Sodom and Gomorrah : the story of Hollywood (1935)

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SODOM AND GOMORRAH 13 supporters of the picture industry, of which there are a goodly number, so that the reader may contrast the two scenes. Apologists for the motion picture industry usually advance the theory that Hollywood is no worse than any other city, and that the bad reputation of the "picture people" in general is the result of the huge amount of publicity attending the "few" outstanding cases of immorality and otherwise unfortunate conduct of film celebrities. Tn speaking of divorce lately. George Arliss — one of the few exceptionally good actors, and a fine fellow — stated that the general impression of Hollywood's high percentage of marriage failures is inaccurate. He claimed that only a few of the players can be charged with marital inconstancy, whereas most of the colony in peaceful domesticity. This optimistic viewpoint hardly coincides with that of the Legion of Decency, whose survey shows conclusively that a successful marriage among film celebrities is phenomenal. \> for the contention that "Hollywood" is no worse than any other city, vague and misleading as it is, that is probably quite true as far as murder or bank robbery is concerned. Bui when it comes to sexual license, drunken orgies, narcotic rings. perversions of all kinds, and crimes against good taste, Hollywood has a long lead over other communities, except, perhaps, the Barbary Coast or