Sociology of film : studies and documents (1946)

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CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS AND THE CINEMA rather selfish, but did it all for Tara. 'She might have behaved differently if her mother had not died — should have acted according to what mother thought right, although mother can be wrong. To-day it's different — if I were her then, I might be the same.' Does not like British-produced films; remembers one love-scene — 'two people walk on a bridge, they say "I love you", and walk off again'. Thinks it would be more dramatic. Does not like 'ugly heroes — although I suppose there are some'. Films have fundamentals of real life, but are over-dramatised. Likes more 'true-to-life' films once in a while, it's a change, but probably not always. On the whole, prefers a book to a film — 'you can use your imagination'; when she reads, she forgets all about everything, and has a picture in her mind. Essay. Gone with the Wind. (6) J.W.-Agc i5. Family. Mother, father; small house in suburbs. Friends. No special friends, knows most girls in same form fairly well. Interests. Likes chemistry, physics and maths, best — at one time wanted to be nurse. General. Very shy, does not talk easily. (Rather dull?) Goes to cinema about once a week, usually with one or two friends because she 'likes company'. Main interest in actors and story. Has seen mainly musicals and seems to like them best. Likes warfilms. Dislikes love-stories. Sometimes reads criticisms in Daily Mail. Likes the cinema 'because you can sit back and listen'. Films mentioned : Atlantic Convoy — true to life. Pride and Prejudice — wanted to see it twice — father portrayed well. Wuthering Heights — Heathcote: 'quite a decent character', Cathy did not treat him well, 'it was a shame the way she turned round on him — she went in for money'. The brother's treatment of Cathy would have been justifiable if he had been her father. Remembers particularly the first scene of the traveller walking through the snow. Seen one year ago. Lady in the Dark — change from the ordinary type of film — liked the way it was filmed: interesting because 'it got into her dreams'. Remembers especially the dream sequence with the wedding-cake 'where she is going to get married'. Did not like the character portrayed by Ray Milland, did not like his 95