy, J. E Pruitt rirg Roten ‘Selten Criss Otto **Falls, Frank King. Sam McGarry, Fred . Murphy. ¢. W Prusslin, Sydney “Ba A Crocker Harry A Farnell i = gston. Mindely MeGavin, John J. (K) Mury hr, Ths Pullen. €. H oR Crenan, Roy ; ty : is tone, Harry MeGee, F. M M Quin, Joo T. Barley, W ; Crosby, Chesley Farrel!, appr Kirk, Wayne McGovern, Bob (L) Murph y, ‘joe mM. Race. Doc H. EL **Beas Crosby, Burke (K)Farris. Jack Kit Johnnie McGrath. Geo. Murray & Popkeva Raggett, E &. e Bach Gus turton, Chas. L * reste. , ae Faust. Ike a se = Greau, Bert **Murray & Ww ard Rainey, c. P. Kes H | *Rurton, Rebt. G. Cross, Wade st. Sam Rirwith, ‘. Guire, Murray & WI Ramsey. Jno. Wesle ~ , . oe h Hart = Crowler & Burke — t. = Kittle, H. W. *MeGuirk, R. Murrell, Jack *Randal!l, A. J d ine Res ‘cc Ive Her, Jr Chas. Croisee EL W Durden, Jame Kitzner, Ray MeHanev, Chas (Kk) Murry, Danni < H fy ™. Cull 8 Manager F seuss Pros Ca 7 ark, i McIntyre, HF. C. Murry, W. T 1 ca e x Cuvle Eugene eee Maa Klass "re *"MehKeivie, W. K)Murry. R le he mM “Cummings, Tuttle perewsce. Bred “7 neKona Fetes Nieln & Biggs McKenzie, C. M. **Myers. Jak ’ oy gg “Cummings, Gabel (Ky) Fey,” Wm. D. h. Curly Hood, Hail B. nge (K)MeKnight, Seth Myers, Dutch Ne ae ‘ waningham. W. le Fields, Nat Griffin. Tom " n. EF. R. (K)MeLea Jas Myers. Clifferd R Ww. Cures: valley sS*WPiolds, Bart Grimm. Harry BE. Hoover. Dutch uc ait 8 Tew i e, t + " oe ‘ f ’ Dr fr r He 7 Curry. Mec Fink ay ” Gre ani = He . D i — in a” 2 Curtis, Date : K )Gruver, ***Hores ; Ez ~ 4 ~ , alk x “Curtis, Sol bt aoe -_ Bay BS Li z Ea senren , Ki! en Callahan, Capt *eeCushmam, Ralph Guiyer Ray % = ' c A FP. P " I ° “nD . . (allanan, Walter — (K)Guyer, Roy ornsby rmar ano, . Me n. Jobr elson, Jas. E N Chat. Chick (K)Callahan, Frank Cuttie, Daredevil **Hackenschmidt, . Horsely. Winston on mS i. MeNuity : aet : } Le Camble. Al D | a agg J *Hadley. Hareld 2 rt. J. P Paul hell, VW Campbell, Grover : Hagans, Dancing : " _ Cantrell. Wm. m Dales. Harry lacer. 0. K **Toward, Harty M , Frank A. *.) Cantrell, Kdw. J Der J. , on (K) Haggard, Tex “7 Bails eee} 1k Casseal, ert ae : e n jen Tabet ***Hahar Gea =~ ~ Harry Ps . ’ Capes Family vom * *F ishe 2 *Hale Marshall owar **Redrick, C. B. : * Carey, Feiwin M Iharner Harty pa — + sey P. **Hale, Georg *Howerd J. OW } — Reed, fil, D a ” wre Carlell, Bud aid, W. Mo “Halley, Flovd Howe, PD +Newland.. Wallace ‘Reed. Hart “s . Carlos, Don va) **"Hall, Gea ** How Herbert N t Reed. James b sant ald, ¢ ad man Re bt. T wT . Carling Harry © Chick Hall Jack Tlowell, Richard New *Reev bert a erk ' v, “*Carison, Jean -oiMane “Freda C. Hall. Geo. **Howell, C. G. \ Reeve Mas Rer Doo H.C. eerrney. ‘Tom a Bred ©. all, Geo. M Hest. RON Sone Reiltey, ert "lhe \ Cartovale, Prof (K) Fle —Cee ~ : Norman Ifubenke. Country x Reilly, Lawrence ; Geo. Chartes , " , Flood, Harvey “Hall, Geo : Rov ‘ uis A “Nn; (K) Reno, EB. . 4 See. Campeutes, Merehalt tant —— Flord, Snake (KX) Hall, Burt B. ee nd t ster " La R arl, K)Madison. R. 1 x Ret ? ‘ “LR Carr Jeun Georgia &t Fiude, A. Le od me. oe stioe rank E. LaPoint, eph M 8. FE Nie ee 4 . " Carr, Vrank Darts’ < e (K)Flummer, Ton Haller, Joseph Huff. Walter “LeRoy, Billy & “* Mag ee, Slim Cider *N (BR ts W Cart, Henry Paris, Graham Foik, Cart ‘*Halsen, SC. : ‘ Olive *Macnclia hoe N teymia bial Me . Cart, Joe lvls, Joh o Foote, Jas. A. “Han id, Abdul & Sachs TaRue, Jack net. M.S XN Rey tia . tl **"Carringer, W. J. Davis. Phil & Ford, Eddie (K) Hamliten, Hughes, Wm, “LaRue, Jack M lack rr ta K) Re ‘ Carrington, Wm Davis, Dare Devil Ford, P. H. Bobbdles Hughes, T. Irvin “LaSanor, Teddy Maikai, I Nolan, Je nda Bia al : es ’ . ——e 1 . *®*Tamitton uel . I \ w im. Jerome J. Reynolds, 7 Bb a rot Davis, Ches Ford, Flovd Hamilton, J. D. Hughes, A. ¢ iT t ! Nelan. Joe S : nt | (K)Carrotl, B.C ame. te ed "*Ford, Agnew *Hamilt 2. we Hughes, Vernor Ra¥ ail « Fisher *Males. M. E tana, — ~ la ee Shows xie y ***Carroll, R is. Dewey “Al Forde, Earle Hamilton, Oca Hig Thos. J oG M Wm. EF hestin Mieaee on Sur ; Curr ; Tdward L ae -’ ; B 7 a *F a Hilly Patty Buches & Kognan oy iv Me, M. vl v ! (HK) Nords — Richard ete ~ wok KR Carrot), Jack Dawsen, Ray Forrest Stock Co, ‘Hamilton. HW. Ie + Co. LaVerne, Al M e. Jn Norma Marry » ()Bichards, W. < . ; M Cur You Tau Wallace Forth, Cl «e A. Hamlin, Tom Huches. Ump **JaVine, Frank * *Malone, M \ x t. Thes. B Richardson, ¢ J Gasm.Andnew ‘kiDay. LT Feater. Chas B “Hamlin, Dick K) Hunley, Pred LaZeres, Acrial M W = Seen + ~ Richards Mar Caron, Jimee ) (K) Foster, Fred Hammond’, H Hunt, H Lacher J M Al 1 p ¥ “ gt Da KB kL Nutte Ww KR 5 ? Carter, Marck € Day, Slim iN r Mammond.s Bill Hu y. ¢ Lagg. Maurice B *“Mann, Bill K)O' Brian, Jn Ricks EJ Cartinnd’s Cutuns Dec art Juat Foster Ha & War Nob pont > z ue °, Norman o : J oO? c I j ' th Cartme Charle Detiray. Uarr Fou Ancom, Cerrge Zel r, Cliff ' vr. 1 > ‘ nde k “Carty, J oh ser "Deane Date tK) Fowler Tlandmaker. Benny **Hunt. Roy M. Landers. J. W 7 en B om er KC ar — . Ne ° Charles Casala, Pable DeLauguc a Fox, Cotton Kandy CX) Hanley, Clifford **Huntiey, S. I Larimore, Jackson Bp. F Rei — ana eng ‘ _ Ny He ~. Harry *Crsali, Engene Deliherto. Giovanni *Fox * Mack Hannemann, W. U ""*Huntsinger, J. Lauer, Lou (K) Marke l, Billy phon — nee. & 7 yt vee ttm (K)Cash, Stewart DeRue, Frank For M Hannon. Woed *fiurd, ¢ a Lauren. O. . O'Brien, Leo Ricgan. Dare "Ho “. Jae Cash Geo K. DeVaux, H. A. *Fox 7 net ny Hanscomb. Joe Hurst, Paul (K)Lavis J stat shall, Eugene B Sparrow Kt . Walter Cash, Stewart **DeVere, Bobbie *Fox, €. Roy Hansen, G. W. Imhort, Henry **Law Chas. Marsh. Jerry Continued on page 190)