The Billboard 1925-09-05: Vol 37 Iss 36 (1925-09-05)

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“a & <n ee le ety 16 seneui seen Scenic sruDe coLUMBUS. OHIO. WANTED—Piano Leader. Must play Vaudeville and cue Pictures. Steady work for right man. Union salary your salary if you make good. Wire or write at once. PLUMB THEATRE, Streator, Ilinois. AT LIBERTY Ppeetienent Trouper, Cornet. This week, Corbin, y. U. G. NIXON, General Delivery. WANTED Comedian and Ingenue, with Specialties, Piano Player and Sax. Don't write, wire. MAC STOCK COMPANY, Princeton, Ky. WANTED For J. Doug. Morgan Show, one hot Lead Sax. doubling Clarinet and Baritone Sax. Must be good reader and able to take Stock Chorus. Tipton, Mo., this week. BRUNK’S COMEDIANS WANT Man for Heavies and General Business. Must be quick Wardrobe on and Can also use real Feature Ballad Singer, Second Man who can use the This show has not closed for three years and a half. ws Okla., this week; Cushing, Okla., week WANTED, WESSELMAN’S COMEDIANS Ingenue with Specialties, Special Business Man with Specialties to handle Stage, Boss Canvasman who can take care of real outfit. Ted Ragan, wire. Bartlesville, Okla., this week; Collinsville, Okla., week September 7. WANTED To Enlarge Show Piano Player. Must read, fake and transpose. State if you play paris. Would consider Team, one on pious, other some other instrument or parts ALSO ANT Specialty Team for Parts. Also General Busi=a Man and Leading Man. This is a week-stand rep., canvas in summer, houses in winter. Never close. Useful Actors and Musicians write or wire. Wardrobe and quick study essential. State salary, size, etc., if you expect answer. Ro Nero and Art Coupie Candler, wire. Address Y ee HAMILTON COMEDIANS, Farmville, N. , The Billboard | : SCENERY MEETING TREND FOR MUSICAL ACTS, SCENE RY 2212: PRODUCERS FIGHT SHY OF SKETCH ° EW YORK, Aug. 31.--The one-act playlet and so-called sketch will go begging for time on the bigger circuits this season unless the material is of an un usual sort, is the edict of the booking men, who are fighting shy of this type of act. The ruling brings “names” from two-a-day when nothing else is in sight, proven by last season’s quota, select a sketch as their vehicle. Only those who qualify for “musical playlets’™ as they might be called, will find it worth their while to tinker with vaudeville this year. The trend for acts with music is already quite marked. That there will be an ample quantity of musical comedy revues and the like is indicated most forcibly by the production this season of such acts by Lewis & Gordon, who in years past have launched more sketches than any other firm and last year probably more than all the rest put together. A plethora of “names” from the legit. came into the two-a-day the past season via this office. Practically all were seen in one-act playlets, written by favorite Lewis & Gordon authors. Out of the acts emerging from their workshop thuy far this season, however, the majority are of a musical nature. A condensed version of The Gingham Girl, the Eddie Buzzell part of which is essayed by Bob Jarvis, is already out. Another offering called The Love Cabin— a musicalized version of John B. Hymer’s sketch Petticoats—is also on its way. It was staged and musicalized by Herman Timberg, who has a vimilar offering entitled Apples, featuring Bert Gordon, which is presented by Timberg in associationwith Lewis & Gordon. Another instance of the musical production activities of the firm is the plan to set to music the Elaine Sterne sketch, Five Minutes From the Station, for a second company, to be headed by Isabelle D’Armond and Lew Hunting. The first company, with Henry ‘Hull, opens this week in the sketch in its original form. A cursory syrvey of the producing field discloses ‘the majority of producers are to stay away from sketches. the dramatic fold who would enter the under the same ban, since sO many, as The Blanchards, who have specialized in “dramatic and comedy playlets, are at present casting two musical revue offerings, written ‘by popular authors. One is The French Lesson, with book and lyrics by McElbert Moore and Edward Lavka and music by J. Fred Coots, and the other is Low Bridge, written by McElbert Moore and Phil Cook. Others are doing likewise. E.. K. Nadel has several revue type of offerings and so has Cc. B. Maddock and Hocky & Green. Loew Declares Dividend New York, Aug. 31:—The Borrd of Directors of Loew’s, Inc., has dec'ared a quarterly dividend of 50 cents a share of the capital stock of the company, payable September 30, to stockholders of record at the close of business September 12, this year. Midget Troupe Lands New York, Aug. 29.—Rose’s Royal Lilliputian Troupe, eight in number and having an aggregate weight of 450 pounds, arrived from Germany this week on the Bremen. The oldest member of the troupe is said to be 40. BAND AND ORCHESTRA DIRECTOR AND INSTRUCTOR. Vill locate in small town if position is permanent Mlle from Chicago. Best references furnished. €. SCHOENING, 5 E. Church 8t., Jacksonville, Florids AT LIBERTY A-1 Clarinet. Experienced all ——~ lines. Will travel. Transpose on Bh Clarinet Union. Address : NECKE, 314 George Ave., Waukegan, IIL Chicago WANTED GIRL ACTS And Girls for Vaudeville Revues, Musical Comedies and Tabs., Singers, Dancers, Musicians and Chorus Girls. Send photographs. Managers wanting real attractions and service Address BERT MARSHALL, 124 S. Main, Akron, Ohio. Wanted StockLocation By Company now arload scenery. Company mp in fty late releases. Must move ac count theatre in litigation. T. J. McELHANY, Nat’l Vaudeville Exchange, Bramson Blidg., Buffalo, N. Y. in operation. WANTED IMMEDIATELY Stock location by recognized Company. Guaranteed productions. | Address ELLA KRAMER CO.,, Capitol Theatre, Dunkirk, N. Y. READ THIS LIST of REAL =e Sik Opera Hose, All Colors.................4-Ballet Slippers, Biack Kid, Splendid Quality. . ie Famous Waas Toe sipoers, Baath Kid. .ncccceve 4.00 Same in Pink Satin .....---..0cccsccsneees 4.50 Acrobatic Pumps, Black Kid, Elk Soles........ 1.00 Waas Ladies’ Supporters, Extra Wide...... .... 2.50 Waas Men’s Supporter, Finest Made............ 2.50 Negro Wigs, Big Value ...........--cecceseens .50 Crop Wigs, All Colors, tmported.............4.. 3.50 Bald Wigs. Any Character, Imported. > dens bate Oe 4.00 Make-Up Mirrors, Double Faced................ 75 Send at once for our Free Illustrated Sales Catalogue. Hundreds of Bargains. Postage on any articles above 12c each. Discount of 10% if AAP in dozen lots. WAAS & SON, 123 S. 11th, Phila., Pa. Costumers to the Nation. Com T0 DANCING Laer ae We have everything you need. Shoes are especially fine "tor your pepils. weight, New York City. UNION PROPERTY MAN WANTED Prefer man with small wife who can dance and assist age and experience to THURSTON, MAGICIAN, in show. Send picture. height, 231 West 45th Street, Mention if you can double Orchestra. HILLMAN’S STOCK CO. WANTS People in all lines, balance of summer and winter season, Juvenile Leading Man, Ingenue, Lead Characters and Heavy Man, General Business Team, Specialty People who can act. Those who wrote before, write again. Neb., week of August 30; Carlton, week of September 7. Deshler, RUPTURE " CURED 8 at home, secretly, harmlessly; no absence from work or pleasure; no operation; no injection, and how different is this marvelous new invention (not a truss) The with its mild, even retenThis resilient corrector of ail ruptures gently working the rupture back, forever holding it in place, and if it were not for the comfort it brings you would never be aware of its presence.» Its constant compression and expansion on the rupture massages, exercises and strengthens the muscles in a natural way —quickly bringing back all their old tion at all points. cure to stay cured has cases. the moment the ( TBACE MARK ALG Vv. & PAT Gare ‘ ) is used the rupture vanishes RUPTPRE. CURRECTYR INSTITUTE and a cure should become an actual experience. Come for a FREE TEST today. Pay if satisfied. There are no doctor charges. Must call at our office in Chicago as we have nothing tv send by mail. The ex of the trip here will be repaid many times by the lasting results you will receive Abdominal Belts, Pliable Elastic Arch and French Surgical Corsets, Rabber Goods. etc. . &. PAT OFF. been reported in hundreds of And the beauty of it all is its effects are instant; I4WWASHING © ThrowYourTruss Away time strength; a MARK RE St frm = ST. CHICASY ACTRESSES AND ACTORS NEEDS SOLICITED: Reducing Garments, Dancing Girdles, Instep Correctors, Surgical Elastic Hosiery, September 5 1925 WiHEQDORE E.KAHN SCENIC stubios. _— FLUTE PLAYER WANTS steady position in good theatre. aaee Chicago's finest orchestra. ast Church St., long expeC.-8CHO ) Jacksonville Florida. — WANTED | a 5 People, al lines. a Change for lls, lend we VM. GEORGE. 1234 H' street’ Ne” "Washing: ‘i . & : WANTE B. F. who can change strong for one week. If you can drive Ford baggage truck say so. Tell all and salary in first HUGH A. NICKELS, Wendell, Minn., Aug. 31 a week; Sunburg, Minn., Sept. 7 and week, WANTED Drummer with Tymps. and My). rimba. First-class Six-day week Salary, $40.00. Steady position for right man. Wire ORCHESTRA LEADER Bluefield, West Virginia WANTED YOUNG MAN AERIALIST To work on Rings, prefer one who can do On Windup, also Iron Jaw. For an established oa. | yn ticulars to K. 1., care Billboard, 1560 Broadway, New York. City. -AT LIBERTY Clarinetist. double on Eb Alto Sax. Would like to hear from theaters or hotels, Works. Good tone, experience and young. Cuan join after September 7. Address EDWARD DI BENEDETTO, General De livery, Monticello, N. Y WANTED Single Novelty Acts, Contortion, Trapeze, Jugglers, Wire, etc. Also Lecturer who can talk symptoms and turn them. We get the crowds in front of you. Also M. D. registered in Pennsylvania We open in Pennsylvania late in Reptember Real Med. People of all kinds write, MANAGER MED. SHOW, Edon, Ohio. Picture House, Must be competent. Open September 14. Colonial Theatre, WANTED—Man to do Straights tn acts, ties. Change for one week or longer. engagement Sure salary with board and transportation. State if you can drive Ford car Be ready to join on telegraph. CAPT. ae rs ce Show Company, Roscoe, Sutivan Co WANTED AT ONCE Actors who double Brass, A-? experienced working Dramatic Tent Agent who can drive automobiles, Hose Canvasmen and Working Men for one-night-stand Dramatic Tent Show. Long seasoné Address HARRIS & EVANS, Delmar, Maryland. NEW OR USED COSTUMES Call on us if you are tn the market for either New or Used Wardrobe WN. Y. THEATRICAL i EXCH.. 317 West 46th St., ew York City do SpecialLong, pleasant State your lowest salary, Wanted, a ~ For a real Hindu Mind-Reading Act. muneration for the right men SATISH CHANDRA GHOSH Room 412, Chicago, Il! Good te Write or wire DR. 105 W. Monroe St, Phone, Dearborn 6139 AT LIBERTY HEAVIES—SECONDS All essentials. Age, 35; weight, 170; hefait. * ft Rep. or one bill week stock. I can submit programs showing my connection with the biggest reps. and stocks in the country. Salary your limit. I do not do specialties. Equity JOHN D. FRANK, 884 Sth Ave., Milwaukee, Wisconsin WANTED FOR The Brooks Stock Co. Supporting MAUDE TOMLINSON. Good-looking Ingenue for strong line Ay be General Business Man, not smaller than or 10 inches. PREFER PEOPLE DOL SPECIALTIES. ‘Join at once. Address JACK BROOKS, Warren, Il, Aug. 31 and week. Want to hear from good stock location, either one or two bills a week. Small Man Wanted For “JEFF” Must sing, dance and do specialty. Join not later than September 10. ‘This show has not closed in three years. Don't answer this ad if you drink. ooze is the cause of this ad Address ERNEST LATIMORE, Manager Mutt & Jeff Co., Edward A. Reno WANTS FOR NO. 2 COMPANY OF FUNMAKERS, Sketch Team that change Singles and Doubles, also work in Acts: Producing BLACKFACE Comedian 4 changes Singles, and RED HOT Act Worker. “ must change for week. Also want Musicians for chestra—Violin, Drams, Piano Boss Canvasman Rano: can splice and sew and don't booze; Picture Mac oe Operator, Cook and Canvasmen who can drive fru > Long season and pleasant engagement to the right pee ple. All must be troupers and no booze, as Fhe it All who have worked for me write. for mafl te ded en route. 25 Opera Place, Cincinnati, Ohi Allow time EDWARD A forwar RENO, Athens, Georgia, q rear ans Gan Sah 20.41 oe i~ 2. oe