The Billboard 1925-05-30: Vol 37 Iss 22 (1925-05-30)

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May 30, 1925 The Billboard 109 HL t G. te Om Miss, ran White. Marweerite (K) Browne. Cutty, Sigam, c. & Demetic. se iy Gaines “*Hartman, Owens Jones, Scotty Lewis, Jay Meier, E. W. = everne, D! (K)White, Peagy Brownie. W. Colson, Carney 3. Donstdeon,”’ Rateh “Gambine, Hartman, Cans set Jones, Morris Lewis, Dr. J. H. Meldrum, Frank 7 e im Verne. Facile “Whiting, Charlotte Browning. A. Compson, Billy (S)Donaldson, T. M. Gardner, (K)Harton, E. Earl Janes re, Lewis, Jack H. **Molrose, E J. +3 Ona Les a n. Dal Whittington, Ellen ***Brumley, Arch Conan, Donnelly, Edward Jack Hereell HO © sy -% se a Sam *Melvillo, Marvelous 45 aur fom. Al wa a (BE) Buckley, Wr. (K Conaway, (S)Dooley, Bernard **Gardner. Fred D. Barwick. R E Judge, Joh ohn s Lichunes « onan he wt r e a >. -. : elvir id evita MS, ‘Audry M. *eGonibeer. Alfred ). gue. Ve Gait aie pred Jump, ward 4 **Light Hawk, Chief **Meody. chee. 8. ie a. awn Clare Williams. Mrs. Eva Buchwiller. Albert’ Conlon, Lee ***Doud. Billy Geriend. B. G. Hasner, Johnny = **Kaas, Bruce We Lighter Ww. F Mericurio, Nick bose wahleta. Pri incese, Williams, ‘i L ——, Sects ae, Clinton A. **Dougherty. J. W. *Garland & Smith Havens. MK. Kalin pevid, 7 Lifty, Geo" “ ove gy ; Margare el, J. A. Connell. Clinton ~ A . s * . “Merrill, 4H. a sl. — mer — Williams. Goldie Buhler, Clyde HL A. pesmanre este: *Garrison. Bid an al Show comaiwans. : Sp Ldme ; ©. *Mertovs Vincent 8. Eton Wa =. Mrs Williams. Maxine Buley, P. W. Connelly, Oscar Downing. John Lh “Gate. Willard Hawkin” _ = ni. Stanley a F Mertz, W. ~ Mrs Walkers “Blanche “Wil Hs, Louise. Bullock. Brest S*Oonner., Bobby Downs, J. M. Gatty. Jimmy 0. Hawkins. 7 eegaishubt, "Lindner, Chas. PB, e tz, Ted v Ss. 8. unge, 5 ‘onnors. 4 e, * 7 4 ° Metz, Te pa Bg Tm rarver Swit, ire. G, Burdette, Jack = “GNConuoran Jack Dente: Lupe Saudemtib Hoary Haven. wer? wane, gee EIN Cort Meyers, Hanoy aisy ewalker. Lillian anew. Stes Ww. Sure. roy, ur *Dove. Gaughan, J. Hayes, A. D. Kane, James Lippman eyers, Wm. j rs. EB ce, Cecelia *Wilson, Minnie Clarence BE Conway. . oe **Gautrel am ’ . — Meyers, Geo. H. ia well sce, Frankle Carroll Burke, H. J. **Conway, Johnny § Drake, George Jeans Havoes, as Karl’ Roveln eessapyeaion Meyers, Joe ae Alice a Coreen Wilson, Mrs. Eva Burke. Wm. T. Conway. W. & *Drane, Billy B. Gavin. Joe Mon Karr, C. C Lipsky, M nom *Mickelson, D. M. jae Walters. Bertha Wilson, Mrs. *Burke. Raym« Cook, James 0. eano. Josh Gaylord, Lawrence “Hazell, "Rupert **Kavanaugh, Art Daher “-. Mijares, Jesue jiitan . HR ward, Mrs. J. e me <Dareett. Bly Cook, C. a *Dreano, Josh Gazette, Eugene Head. P. M. (K)Keasey Littleton, Wm Miles, J. C. s ble Ward, Shirley ‘Wilson, Mrs. Esma **Burns. Robt. Cook, Kelsey *Drown, Georzo,. N. M Healey, Jeff Hunt ***Lo we al Millard, I. ia M Ward. Isabelle Windors a Bums, Jack — Soo ay ty he = af *George, Robt. C. ***Heath, John Koager. a. —" “ (KL ban, a Miller, n *. 3 nia May “ sillie ndors, ° per. win ryer. . ; “1K **Lo. » 4 er, arry P, i : ware. Mitel **Wines, Mae ss*Burnett. T. ©} Cooper. Chas. Duffy. Bil (Yeliow) osGermalne Gan B. Herter. “jes. Ww. Keecer, Richie. ong Re mg “Miller, Frank oF a, Micky Winters. Lillian C. **Burns. Jimmie (K)Cooper. Harry Dumontg Maurice ***Gerrell, Don **Hefn “pac Logan, Charles Miller,” Sam 5 zaret Warren, 3 Thelma **Winters. Julia ***Burns, R. E. **Coogan, Val ***DuVvall, Billy *qest .& Yeons * consis Shee gcse. Alfred Miller, Duteb ' Mrs (K) Wright. Mrs. Burns, Johnny Cooper, Clyde DeVall. Doe Pete *Genat. Edw, Heilman, Sam Keith, Jas. R **Lone Deer, Chiet Miller. A. i Lorena e ick. Jan ‘Almo (K)Burnworth, J. Copeiani, Ed, Co. DuVall, BR ***Gibb. HL Held Jal *Keith, Fr he **Miller, Jas. E. ie hi wenmrion, Katl® wou, Mrs, Jack w, Fr 22tCovex. Frank —***DuVall. Dr. Peter Gibson. Deo Helms, FM. Kelly. Fret y opens: Badle, Miller, Ralph J ee om +Watkins, Mrs. Wolfe. Lillian am a: . oo Sas Duffy, Wm. Gilbert, Art *Helper, Lew Kelly, W. T. Long, Jack —. ? if s C.F. 8 Woodmen, Starr gometee Gen ki toreorma. Duffy. Josevh Gilbert. Geo Helper. Lew “Kelly, T. J. Long. Jas. Leslie «rier, Bert eh bby M *Watson. Jean Woodward, Mrs. Jean ag Seo. Cordray. Harry Dunn, George Gilbert & Burdene Helvev. Tom Kelly, Ja: (K)Long, Frank Miller, Jas. B. ea 5 Weaver. Mr June ter. $ awele * Walter ~ Corr, Danny _—— Dunlap, Clade c. (B)Gillend, Edw. Henderson & Weber **Kelly, Cc. **Lonsdale, Ray Wetie, Jack rey \ clin, ; i aa 3 eee. Sete : i. ann Jack thi Dashans ee c esilette. Bobby —— J. J. ***Kelly, Edw. &. Loop, Edmon Mi a are uy : : §) Wells, p ew , . F. 1 a, ; s ; Penky wen Helen ***Wright. — Butler, Jack *Costello, Jos. Duvall, Geo. W. Gladstone. Biliy z — Arthur C. 3) ee a ogy Milton, Geo. W. 2 a iith ewells. Helen Wright, Marilynne **Rutler. Whitie Cotter, George **Dye, James W. Gleason, Art Henrict Russe’! Kelly, Thos. P. Lorrell, €. “Milo, Prince iss Ars. §)West, Mrs. Wyatt. Mrs. Jackie $5 Butler. Chariie Cotton, Al **Dyer. Victor one: & Marion Hendricks, Le F, (B) Kelly, Capt Lorrie, Billy Minor. Carl P, i © Nina FanY Wynne, Lillian A Billie Couborn, Frank **Eakin. Jas. H. **Glenn. Robert J. Henry. DeFay . Wm. *Loster, J. Minting, Alf fe Allie ies tee Wynne ie —-Bush, Joe “Country. Chas. (K) Eberhardt. Fred Gioth Robert (B) Henty, Oscar. ***Kelly, Claud Loughrey, Russel! 1 |;Kel, Goo ani eS : Wharton. i Yorke, Gwendolyn (K)Buttimer, A Comrses. Coen, Ux) Ech ae b Gloth. Joe Henry. LW ***Kelsey, Hank (K) Louise, John Lee = oe Boutet ‘ “Wheeler, <<@ * : rd, W. Golden. Ross LL erbert, Tom Kemp, Roy Lutes, eonton , i en “Whettan. & Young, Mrs. Butts. Fred . Tex “aa ** He Mohamed, Behee a | So ee Bp, TORE "emis Bt, Bate. So Sw, i i, Cae meg Rea Sat, erate, ave i Janette Whittenberg. Mrs. **Young. Dot Byers, Eugefe **Cowan, Russell *Eddy, Thos. N. Golding. Paul Herrick. Carl F. Kent, Cotton Lundon, Ed oy ones, Capt. $ . Pearl Zerm, =. Eis. Marie (K) Byers c. w. Cowell, Laurence (K)Edsal, Roy Golin. Edw. W. *Herron. Percy M. *Kent Shows oa "y B “Monroe, Joho f ‘Chas. ‘White. Thelma Zira, Madame Cahill, Bartley Cox, Herb. KR Edwards, Arlow Golson, Harry *Hertzog. Al Kent, Robt. Lane (Kk) Love * Bobbie Montgomery, Frank + { Cahill. Mike Cox, W. G. Edwards. Gus (K) Gonzalis Hess. Geo. Ta Kentucky Legs Lowe, Edw. Montgomery, J. E. we “ GENTLEMEN’S LIST Cain, Geo. Cox, C. B (K) Edwards, Dickie Francesco Hestor. Harvey ***Ketler, E. Luba, Wm. Mont ‘ = * nes) b> i oo. = :.. Bovine. x x. Goodman. Wm. § Hic. zimmi rR Keystone, Geo. Lucas, Josef Montgomery, be “hart “harles A. $ (Hu , ozzetto lison, "Gc nan. cks, mmie *Kiery, Albert Lucinsky, 4 Chrrisie abbott —_el a3 ¢ Caldwell. Vernon F. Craig. Jack A. Emero. Geo. D. Pan ghd Righily, K. W. Lund, » *— J. “Monte, Phrr se nelia C . Ben Baxter, Ed Calkins. Fred C. Craig, Merton Emerson. Ernest Goodman, Harry (i) Hit aad Kilburn, H. C. (K)Lundgren, Wm, Moody, Andrew Ay : 1. G (K) Baxter, Chas. X, Callahan. J. BR. Craig. Bud (Violin) (K)Goodrich. Hill, Eddie L, Kimble, R. L Moon, J. ue a M. Abman. ¢ B **Bayles. F. (K)Callahan, Frank *Crammer. Peanuts Emerson, Frank Herbert Hill. Perry (K)Kime, M. J. (K) Lykumtson, ***Moon, Jack Y4 Hk Morris Bayley. Willard, J, Cameron, Charles Crandall, Jean Endicott, W. 8. Goodson, Gerald Hill, Jimmie ***King, John Micky Moore, B. H. Marte Homer Beach, Bill Red Camp. Herb *Crang. A. F. Engel. Dixie Goodwin, Arthur Hilts, Pau King, James Lynch, Kenneth **Moore, Park xe : Ja ***Becker. Leo (K) Campbell — Cranshaw. D. Re English. Pau! *Goodwin. R. M. Hillis, Paul King. Ben Lynch, RB. M. Moore, Edw. H. : = 9 Grant J. ***Becker. Dan N, Campbell, Bouts Crawford, Art Epperson. Perry **Gooiwin. Roscoe (K)Hiliman, Guy King, N. J. Lynn, Harry Moore, Jas. ; a Beam, Billy Campbell. J. ***Crawford. Jimmie Ernest, F. J. Gorman. Al Hindoo. Bill **King, Johnny Lytell, Joe Moore, H. J lorest ine i ioe Beard. Cetl Campbell, Binurd **Crawford. Jack rie, Fred *Gorman, Wm *Hindson, Cort R. King, Chas. F. Lytton. J (K) Moore, Monteze s. Alice cohas Barton **Beardmore, J. C. **Camnon, Toli Creighton, Bobbie Ervin, Frank ‘ a **Hines, Herm King. ee McAskill, A. wy Moore, Zachius Mr A Adama B. Beasely, Jack Cantrelle. Dean Creighton. Bobbie Eskew, Sam Gossitt, Harry Hinton, H. Cc. "King, Joe J. McBride, Seotty Moore, Jude leg iiams, Tom ***Beasy. Fred M. Cantril’, EH. **Cress. | Harry Esposito, Antonio — Gough. W._B. Hipp. Conrad King, J. Ts. MeBride, Buck Moore, Homer Ne ‘Hazel ‘adams, Geo. W. Beckridge. Lew “**Capell. Dick Crimi, Prof. B. (K) Estes. Sailor Jack (K)Gove, Bobby Hirons. Thos. J. (K) King, Joe "*McCarter, Rey C. °s*Morales, Geo. ¥ re Ny ey . es, Chas a n, ank ss rocker, ° ans Tanger, Jack, ogan, Gus b ow ***McCarty, Fred ***Morelton, Fra 4s Ailes, Chas. W Co. —— Alex Carlo. Teddy _. Crosley. Theo. Evans, Billy Beals r “Horan, Jack M. . Jack **MoCauley, Joe Morgan, C. M. “f Alberts, Leo Belford. Buddie *Carleton. Kid Irish Nelson *Prans, Byron E. **Graham, Ted Hoggatt, C. L. En ow. PR McClain, C. FE (K) Morgan, Dick ne Alberts. Jimmie *Bolgoray Carlos. Harris Crow, Maurice Evans, Osborns Grainger. Andrew Holley. Leland Kingsbury, Don McClanahan, C.-# *Mernn. Mi. J ; ‘Abright, G. P. Belknap. Bert Carmi. Eddi Crowell, John A. *Byans, Archie E Granato. Ralph A. ‘Holiday, Jack EX *Kingsley, Jack McClanahan. D. HH. “*Morgan, Blackte ant wy b. 4 *Bell. Arthur F. *Carnegie, ector Crutchfield, Cuba Evans. A. 5. Granfogel. Geo, **Holley, Tex *Kingston, Jack **McClusky, Jack Morgan, Steve elle \liendale, James L. Bell, Jerry Carnes, Clarence (Cane, Bert Exans, Byron Grant. Lew (S)Hollinger. Fred Kinsey, Dan McConnell, Jr., Geo. Morin, Wm. A : be (s)Alerander, Joe (Bell Walter Camey. Joe Culver, Fred (K) Evans, M. A. *Grant. Jas. A. Holman, 8. 1. Kinsey, H. Lyle **MeConnell, J. J Morretl's Dogs ude Alexander, Man Bell, Wm. L. Carnovale. Charles = **Cummings,Howard *everett, Fdw. G. Grant, Robt. K. Holstein, Alex. _ Kirk, Wayne *McCormick, Daniel Morris, I. E ' 3 Who Knows Beilomo. Vincent (K)Carpenter. Chas. Cummings. J. B. *Everett, Wm. Geo, **Grant. Clifford ra Cc. K. Kirkland, Bennie McCoy, Jesse **Morris, J. C ; Gidaline Alexander, Roy (K)Bendell, Rodger *Carr. Frank "Cummings. Howard Ewine. Russell Gray, Edwin Jas. Holston. Rudolph Kirwin. Fred R. McCrea, Neill Morrison, Chas. A. a Miss “Allen, Jerry Benge. Walter Carr Sherman S ***Cundiff, A. B. Falker, Elmer Gray. Jack foltman, Whitey (8)Kitfen, Bob *McCullough, Pat Morrison, Sandy a "Tee Allen, Jimmie (K)Bennett, G. H. Carrick, Car! *Curley. Jock Falte. Mr. & a Gray, Harry lL. Bopins. Dave J licks, Les MeDantel, W. H Morrison, Jas. P. “ Mrs A Bennett. B. F. Carrier, Chas. LL. **Curley. Howard (K)Gray. Donald 1, (K) Hopkins, Will J. Edw. H. (K) McDaniels, H Morrow, O. F. M: “hos Allen. Cap Jack has. H Carrigan. Hugh Curry, Doss Fanning. John 9 Grayson. Hf. G. Hopkirk. Chas. F. Kobler. Wm, H * “"W. Morse, Allen | bic n, Dick Benson, James M. Carroll. Arthur Curry, Pork Chop (K) Farland, Greely. Tom Hormaday. W. J. **Konkle, Howard MeDani@, Hprace (K)Moss, F. J, wm Mrs i Waiter W. Benson, Jack C. “*Carroil, wa Curtiss, Jos. F. Farree. Frank *Green. Bernle Hotchkiss Shows **Kosloff, Dave Walton Moster, J. E. re Ry Alen. c. *Benton, Jack T. (K)Carroll, C. Curtis, Shorty (K)Farris, Jack **Green. Carl *Hotel Belle Claure (K)Knoll, Low MeDannold, Harry Mouran, Gus ay nse “Allen. Mickey **Berling, Hy **Carroll, fy Bivos® *Fazello, Antonio Green, Frank iiousk. Amen Knorr, Edwin ***Mir Donald, D. W. Moylon, Chas. ot irs K)Allen, Harry Bernard. J. C. *Carrolls, Harry. Curtis, Dinty, Feagin, Bob (K)Greenvurg, Jack dD. Knott, Johnnie McDonald, Graddy “Moylan, BR. F % : Nell **Allon. Michael Bernard. Foltz Pickings **Curtis. Al B. Feather, Ralph Greer. Joe Houheldes Sic Kramer, Sol W. ‘ McDonald, J. K **Muckle, Judd T. . ti ey ‘alien & Norman Berridge. Bil Carron, P. A. Daily, Buck Feld, Jack “*Gregory, O. C. loward. Magician Kramer, Chas. McDowell, Georgie Mullen, Tommy t s. Jack K)Allen, Jimmie Berry. basmee **Carso, Lawrence Dailey. Ray **Fellows, *Gr Fred sHoward, & Jenkins Kraner. Lew Carr Mulumby, Dan Mrs “Alexander, LeRoy ‘**Berry, F. V. Carson, Andrew Dalton, Pat Grell, alter ‘Howard, C A Kreegor, Albert McFadden, Omar *Muneey. €. J. Greta K)Allison, Jack Berry. Mart *Carson, Johnny Daly, Bob Fellows, Harry Buck Grella. Rocco Hoyers, Musica) Kress, Prank McFarland, J. Mae **Muncey Liros. ancy Allison, King Berry. Jack R. s*Carter, Pete Darasoff. Morse Felton, King Grenier, Francis Hubbard, Ed. Kroll, Herman ***McFarland, Leslie Munger, Gerd many Simony, Ed. Bersiems, Joe “Carter. Nick (K)Darce, A. J. (S) Fennell. Jack A. x Hubbard. Charles **Kromholz, Carl McFarland, John T. Murdino, Signor Marie S)Alton, Clarence *Best, Frederick (K)Carter, Chas. E. *Darcy. Larry Fenner. George Grey. Edw. a M. Dunham (s)Kryner, J. HL MeGillis, @. HL (K) Murphy, Chaat Mrs. M. ($)Alton, Clarence Bessette, Chas. Cartwright, Charley Darling. Com. ye Tenton. John Griffin Stock Co, om M. Kuhn, Jack McGirk, Jack Murphy, Wm. G. Fisher Ament, Capt. W. Setts, Boyd ow. J. Chester **—Dariing, (K) Ferguson, Joo **Griffin, Dick tudyen, t E uster, Micky McGraw, H. R. *Murphy, G. HI. Frank : ‘ ' "DD, Bickel. Chas. W. Carver, F. Bernard Dauser. Adam Ferguson. E. Craig Grill, Al C. Hud. depeche” "thas. E. **LaBell, Vit MeGregor, Geo, (K) Murphy, Jim is (Amis. J. RB Bierley. Bddie *eCascadden. Ben Davidson. Pete G. +** Fernandes. Jack grime. Harry EK UWnudeveth_ Chas, & LaBell, Clifford **McHenry, Gabe rtha Ammon, Larry Biggerstaff. Doc Casey, Tom Davis. Duke Ferris, Harry a Hughes, J. Irwin **LaBounty, Paul **McKelvie, W. Murray, W. T ris Amos. EB B. B Casey. O. L. Davis, Ear! C. Ferris, Wiley } Hughes. George Box. a McLane, Paul ***Murray Kembas adette Amyx, Roger *Billy Magical Co. (K)Cass. W. Ray Davis, Shine Field. Paul 000 Hughes, F. W. Breque, McLaughlin, Jack ack irs Anderson, Gus Bishop. B. M. Cassidy. W *Davis. alter Fielcs Gtr. Shows Griswold. nk Hughey, Robert (K)LaDell, Robt. McLeod, E. C. (K) Myers, Thos, A. G. 0. Anderson. Gordon *Bistany, Leo. M. Cassidy, Iris *"Davis, Willis C. ***Pields, Fred M. Griswold, Willard © Hughs. Arthur P. LaMarr, Billie McPherson, Norman *Mysteria, Prince Rae Anderson, Thos. Blackburn, Roy Casson Bros. & (K) Davis. G Figures & Facts . Jack (S)Hugo, Charlies LaStarr, Savoi **McMahon, F. M. Naples, Montana lian H. X. Blackttone. Harw Marie Davis, Arthur D. Ca. we... fone p. *Hundiey, John ***LaTier. Harry C. McMahon, C. G. ine Anderson-Gunn Blanch. Geo. & Castleman. Arthur ‘Davis. Jack Fink, Bay J. “*Gruber. Mar Hunt. Chas. T. (K)LaVerne. Paul **McNally, Roy “Nassau, Billy | K) Anderson. E Rosie Casto. Wn. ***Davis. Ned Finnigan. James M ***Guenther, A. J, [funt. Daniel Lackaye, Dick Happy Nebro, W. irs Pied : P John Blann, K. Julian Somer. Rag Devie, =, 3. (K) Fisher, lewis Qeerrin. Frank M. | gy +S i Wyieed MeNicce, Dr. J. A Ne oy. Spates Louise “Anderson, John B. (K)Blanton, Tom **Caterline. Bugene D: undy. Ja Robert d, . cNulty, 8. C. ee nv egey Anderson, Arthur E. *Blight, Francis J. (S)Cates, Jack (Davis. Bil ?.. Fischer. J. Pr. Gunter. Chas. & Hur, Lee Tamb, Phil MeSparren, Geo. H. ae ames sephine Anderson. John B. Blighty & Nolan Cates. John G. Fisher, Roy « , Auther Hyde E B. **Lamb, Barney L. *MeStea, J. V. (B) Neil wm &. Betty J. ‘anderson, Chas. (K)Blincoe. Wm. Cathinoro, Lu Davis, —” **Fisher. Wale (K) Hymn. Ben mbert, P. McWhorton, ‘Maximo (S)Neléon & Mocker le Andorff. Jim Blom. Biliie Cauble. A. 3 Dawson, Charley Fisher. Roman V. Jack Imming, John Casher **Lambert, L. L. *MacDonald, Jas. T. Nelson, Prof. C. Tattooed Angel & Fuller Blundell, Cash puree, Slim Day. Jack 0. Fishman. Mose Tlackensnitz. Jas. Inge, HMw. ¥ Lamoureur, Geo, Mace, Harry Q. (S) Nelson, Tam . Ben **angus, J. D. *Bomke, James Chalue, Ted *DeArio. Melvin Fisk Dode "Hackett, Karl I . , Landick, Olin *Mack, Bud Bobby ***Nelson, F. M. Frank Apac. Al *Ron Air. Anthony Chamdier, Bill **DeCarr. Claude Fitch, M. E. Hahn. Dick Guy 8. Lane, R. L. **Mack, Edmond Chief F rgaret Archer. Dave D. Bondurant, H. C. Chandler. N. FE. Ca Fitzgerald, James *Haines Nat C Irwin, I iane, RK. F. Mack & Williams ‘**Nelson, Bob & s rie Ardell, Bros, **Booker, Gea EL Buddie DeCar, Claude Fitzpatrick. D. Haines. Frank HH. Isaacs, Henry “Lani, Prince Let Mack, Donald Olive Bee gle Aredo. Joe Borsvold. Art Chandler, Jack DeClerque, Al Fleming. P. C. (K)Haleemb. George Isom, Jas, *Lanier, Jeff “Mack, Alfred PF. Nerenburg, Ted we esta (S)Arenillos, Felix Boswell. Rennie Chenoront. F. DeGreat, Herbert Pletcher. Frank **Hale. Frea Irie Stock Co. “Larue, Bill **Madden, Vddie (K)Nerenburg, Theo. ied la Areno, Frank “Rotts, faew N. *Chessir, Frank B. DeGuerra, Vincent *Flick, Jos. Hale. Kenneth (B)Jack, Gunboat *Lash, Johnnie *Maddex, Ho M. Nestor, Bil ae 2} “*arenz. Thos. **Boulds, Chivers. Sidney **DeHaven. A. Milo Flood. James ale. Paul Jackson. Albert J, Lauson, Herman ***Mahoney, Tom (B) Nestor, Nick 3 i Helen *Arenz, Jack Lincoln M. **Choy, Stanley 1. DeKay, Garrett (K) Flood. Chudk fle. Martin B. ***Tackaon. KE A. ‘Lavan. Charlie Mailien, Billy Neugént, Jimmy ea rs Armstead. Artie Boultan, B. H. **Christensen. Aerial Deland. Exiward Flory & Franos Hall, Doo D. Jackson, Corliss (K)iavin, Joe *Malini, Max Newcomb, A. T. a ChasArmstrong, ¢C. (kK Bowman, Casey Cina. Albert I. Delane, Harry Floyd, Snake Hall. Ed (K)Jackson, Grover ***Lavines. *Mallahan, Frank Newell, Hlarry ah “he **Amheim, ipitie . man, Casey Clerk, Slim De-la-Toon, Alex Flynn, Dale (K) Hall. Doc. Jackson, Ed @G. (&)Levinson, Girard (K)Malone, Bob (S)Newell & Kane irs Artago, Leo Royd. Clair @atk, Gordon **DeLeongs. Mr. & **Fogelinark. C. HL (K)Hall. George Jacob F. Lawrence. Capt. & «*\ialone. Arthur Newkoff. Phil c. B **Anthony, W. W. Bozemore. Lioyd ***Clark. Vic Mrs. Folley, James Hall. Fany (K) Jacobs, » & Marie ***Maloney, Wm. Newland, Harley E. iss M *arthor, Geo. “Brace, Chas. *Cark, Irvine **DeMareon, R D. Forbish. Walter Halman, & TF. James. Dr. “*Lay, Earl Manchell, Lee ***Newman, Maurice . Mrs Arthur, Eddie Bradford. M._M. **Clark, Donald DeReveria, Dick Ford. H. A. Halpew™m. Max “sJames, Cony Layman, Frank B. = Mane, John Fdw. re Lacy Arthur & Partner **Bradley, Bugene Clerk. Chas. C **DeRue. Prank *Fomier. Fred **Hammer. Ed. 3. (K)James, E. P. LeCiaire, Frank **Mangeros, Tom Newman, J. D le Ashwell. R. EB , bcm ; **DeSilva, Jr., Forrest. Edwin Hamilton, G. D. Jamison. W. I LeCrory, Geo. Mann, A. C. Newsome, A. Dust Se tie Bee Atherton, Arthur © Bradley, John V. lark, Frank “Ht Chas. ***Forsythe. Walter **Hamilton, J. D, °**Jarvis. Clyde Yeperd,_ Ba, Mann, R. 5. Nichlas, “Ino y irs M Ratterbury *Rrandau. Clark. Nathan * DeStefano, Joe Forsimgn. Dr. C. C. Hamilton, F. B. Jarvis, Harry **LeNoir, Jack T. *\fann, Tom Nickerson, Durward : mex = Ernest **Brady, £ ***Clark, Harry Daa *"DeVaianie. 8S. K. Foster, Re A. Hamilton, Jr. Jean. Wm LeKoy, Eddie Manning, Jack “Nicholas, Tor " ce Atkin, Geo. Brady, F._ J. (K)Clark. Geo. H. ReVary. James Foster. H. E. Geo. W. Jefferson, T. G. sLeRoy. Lou Manzi, Peter J. *Nirseh!, Paul i “ee dulger Bros. Show **Brady, M. 8. (K)Clark. Edgar F. DeVoe. Max Foster. BR. K. Hamilton. L & Jeneins, Wovt LeRoy, Billy Marion, Francis Nish, Jim Max ‘ “Brady. Terry Clark. Bill * DeVoy. Exnie Foster. W. E Hamilton, Jack Jenkins, Price LeVeane, Danny *Mark, Nick Noble, Horace V ott Bailey, LeRoy H. (8)Brahan, A. (K)Ciay, Her DeWitt, Harry For, R. E. *Hamilton, Alfonso Jennings Warold Leathers. Richard Marker & Sebenck = Noffsinger, Jach —_ Baird, Joe Porter. Brake. Paul Clements, J; “DeWitt. T. RB. For, John Hammond. Chas (S)Jennings, A} “*Lebeal. Harold Markle, Wm Noonan, Howard ! et, Sanders Branioch, John (L)Cleveland,” Roy Derolte, Meret, Fox & Ware *Hampson, (K)Jennings, Ted = Ledoux, Lawrence (B)Marler, Bob Norfleet, CA de — aker, Frank Dutch Braussard, Bugene -*clifr, 0. C. K)De D. E Fox. Ben Yraney. Loule Jensen, Owen *Ledoux , Lawrence *\foroon, Jas. Norman To w Pe theya *Balmus, Wal Bray, Geo. T “Clifford, Ray “Delise. G. A. Fox, Ray Hanifir, Thos. J. Jerome, Sonny “tee, Duke Raicne se*Marquardt, Oscaf Norman, E. J —~ Bane, George Brennan, Jas. J. “Clifford, Jack Delmore. Wn. Fowler. Edw. B Hanley, Geo. M. etter, J. J s*Lehman, Wallle (py) Marr, Roy Norris, C. I Mrs. §) Bare!) oe J. **Clifford Denlinger, W. W. Francis, Geo. Hanna, Albert’ **Jowell, Warren Lebrter, } Marsh, Jerry North, Bobby oe “Banham, ‘Dick *Brewster, Rex Clitton Llosa Dennis. Walter Ho *Frank. Edw *Hanna. Chas. Jewell, Clifford “Leister, John Marshall, Henry “North, Frank ¢ irs. tanker, Rert . *Briest, Alfred (K)Clifton, J. c, Dennis. Jeff Franklyn, Martin Hanna. Philip M. Jobber, Stanley Leland, Ed Marshall, Doe BR Norton, Wm. J ” Barchy, Blackey Brigham. E H Clingman. T KR *Dent. Tousy Franklyn, Pete ***Hannon, D. W. Joe. Jip Leland, Sylva **Martell & West “Noy. Fras mn ‘arclay, Hartley W. (K)Bright, J. B. Glepten, Curtey Dernberger. Samuel *Fraser, Go Hannon, W. F Joe, Zip \ Lemley, W. Marlin, 8. T. NMusest 3. Ww Lis ne Rarfleid. Hermond Briskey, Tom. Coast. Louis *Deters Bros. **Frederickson, Rull Hansen. «x. Joe, Rattlesnake Levord, Capt. Martin, A. L. Nurenberg. Albert * Sve Rares, Little Al *Bristol, Prof. D. ML *Coates, Ralph Devlin, Joe *Fredericks. Geo, bin. Geo John. Alfred Lent, Jas (K)Martin. J. Wo Nyman, Myer rs 8 Bames. Flovd ae, Walter (K)Coburn. Frank “Devine, Jack Freeman. C. Mites F Frank E. Iphnson. J. W *Lenz, hey Martin, Leland H. Oberman, Harr: Bames, Clinton Leon *Cochran, W. H Dewey, Buck Freeman. Bobby Lu ene... Jim Johnson, J. T Teona rd, Da Mer . Harry Rddi ons Bames. Sam Rlackie NAR Arthur » Ww. o (S)Dexter. Harold P. (3) Freeman. Jack Harper. Wm. Johnson, Ravel Leonard, Reddie Mart Glenn ohn a. aiih “Barnes, Parl 7 Brooks, cur *Coeley. James A. *Dexter. Sr.. Gea ***Freeman, Whittle Harel. Nethan **Johnson. Halligan (S)Leonard, Ivan Marvelia, Melnotte ut. I Mr: , *Barnest ead, Fa ~—— Brooks ank Coeur, Blackie Diaz, Carlos Friedlander. David **Harriman Johnson, Floyd Leonard, Fra X. Mars, John " Jean Hugh (R) Browder rR. g, Coffey. Lester Dick, Buria Carl Fritz Henry Harrinatou,” x ***Johnson, Halligan Leslie, Matt D. Mason, G. E. ‘ ss Bartett, Thomas R *Coffrey. Josen® = . BR. Martin Bia“ (K)Johnson, Al Leslie, Kelline Mason, iobt J. J . + vamette, Charli town, John Coghill, Homer ***Dick. Burta ***Pubrman. J. B — "Jas Johnson, Guy Lest Leigh & Massano, Nick Ja fe **Rarr 0 A e RB Blackie *Cohen, Al **Dickinson. Wm (K) Fuller, Sid ” ‘Sarsis. ta K. ities Beni. er, LaGrace Mathews, M. L k ¥" “Barrett loom onl Louis Alfred Cohen. Abie H (S)Fuller. D. P. Harris. Melvi ’ down Lester. N. B =**Mathews, J. B wy OF pear, J Brown, Max C. “Cohen. Herman Fulton. LB. (R) Harris, W. M. Johnson, Hap’ (K) Lester. ‘ack **Mathews, Henry ree, G. S T B . Happy * sateo wy. J. **Cohoen. George Pepin. Mae & Funston, Chaa. Harris. Vincent L. ***Johnson, E. A. Levine, Sam Matson, Robt. K ib Mrs Bartell. Lou (ie oO Colbert, Ray Helen Furman. W. PF. K)Harrison, Rott. Johnson, Louie *Levit, Herbert **Mayer, J. J Ma) G._Tpean. George “RK wg Wa Cole, Clyde C. Dillon. J. R Furr, Quinn H. Johnson, Jimmie (K) Levy, Bill (B)Mayo. Frank © jack Lillian atton. J. BR. } town, Harry H. Cole, Francis **Dimotteo. Austin Gabourie, Hector Harrison. Arthur Johnson, Tom ***Levy, Samuel **Meachum, Newell Johr Frank eatton, §~Pay) Brown, Marty Coleman C. C. *Dinan, W. M. Gaffney. Davis Harrison. M Johnson. LL. B Lewis, Jack X *Meade, Robt. T. R. ¢ Mrs, » Bartiat t, a! c coon 2. a. *Coleman, Sam Dixon. H FE “Gaffney. Sugarfoot Hart, Ralph A Johnson, E. BR **Lewis, Noel E (K)Meade, Elmer Cat Rack whe ~ fe b&trem “& Saxton sepPtOwn. Emile Coley, Bill Dixson, Jake Gaffney, Sugarfoot **Hart, Harold S. Johnson. Ray’d W. Lewis, Buddy §= Means, AG. Alfred "Baseitt « Bailey Brown, Will H. Collier, Harry Dodge, George *Gaffy. Tom **Hart Milo J. : **Johnson. Chas. &. Lewis. Geo. F. *Megell, Sam Orman, Frank Battye, Wm Brown & Wheeler Collins, Bert Doescher, Maurice *Caines, Al Hart’s Ohio Girl Johnston, Harry BE. Lewis. Dick — Megson, Fred Ormonde, Earle of Robt. L. Collins, Gene **Doman. Gea. T. *Gaines. Chas. Band Johnstone, Ed **Lewis, Geo. (Continued on page 110)