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The Billboard 1925-06-27: Vol 37 Iss 26 (1925-06-27)

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@@titicremeorrtonrneo™:::* " June 27, 1925 GUARANTEED A ren SYokuryBAMBO SELF-FILLER FOUNTAIN PEN <PW SHIPMENTS-—-EVERY PEN PERFECT. ¢. Sample prepaid, 50¢; Dozen, $3.00. Ask for our quantity prices. Onesthird deposit, balance C. O. D. Write for our new catalog. CHINO & COMPANY 59 East Adams Street, CHICAGO, ILL. We Carry Everything In Japanese Goods. Quick Profits in Puff Knits Wells Sold Dozen in 10 Minutes He wires: “Received sample dozen. gush pret at once, your famous Puff nit No. (00—Puff Knit Ties, $2.10 Doz. $24.00 Gross COLLEGIATE BELTS Seller of the Season Just added to our line and selling like wildfire. No. 800—Genuine horsehide, 1% in. wide. Russet, Black, Gray, Powder Blue. Fancy and plain Designs. $5.00 DO: 30-38, AMBY KNITTING MILLS, 79 Fourth Ave., New York CLARKE’S GOLDEN RULE SHOWS NOTICE TO FAIR SECRETARIES If you want the best and cleanest Fair Shows in America, get in touch with us at once. Three Rides, eight tine Shows, every one catering to ladies and childre », and twenty Concessions, all cleen and good. Willard, O., June 22-27; North Baltimore, O., June 29-July 4, big Legion Celebration. CAN USE’s few more Concessions. Address C. A, CLARKE, Mer. Ted Worth, come on. Wise Shows Can Place Efficient Foreman for Mangles Chair-oPlane, also other Ride Help. For Sale— Twelve Arcade Duoscope Machines with new pictures; like mew; $20 each. Week of 21st, Dover, Ohio; week of 4th, Mingo Junction, Ohio. C.F. Zeiger United Shows WANT Talkers and Ticket Seller who can Grind, Hawaiian Dancer, Acts for Side Show. Will buy Freak Animals. A few Concessions open. Useful Carnival People. wire. Now playing fairs. Rugby, N. D., this week; Cando, N. D., next week. MANTED AT ON To hear from useful Side-Show People. Freaks and Platform Attractions. Long, pleasant and profitable engagement. JOHNNIE J. Bejano, Morris &% Castle Show, this week, Sioux City, Ia.; next week, Aberdeen, S. D. WANTED Free Acts and Concessions for Menno Stock Show and Fall Festival, September 2, 3 and 4. Write to F. J. RITTERSHAUS, Secretary, Menno, 8. D, WANTED Expertenced Man to take charge new Merry Mixup. ; ire or come on. Fuquay Springs, N. C., week une 29. Also experienced Concession Agent for our string of fairs, t 1CE oneiT ee alee. yyitarving September 1. BRUCE NEW PiT ATTRACTIONS Lots of $10.00 and $15.00 Freaks, new and different. Also Illusion and Mechanical Stuff at low prices. A ~~ Babies ~ Bottle, $35.00 Each. New list. free. goods ready to ship. NELSON SUPPL ous 14 E. 4th St., So, Boston, Mass. a WHEELS and GAMES Catalog Free. DAILEY MFG. co., 428-32 E. 7th St., ST. PAUL, MINN. 4 Sticks of Chewing Gum to Each Pack for 1 Spearmint, Peppermint and Fruit Flavors. For Preplane. i shy boxes. Dou* your money. Novelty packages. New gum ideas. Rall Gum, Give-Away um, etc. Deposit required. © are the Laer GUM SHOPS on -, = The Billboard ceased was on the advertising staff of Truth in Sydney, and handled a section of the newspaper publicity for Wirth Bros,’ Circus for a number of years. MARRIAGES ABRAMS-BUCK—Sidney Abrams was recently married to Miss Gach. daughter of John Buck, manager of Proctor’s 58th Street Theater. They spent their honeymoon at Burns’ Camp in the Adirondacks, Glen Lake, N. Y., where they were entertained by Burns and Wilson. Miss Buck was formerly employed at the N, V. A. Club and also at Proctor’s 58th Street. APPLE-EPSTEIN—Ben Apple, owner of the King Theater in Troy, N. Y., and Sadie Epstein, cashier of the house, were married recently. AUGUST-WILSON — La August, formerly ride man with the idman & Pollie Shows, and Jennie Wilson, concessionaire with the Murphy Bros.’ Shows, were married on the bally of the 10-in-1 on the latter show Jule 18. After the ceremony covers were laid for 100 and T. F. Courtney’s corn game answered the purpose of a mammoth dining room. Music and dancing followed. BELL-V ALMROSE—Dugald Stuart Bell and Ella Joanna Malmrose were married June 6 in New York City. Miss Malmrose, well-known actress, last played with the Jack Lewis Players in stock at Roanoke, Va. The couple will be at home at Aylmer, Quebec. BELL-TURK—Jack C. Bell, violinist and straight man, formerly of Jack Crawford’s Bon Ton Revue, and Doris Turk, chorister, formerly of Marshall Walker’s Whiz Bang Revue, were married June 13 at the county court house at Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. E. G. Gruner and Mabel Dagwell witnessed the ceremony. CRAW FORD-LORENZE—W. H, Crawford, of the athletic show with the Harr Copping Shows, and Helen Lorenze, wi the 10-in-1 show with the same company, were married June 19 at Wheeling, A Va., where the organization was playing at the time. DAY-YUEK—Wong Day. Chinese actor, was married June 13 in Los Angeles to Lee Yuek, star of the Mandarin eater on Jackson street in that city. The romance began on the Chinese stage. Judge Summerfield tied the knot and _ was assisted by Lee Thing, interpreter. DRAKE-LENTZ — Bernard (Babe) Drake, popular trainmaster on the Isler Greater Shows, was married to Gladys Lentz, of Columbus, Neb., at Fremont, Neb., June 11. Mr. Drake has been trainmaster on the Isler Greater Shows for the past three years, and Miss Lentz was the calliope player on Millker’s Dog and Pony Show, one of the attractions on the same show. Mr. and Mrs, Drake will make their home on the Isler Shows this summer and then go to Los Angeles for the winter. “Babe”, as he is called by his many friends, put out plenty of cigars and candy when the happy couple arrived back on the show after their “outing”, and after the night’s performance entertained about 30 of his friends with a fine dinner in the dining car of A. U. Eslick and Harry Meanor. EDWARDS-HUGHES — George Edwards was married May 8 at St. Michael's Chureh, Vaucluse, Sydney, Australia, to Molly Hughes. Both parties are now playing the Fuller Circuit in Mr. Ed wards’ sketches. Mr. Edwards in rivate life is Al Parks, a brother to ew Parks, the Fuller-Ward publicity manager. ENGEL-MARKS—Dan Engel, representing Shapiro, Bernstein & Co., in Buffalo, N. Y., married Mildred Marks, nonprofessional of Brooklyn, recently. EN( }LISH-FINNICUM—Joseph A, English, representative of the Famous Players-Lasky Corporation at Billings, Mont., Se ET Tw x WHITLOCK-PATCH—"Bunny” lock, straight man with Harry Lewis’ Honeymoon Town Company, and Laura Patch, musical director with the same show, were recently married in Chicago, Ill, The company was playing the Star Theater in that city at the time. WOLVERTON-OGDEN—J. C. Wolverton, former showman and now manager and owner of the Ideal Hotel, Dallas, Tex., was married in that city June 5 to Mary Ogden, the ceremony being performed by Rev. S. Crutchfield, a Methodist minister. Mrs. Wolverton was formerly a model for magazine covers. They gre at home at 603% South Ervay street, allas. COMING MARRIAGES Elizabeth Dayton, Wash on soprano and radio singer, formerly_of the concert platform, will be married June 23 to Arthur Herzog, songwriter and son of a member of the New York Stock Ex change. William Russell, picture star, will marry Helen Ferguson, also a screen waar, according to information just received, Rev. Ernest John Bowden, Unitarian minister of Atlanta, Ga., will be married to Romano Weaver Baxter, actress and daughter of Blanche Weaver Baxter, famous actress, the first week in July at the home of the bride. Miss Baxter recently returned from Niagara Falls, where she played leading parts in the Fran Sel Stock Company there. Up to the latter part of Oovember she was leading woman in a large stock company in Atlanta, and it was during her_six months’ stay there that she met Rev. Bowden, Announcement was made _ June 17 of the qqeagement of Walter F. Winkir to rothy Green, both concessionaires on the C. R. Leggette Shows. ding will take place August 19. BIRTHS Born to Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Lyons, June 7, at Miami, Fla., a 10-pound girl. Mr. Lgene ig the owner of The BobbedHair Revue, a tabloid company playing thru the South, and rs. Lyons was formerly Patsy Miller, a popular ingenue and blues singer. Mr. and Mrs. Louis LaTour, of the Bob Morton Circus, became the parents of a son while the circus was playing at Denver, Col., week of June 8. r. LaTour is solo cornetist with Victor Graham’s Band of the Morton Circus. DIVORCES Mrs, Fred Wood, who before her marriage was Camille Sarazin, recently ap lied for a divorce in the Civil District ourt of New Orleans, La., from Fred Wood, an instructor in music and dramatic art in the Vieux Carre section. Mr. Wood came to New Orleans about two years ago from a repertoire company and opened his studio. The marriage of Mrs. Waiter Callinan, formerly a dancer in musical comedy, has been annulled at New York. Her mother brought about the annulment on_ the ground that her daughter. married (a nonprofessioanl) while under age and without her consent. Josephine Weld recently_obtained a divorce at Hollywood from John Willoughby Weld upon the ground that her husband represented to her before their marriage that he was under a contract to William Fox at a salary ranging from $200 to $400 a month and that she learned afterwards he had no contract at Whit The wec and Ruth Finnicum, a member of the all, faculty at the Billings Polytechnic Institute, were united in marriage June 17 at St. Patrick’s Church in Billings. Rev. Father John Pettit officiated. After the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. English left by automobile for Butte on a wedding trip. They expect to return to Billings within a month to make their home there. JUCKES-MULLANEY—George Juckes, librarian on The New York Morning World, and Rose Mullaney, former office manager of Chamberlain Brown, were married June 8 in New York. KENDALL-FLYNN—Messmore _ Kendall, president of the Moredall Realty Corporation which_owns_and operates the Capitol Theater, New York, and Katherine Grace Flynn, daughter of_Mr. and Mrs. James Henry Flynn, of Brooklyn, took place June 16 at the xgivutn’s countrv place, Dobbs Ferry. Afterwards Mr. and Mrs. Kendall left for a trip to Canada, ‘SCHAYER-EVANS~-The marriage o*% FE. Richard Schayer, scenario writer, and Aletha Evans, sister of Cecile Evans, movie actress, took place at Los Angeles June 14 SMITH-DAILEY—Harvey L. Smith, of Montgomery, Ala., and Mary C. Dailey. of Monroeville, Ala., both appearing n the Miller Brothers’ Exposition Shows, were married in Rochester, e. y. ae » wedding ceremony too F: : bi © onguide of a divin atform Dat the two principals ha in which on a tank, appeared in a fancy diving act earlier in the evening. e ‘ VANDERHURST-BELASCO —._ Byers Vanderhurst, San Francisco_bond broker, and Bertille Belasco, San Francisco art student, were recently married in os an city. Mrs. derhurst is @ David We have just received a letter from Nellie Kinley asking us to announce that she received a divorce from_ William (Bill) Davis, whom she married in 1923. The divorce was granted at Idana, Kan., October 6, 1924. Shirley Mallette, former soubret in Columbia Circuit shows, more recently in the vaudeville act, Stars of the Future, was divorced from I. B. Hamp, a. wellknown Columbia Circuit burlesque comique, in the Domestic Relations Court of St. Louis, Mo., June 1, on the ground of desertion. Frank Fa comedian, has been divorced by Gladys Buchanan Fay, the decision having been rendered by Supreme Court Justice Churchill at New York recently. She receives alimony of $75 per week, Elinor Yabrowski, palmist ‘with the Royal American Shows, obtained a divorce May 21 at Helena, Ark., from John Yabrowski, —— among concessionaires “Dutch” Meyers. #8 sary Ellis, prima donna of Rose Marie in New York, recently filed suit for divorce against Edwin H. Knopf, play producer, her second husband. ey were married April 30, 1923. Her first husband was Louis Bernheimer, a newspaper man and an aviator in the World War, whom she married in 1920 and divorced a few months before her second marriage. After deliberating 10 minutes a fury in Judge Julian A. Moore’s court, Denver, Col.. recently found Mrs. Ruth Dakin Marshall, violinist, guilty of cruelty and awarded her husband, H. Marshall, Jr.. a preliminary divorce decree, and found him not guilty of cruelty. Before she married Mr. Marshall in 1910 Mrs. Marshall was Mrs. Willis Glenn Beckham. She received a divorce from Mr. on the of cruelty. weer Hy 91 CUT PRICES ON MERCHANDISE FOR CONCESSIONAIRES Cedar Chests With Candy Fillers and Padlocks 7) ote NEWEST AND BEST GRADE ON THE MARKET. {-Lb Size. Per Dozen.... ++ -$10.50 2-Lb. Size. Per Dozen... oes $2.00 3-Lb. Size, Per Dozem......cccccsccceees 13.50 S-LB. Size. Per Dozem........seeeeeeeses 15.00 BABY DOLLS IN QUILTS The Biggest Hit of the Season. SPECIAL, BAL Dozen (Worth $36.00)..........+e06. \DE Ne, 60 Heavy Gas. Per Gross........+++.. $ 2.75 No. 70 Heavy Gas. Per Gross......«+++++ 3.00 No. 75 Airships. Per Gross..... es 2.25 No. 50 Squawkers. Per Gross. 2.50 No. 60 Squawkers. Per Gross. 3.00 Balloon Sticks. Per Gross.. ec an Nickel-Plated Cigarette Cases. Per Gross.. 13.50 Japanese Lacquer Cigarette Cases. Per Gross 24.00 Barking Dogs. Per Gross.........-..e.00> 12.00 Flying Birds, 3 Colors, with Decorated ticks. Per Gross.........+. eoccccccecs } Opera Glasses. Per Dozem.......+-+++-++ « 6.75 4-Piece Pipe Set, Velvet-Lined Gox. Set.. 1.75 24-In. Indestructible Pearls, in Satin-Lined Satin-Lined Box. Per Dozen.... ...e.-00> oocesceso 7. Mama Dolls Per Dozen..... $9.00, $12.50, 16. Assorted Dolls. Per Dozen. .......-seeeeees 8.50 Send for list of other items. 25% deposit required on all orders, which are shipped promptly. SAMUEL FISHER, 54 W. Lake $i., Chicago, Ill. Let them t SHOOT! im The Easy Way To Bigger Profits with**Shoolcscope” Hundreds of operators are making big money with “SHOOTOSCOPE’’, the most profiable, sturdily built and attractive Pistol Target on the market. J. F. K of Wilkes-Barre bought one on trial Two months later he bought 50 more, Operators everywhere report big earnings. Goer your share! Write today for details! International Mutoscope Reel Co. 641 Gardner Street, Union Hill, N. J. FZ Ss ~ \\ ii ti! Hn HH im tH et Pun eae, , * — ated * ww” i? at He toa, %, aRet si <4 a u ed | — ny iy ibe Threé in Nest, as shown, Solid Brass, $ 10.75 with Painted Glass, (Nest of 3).. tie vce $160.00 at ee ry ee cece neues 5.00 oS 9 ES $ 72.00 J. J. HALTERBECK CO., Inc. 998 Washington Ave., Long Island City, N. Y. Phone, Astoria 2128. WANTED For Side Show, 25 oe p anew nA —_ Suake Girl and Aener. communicate | a route in Billboard. M. F. CHAMBERLAIN, Manager of Side Show. The Marquis of Queensberry was granted a divorce at London, Eng., June 15, from Lady Queensberry, who at the time of her marriage was Irene Richards, then playing in Theodore and Company at the Gaiety Theater, Londen. Misconduct was charged. Mrs. Lillian L. Miller_ received a divorce decree June 16 at New York from Walter Corwin Miller, movie actor. The court awarded her $100 a week alimony and gave her the custody of a daughter. al Mr. Miller is directed to pay $500 twice a toward the child’s support.