Sociology of film : studies and documents (1946)

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CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS AND THE CINEMA came for him. But when he went into the cabin he found his friend had been stabbed in the back. When he left the ship he was taken into a car and he expected that he would soon be attacked. Soon he was but he managed to kill two although he was badly knocked about and he made another unconscious. He just managed to escape from the other two. The book ends when he is in the train on his way to London. It was a thrilling story. 16. A.K. I do not know that The Song of Bernadette is really my favourite film, but not having seen any other very good films for a long time, I think I can call it that. The scene of the film is in Lourdes, a small French village. The heroine is the daughter of an ex-miller, M. Soubirous, and the sister of a girl Jeanne and two brothers. At the beginning of the story M. Soubirous is out of work and the family are only kept alive by the work of Mme. Soubirous who does washing. The time is February i ith 1853. Jeanne and Bernadette attend the local school which is run by the Dean and a very strict nun. Bernadette suffers from asthma, and consequently is often absent from school and so at the bottom the class. Her worst subject seems to be scripture and she is very bad at her catechism. One day she, Jeanne and their friend Marie are sent to fetch firewood. Bernadette does not cross the stream because of her delicate health. While she waits behind, she wanders to a small grotto where she thinks she heard music. As she stands there she sees a vision of a beautiful lady dressed in white, with a kind of holy light all round her. As Bernadette kneels the lady smiles at her and then vanishes. On the way home she is very cheerful, and although carrying a heavy bundle of wood, and runs all the way. Her parents and family do not believe her story. However the next week she again goes to the grotto at Marsepiells, and she is found there, very pale, looking as if she was dead. She says she saw the lady whom she promised to see again every day for fifteen days. However her mother had been nearly frantic with worry and forbids her to go again. During the next few days she does not eat or sleep and finally her parents allow her to go. They and most of the villagers follow 78