The Billboard 1924-06-14: Vol 36 Iss 24 (1924-06-14)

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qd t 4° '_ o-oo” JUNE 14, 1924 The Billboara 191 — AR 4, vei No, 913, Code a “ae Doll, Trimmed. Per Dezen, Ne. 912, Code Name “ELENA’—Same Doll, Marabou Trimmings Dezen, $7.50. $15.50. Fan Dressed. Tinsel No. 914, Code Name “PHOENIX’'—24-Inch Dell, Fan Dress. 434 Carroll Street, Our Prices are the Lowest, Our Service is the Best. Ask the Boys. A FEW ITEMS: Beacon Wigwam Blankets. Enach.... Ovanite Cases, the good ones. Each. Gilbert Blackwood Clocks. Each..... Gilbert Tambours, 1514x813. Each... 18-in. Oval Roasters. Per Doze; Wm. A. Rogers 26-Piece Sets. Each. LET US SELL YOU INTERMEDIATES SWAGGER STICKS, asst. tips handles. Per Dox n, $4.00. Value aes teed or money back. Eveready Razors, Racer Model Tourist Brushes, 2 in a case. Doz..... Playing Cards, in cases. Per Doz....... PERFECTO PLAY BALLS, $8.00 PER DOZEN WRITE FOR OUR NEW 40-PAGE CATALOGUE. AMUSEMENT NOVELTY SUPPLY CO. Phones 4080-4081. Meeweess ELMIRA, N. Y. No. 708—Code Name Dresser Bevel edge mirror, good brush and very goo! dura comb. Put up in a large and well made display box. You cannot Miss with this number. PRICE PER SET, $2.75. BOSTON DON CARLE GILLETTE Room $01 Little Bldg., 80 Boylston St. J me 6.—Aside from the opening of at the T emont Theater Mon ay night very little as transpired in the line of theatrical activities bere this Week Bamv Le bas made a pretty good impresson. It is noted that the marquee in front { the Tre nt, Ww h has resembled an ocean wreck ever since a truck bumped into it several weeks ag s being it in shape again. Peraps it the encouraging eutiook for the pew Sissle & Blake show that bas inspired /this ace oo. Anyway, all whe walk along Tremont ret « eas 1 “ th it The Dream Girl" continues to do capacity, rith a good advance demand, and Grant itebe The Whole Town's Talking’, is rawing good for its th'rd time here About 1 Week before Mitchell's last visit to Boston Warnings a red in the local papers to look i for a man rep esenting himself as the popuar act to net extend any credit or privges ¢ t mpostor N another t s to the man imnat ng Mitehell phoned the Pist nonth yesrday 1 ALMOST succeeded in getting Richard Hamiiton, the treasurer, to turn eve$750 a i messenger ostensibly sent by the acter 1 v J 1 Montague, Mitehell’s mana ger 1 press agent, khoows many tricks of the g Yiddish Players The celebrated Yiddish Players of Vilna, con Moving the American tour begun Jast winter in New York, are appearing at the Grand Upera House tonight, tomerrow and Sunday in conteMporary Y iddi sh dramas. Hub-Bub Loretta A gins, former Boston newspaper J ‘back bome for a vacation after scor Ee Trumpis #8 4a prima donna ip various I aus | ve Lucey, well-known entertaine . « a few engagements in this vecio t to sailing for the other side. Ky (oj bas returned to her bome ia Semerville after a season in vaudeville. “I Valagher is back from a ten-day trip to Montreal, Quebec and Sherbrooke where ace irrangements for the booking of ds beginning Julv 1. : Ix * golng to tuke th’ngs easy durng th niner He — devote part of the time to writing vaudeville material. NORWOOD (0.) SPRING FESTIVAL _T ® second annual Norwood Spring Festival, . ! the auspices of the Norwood Retail : ant Assoc ation, a strictly bome-produced 1 me 's staged last week at Norwood, O. ; the operative spirit of civie officials, nh and the citizen again greatly fwidenee, It Woes a decided success—even end, feat lust year—art stically, and, in the deli, \nelally. Mayor Nolte, of Norwood, dy opening address { ome ‘on was ideal and just where a to, tl community trade event of this + id be held—in the very center of are 4. strict, on the main street and a the cre’ Veek. park site, diagonally across ee « from the City Hall And there was traf ne from anyone about ‘congested to « Or the diverting of heavy trucks, ete., For thorofares in faver of the occasion of : { two Weeks previous to the start vere W the streets and business houses t ¥ decorated, which, with hundreds of Wood + passing thru Norwood daily (NorCin * Che dstinetion of being surrounded by — ath) the festival received wonderful adTh. , Which means heavy attendance, Which wan a big auto show, a style show fn me eoree (Mechano) Ste vens presented his me val man model act—six changes, and idee ‘ing Lamas entertained, also numerous ‘y atranged merchants’ exhibits, and some Buy direct from turers and save profit. We manufacture best sellers at Lowest Prices. IMMEDIATE DELIVERIES. NO DELAY. FRUIT BASKETS as illustrated, 14 442 inches deep, packed 3 dozen to carton, in assorted colors. 30c Each. 25% Deposit must accompany $2 all orders, balance C. Samples sent on D. ~~ A eae s as ontracted professional amusement features. wf the latter there were the F. E. Gooding attractions, cons sting of Ferris wheel, ‘Over t Fallis"*, **W) an “. “Merry Mixup’’ and “Merry: Go-Round"™’, all in bright colors, and Lee's Pouy Tr ‘ ¥ = O. manufacdealer's the inches long, 3 4 ‘4 D 24 to Clarksburg. Cc NOTE OUR NEW 3S. Carl Greenbaum & Son 524 Grand St. NEW Yorn: CITY. ) tck, whch proved a delight for the young sters, MACY’S EXPO. SHOWS Coshocton, O.. June 6.—Macy'’s Expos tion Shows are plas ng here this week under auses of the Elks, Two nights have been virally lost so far due to rain. However. nty of ye are not of tl ng class Mineral City next week, with Canton to follow, then into Pennsylvan a. Ex iward B ink late of the Torrens Shows, t f hice concessions Mr seem to turn out but ‘they spend p24 merry-go-round, left + Minn., on receipt of a 92 wr had just died 3 arge of the ma $2 . Rothstein, repre p24 ‘ompany, canvassed 3 : 4 > ~~ ere several substantial inne iS from her visit F can immediately i back a “‘chubby ndy Kids Min ft for tl ie . Levi Biake, piano; Billy George Koutaik, town contracted for fact that lot er Water co it ye ©., under us d egion Ben Walte : and brothe 1 of their corn game Ss. returned home to re a ~~ NO SPIELING Our Scarf Pin assortment is the flashiest on market. Send $15.00 for one gross (144) assorted flashy Scarf Pins and we will send in addition, 1 gross Pin Clutches and 1 Velvet Display Roll. You can carry this in your _— and clean up anywhere. Send your today and get started. ther leaders. Compare »Sium er Give-Away Breoches. Gne.. : Gilt Band Rings. Gross...... a Imported Opera Glasses. Leather Covered 6-07 balance Gree esececeseosece $4.50 | Military Brush Sets, pair in } in case, Dozen.. 2.50] tcother Key Cases. Gross........... Dozen. 2.20000. 4.50] K y Hooks. Gross....... lum or GiveAway Seart Pins. Gross........ _ 85 I White Stone Scart Gross.... ‘ Cc. O. D. Write for our new Catalog, jf oft “SEE US FIRST” cuperate his healt DEWITT CURTIS (for the Show). LINE O° TWO OF NEWS New York, June 7.—James Martin. — le ty director the Stanley Company nite of theaters, wt adquarters in Philadel! phia Was ip town this Week Yonkers, N. Y., June 7.—Murphy Brothers’ “big-top’’ show is beoked to ay here at an early date under auspices of the Elks. srooklyn, N. Y¥.. June 7.—The K. ef C. *hig-top’’ show, under the mar ment of Joha Keeler, closed a week's ement here to night. The title of the organization is **Circusnd” 1.50 1.00 F 3.50 eeveceses : 7.50 oo 32 00 Manufacturers of JACOB HOLTZ, 173 Canal St., a York 45 — Ladies’ Canes Five Colors. All highly polished. Iverine Tops and Leather Handles ~_>+~_ ~~ oS eee eee ee —— _ PERTH AMBOY, N. J, June 2a t to 2ath 28th bration to f w WANTED AT ONCE—Few les, ing open exces Floor Lamps s inds k d a i play. Coficessionaires, wire for ee JOHNNY J. KLINE, Director, KLINEALLEN ATTRACTIONS, 1493 BROADWAY, ROOM 303, (Phone, Lackawanna 7153) NEW YORK CITY. 27 inch $20.00 gross 36 inch na a AND HIGHER 23% Deposit, balan c. 0. D WIRE YOUR DEPOSIT NIVAL AND STREET GOODS IN NEW ENGLAND. BURKAT Advertise in The Billboard—You’ll Be Satisfied With Results. BROTHERS 39 Washington St., BOSTON, MASS,