The Billboard 1924-09-27: Vol 36 Iss 39 (1924-09-27)

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The Billboard SEPTEMBER 27, 1924 SAN F RANCISCO E. J. WOOD Phone, Kearney 6496. 511 Charleston Bldg. San Francisco, Sept. 1% —The repertoire for the eight performances of grand opera, the direction of Gaetano Merola at the position Auditorium, follow Monday eveni September 22. “Andrea Cli , with Muzio, De Luca, Seri Ol viero, and D'Angelo Wednesday evening. ber 24, “La Boheme with Gigli, Piceo, Anna Young, D'Angelo i and Ananian Friday evening, September Ree lame but terfiy’’, with Sabauieva, Moti a and Picco. Saturday evening, September 27, Rigolette’’, with Mario, Mojica, De lu a, Seri and D'Angelo Monday evening, September 29, **Manon’’, with Schipa, Sabanieva, Picco, Seri and D'Angelo Tuesday evening, September 30, ‘*La Tosea’ with Muzio, Gigli and De Luea. Thursda evening, October 2, ““L’Amico Fritz’’, with Schipa, Sabanieva and De Luca, followed by “Gianna Schicchi’’, with De Luca, Mofica, Anna Young, Rena Lazelle, Ananian, I) Angelo and Seri. Saturday evening October 4, “La Traviata’’, with Schipa, Muzio, De Luca, Young, Olivero, Seri, D'Angelo and Ananian. Annie Louise Dav ae h arpist, and Max Gogna, Russian cellist, will appear as the artists of the Pacific Musical Society Concert in this city October 9. At LIBERTY— William Victor Nethken. The Original and Only Genuine BUCKSKIN BILL, a real Shooting Act and Impalemé it Act of the high est order. Strong Opener and Announcer Twenty-five years’ experience. Not an ossified ff that sits around and tells people what he used to could do, but the man that puts it over WOULD BUY an interest in neat Vaudeville or Picture Tent Show going south, or will buy the outfit straight out for spot cash. The Davene Show write Address W. V NETHKES, Edenton, North Carolina AT LIBERTY All around Med. Team Change $ — and — Specialities week. Both young. Referen Ti ets? Yes Wire Address HEAD & “ai AD, Gen. Del., Lovington, Llinois AT LIBERTY—For Picture or Combination Theatre, Violinist and Pianist, man and wife. Large library. Union. Reliable people, interested in their work Have played iong engage amenis in theatres, State sa! ary. Address VIOLINIST, $000 Otsego ave., Detroit, Michigan. WANTED FOR THE MOST SUCCESSFUL REPERTOIRE SHOW IN AMERICA,. Harley Sadler’s Own Company Feature Vauderilie Act. Pref er Musical Act. Must nge strone for one week an absolute feature. Join on wire. In a gis details, Pay m R. J. Burns and own wires. Would like wife, The Musical Ishams I buy 600 ft. of 10ft. Side Wal Must be in good condit ion. Will BUY good Dramatic Tent. Nothing less than 60, with two mesa, Tex., 30s Slaton, Tex., week Sept La ‘Box 8416, Sweet week Sep. 29. water, Texas Permanent address, Eddie Nelson, Sunkist comedi an, appearing : the Orpheum Theater this week, is a hee Francisco boy and the audiences gave him a g00d welcome home Astor, who has just returned from Australia. where she appeared on the Musgrove Circuit in impersonations, paid a visit to this otiice Wednesday. Ruth Fugenia Argieviez Bem, Shorr, pianist, October 24, violinist, and Lev will give a joint recital here Fay Lamphier, who appeared as “Miss Calil fornia’’ at Atlantic City in the national bathing beauty contest, returned to San Francisco this week. She won four prizes. Ciecolini, grand opera the headliner at Pantages Julian Eltinge, female impersonator, is booked fo appear in Fanchon & Marco’s *‘Ideas”’ at the Wartield next week. star, is to appear as Theater next week. Vilhjalmur Stefansson, explorer, who recently arrived here from Australia and is now in New York, will return here October 6 to lecture on **New Lands of the Tropics and the Poles’’ Radiana Pazmor, young San Francisco contralto, just returned from four years in Europe, gave a recital Tuesday evening at Scottish Rite Auditorium. It was well received by a big audience. Harry Corman, deputy State labor commissioner, on Wednesday charged William Thusen, stage manager of the Granada The ater, with violating the child labor law on account of the appearance on the stage of the Loomis Twins. Word was received yesterday from Perry New berry, director general of the Serra Pilgrimuge, to be held at Monterey October 12 to 19, that the disastrous fire of last week would not interfere with the plans, One of the most colorful pageants ever presented in this city, “La Fiesta’, with more than 600 participants, was successfully repeated Wednesday at the Exposition Auditorium. More than 10.444) witnessed the spectacle, which Was staged by Pyramig No. 1, Ancient Order of sx iots._ Margaret Bruntseb, Myrtle Claire Donnelly, Anna Young and Albert Gillette are four San Francsico artists who will sing in grand opera next week. Pauline Frederick came to San Francisco Tuesay en route to the Yosemite National Park to film scenes in “Smoldering Fires’’. Louis O. Macloon, who presented Miss Frederick here in “Spring Cleaning’’ at the Curran Theater recently, is her) manager, and it is reported he will send her to London shortly to appear on the stage there. Miss Frederick is to appear here in December in Du Maurier’s play, “Peter Ibbeston”’ Rebearsals of the musical version of ‘Polly of the Oircus’’. which is to appear at the Alcazar Theater early in October, are being held in Los Angeles Ida St. Leon is to have the leading part. The Capitol Theater, which has been dark for some time, will reopen September 26 with a musical comedy scheduled to run for several weeks. ““Steppin’ High’ is the name of the revue and will feature Hazel Myers and a big company of Negro artists. —s “Fashiofi’’, antique comedy, now in its third week at the Players’ Theater, is creating quite a sensation owing to the novel manner in which the players are changed about. The cast this week is quite different from those of the preceding weeks and the capacity audiences enthuse over the respective merits of the players. The Tivoli Theater, which has been showing motion pictures, will close tomorrow and will remain dark until the end of the year, when it will reopen under the management of J, J. Gottlob with the attractions heretofore booked at the Columbia. The playhouse will be remodeled and redecorated, and the stage enlarged Most of the exhibit space has been taken for the California Industries Exposition to be held in this city October 18 to November 1 Will King is expected here Satarday from New York, as he plans to open at the Strand Theater October 4. Hermie King and his jazz artists have been engaged to furnish the music, and a are also planned as part of the show The Vilna Troupe of Yiddish Players made a decided hit with its San Francisco audiences, The local critics were unanimous in their praise of these artists who appeared here for four performances at the Plaza Theater a few days ago. The Casino Players are giving very creditable performances at 25 and 50 cents.This week’s bill is ‘In Walked Jimmy’’. STAR IN PINERO REVIVAL New York, Sept. 20.—Arthur Hopkins will present Ethel Barrymore in Sir Arthur Wing Pinero’s *‘The Seco. Mrs. Tanqueray’’ tomorrow night in New Loadon. The play will remain out of town for five weeks prior to opening in New York. Miss Barrymore will play limited engagements in Boston, Vhiladelphia and Baltimore. With her will appear G. P. Huntley, Henry Danielly Lionel Pape, Morgot Keily, Jane Wheatley, Helen Robbins, J. Colvill Dunn, Mortimer White, Walter Howe and others. Edward McCue has been temporarily released from “‘What Price Glory’’ to act as stage manager for Miss Barrymore. McCue has been associated with the star for several seasons. Good Printing Cheap ‘ overhead ll Union makes low prices. Write for esti label DODD PRINTING CO. FORT MADISON. IOWA. FOR SALE A complete Dramatic Tent Show, ready to go. Tent, twenty weeks old, 50x100, one ‘dramatic square e! nd and one round end, steel ter poles, 1) lengths of blues, 40 five-seated envas ches, 125 folding chairs, stage, scenery, piano, at id can be seen this week in air at Trumann, Ark. Will sell at g od cash. 8-oz. sidewall, : teason: Going into auto bus siness. MANAGE SHOW, Trumann, Ark R TENT ORCHESTRA WANTED STRAND THEATRE, . LEXINGTON, KY. Three to Ter-Piece non-union combination for Picture House. Matinee and night work, with rest periods. Must be first-clfss Musicians, having both popular and classical repertoire and willing to come on two weeks’ trial. Contract if you can deliver goods. State salary, how soon you can open and your combination. J. B. ELLIOTT, Mor. WANTED, Gilmore Stock Co. Strong Dramatic People in all lines with Specialties, emotional Leading Lady, i e; Woman for Characters, W r eral Business WANT Man for d Characters, capa ble of directiz py, Versatile ¢ dian, wit! Busine Pe ple wit! ill go. All must have g£00d study, and we ardroi e. Real Advance 1 will get ie Lee, Man, one who can afraid of work. Edytl Al Barney, Jack Burke, where are you? Rehearsals September 29. Open week later in Oli Write or wire quickly. Please prepay your wire stating all, including consistent salary Truthfulness appreciated. Address MANAGER, Gilmore Stock Company, Butler, Ohio. WANTED First-Class Drummer For Vaudeville and Pictures. Neneniee re ie son and stea ly werk for vom mand. TRE CO., Ithaca, New York. Join on wire, General Business neem with Specialties. Wire. No time to write. DUNNING BIG TENT a. Florence, Tex., week Secunia 22. Briggs Ol lows, SAM GRIFFIN’S MINSTRELS WANT Strong Song and Danee Man. Must be all around Gancer. Top Tenor Ballad and Harmony Singer. Novelty Act and Baritone Player a e to one who doubles Stage Address Ashlz > 29; Grants Pass, 30; Roseburg, Ou. 1; E ll Oregon. WANT d Colored Bass Player C. Huntington’s Minst Clarksdale, y+’ Py rels. Ruleville, Sept. all Mississippi Wi: re; ling, #3 e to writ Nothing like it has ever beep published. world jaugi Professional Copies free righted by old-time vaudeville actor. CLARK HILLYER, 192 Bay 25th St., A Laugh At The Start, A Scream At The Finish THAT COMIG, CATCHY “FOX-TRO?” SONG, “TRY IT OVER AGAIN” WITH CATCH VERSES. “A SURE-FIRE HIT.” ALSO A BEAUTIFUL WALTZ LOVE SONG, “EVERYWHERE” Full Orchestrations, 25e each, stamps or coin. Bath Beach, Brooklyn, N. Y. Old-Timer Music & Publishing Co. A song that will make the whole Words and Music copy RYAN trie WANT QUICK Rep People in line Piano Player, real live t and Musician who dou! State age, height, weight atid salar y. Address Oklahoma City., Okla., care Victoria Hoi iy gage ree onsamrst. Opening Oct er 10.00 o shows daily. Two matinees weekly M ville occasionally. PRULIC be abit piay Nae Michigan Or Man once. wi re. DORGE w ‘RD, ‘Bo ham, vmnelly 1 SHOW — Sketci WANTED wg pore Piano P are Other usetf people write. All to work in act Open October 6 B. G. SHERMAN & co, St. Cioud, Minnesota WANTED—Biackface Comedian, ¢ play Batijo or Guita: Also La > handle S ‘ State salary wanted a rst letter. Show ¢ iu nd a r Sh mut a Address WESTERN MEDICINE SHOWS, winter. General Delivery, Saiida, Colorado GUY BROTHERS MINSTRELS WANT QUICK, a!! kinds usici Singer ,, Come dians and Acrobatic a ‘ ‘Addres ss 11614 State St., Springfield, Mass AGENT WANTED ler. Wire all. 25, Livermore ce A st knows h isiness. MAKSUMAN, Riverview Hotel, 407 Helen Avenue, Detro Michigan weurs IKE To AVE a ly of lip weight for hy ~ 1 ‘ sis, one , t necessary. DR. RK El izabet h, Pa. ha aVAR! Xo, Bor t 72, | doubling Soprano, Clarinet, atid other Saxes, A “RED HOT’ TRUMPETDoub! e A “RED HOT” A* “poe PURenee—To arranse Mamma’’, anything. These men to be en save your time and mine. orchestra famous. in the world. you without notice. WANTED A SAXOPHONE TEAM—Eb Alto, doubling Soprano, Clarinet, and other Saxes, or String. Bb Tenor, or String. TROMBONE—Double Cello or anything. and play anything from ‘“Hungafian Rhapsody’’ to pha A SOUSAPHONE—Doubic String Bass and PLAY both instruments with style and make ‘em like it’’, A “DRUMMER”—With everything that a real Drummer ought to have, including Tympani, waged for a lt-week contract, You must be able to read, Hotel engagement, with jots of work making records for the biggest recording company Send your photo, which I will return, if you're not engaged, and don’t misrepresent, for I will close C.R., Howard Theatre Bldg., Atlanta, Georgia “Red Hot with option for more. If you can’t “‘cut the stuff’* to execute, and to produce stuff that has made an Musicians, ¢ Will be obliged to do light work in A-1 Musicians Wanted at Once Cornets, Horns, Trombones, Clarinets (Boehm system only), Oboe, Bassoon, BBb Bass, Xylophone Soloist who can do Tympani. apable of doing SOLOS and STANDARD CONCERT WORK. age and give references in first letter. BOX D-230, care Billboard, Cincinnati, Ohio. Must be first-class automobile factory. State experience, Address TAB. SHOW MANAGERS D j how? , Will finance ne ’ ass chy ab man Ay siness man Xo 4 neel, and under! every a f amusement isine HAVE FOR “Aloe high-class Lion Act, with male and fepa i rkers, or ¥ ork ie Address K. FRANK, care Boston Office The ‘Binpeard. 201 "ithe ‘Building. Boston, Ganeachuectts. WANTED QUICK Real Male Piano Player. Preference to one doing responsible part. Also young Heavy Man doubling Band or Orchestra and Specialty Must be experienced. State lowest salary. JACK HIXON PLAYERS, Advance, Mo., week September 22, Wanted, Team Quick. Open October 1. Change for week. Musical Act or Novelty prM@erred. Man, black in Acts, also Novelty Man. Wire quick. Pay your own. Cotton Storey, wire. ED BAXTER SHOWS, Tamaqua, Pa. WANTED—DANCE MUSICIANS Sax., doubling Blues, Clarinet and hot Trombone Tone essential. See advertisement last week’s Billboard, page 17. Wire COLLINS’ JAZZ BAND, Tampa, Fla. Wanted At Once Rep. People in all lines with Specialties, for Stan ley Stock Co. Equity Address ARTHUR SIMONMaple Shade Hotel, 712 8. Second St., Clinton, Iowa WANTED Solo Cornetist FOR VICTOR’S CONCERT BAND. Join at Rocky Mount, nN. C., Sept. 29. Now playing Theatres and Fair South all winter. Wire JAMES F. VICTOR, N. V. A. Club, 229 West 46th St., New Yo City THELMA BOOTH’S AMERICAN BEAUTIES WANT red hot Jazz Clarinet and Alto Sax., doubie Musical Act m4 a Prefer men with wives for Chorus. CAN PLACE single Chorus_ Girls Wire a BOOTH Olympic Theatre, Newport News, WANTED For Wesselman’s Stock Co., people in all lines for permanent stock. Two bills a week. Rehearsals Cetober 12. Open October 19 Prefer people doing Specia ties. State ace, height and lowest salary in first let ter. Addré L. B. WESSELMAN, El Campo, wer sept. 22; —week Sept. 29; Columbus, wees ect. 6; all exas WANTED PEOPLE In all lins for King Stock Co. Those who wrote be wre write aga bs ig Music ans who double Stage Pay own wires. Join at Hardin, Ky. State salary, 74 once L ERBERT KIDD,