Sodom and Gomorrah : the story of Hollywood (1935)

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60 SODOM AND GOMORRAH glorification of sex. No wonder some theaters do not "recommend" her films for children. It is less widely known that Miss West is the author of several books, none of which will ever be found on the shelves of a public library. The heroine of one is a nymphomaniac who lives with one man after another, including a gigantic black brute, a Harlem autocrat. Colorful with dope fiends, prize fighters, stool pigeons, crime, and intimate portrayals of sex orgies, the book should be seized like a leper and every copy destroyed. Dealers, as well as publishers, of this type of literature should be sent to prison for committing a felony. I am not mentioning the titles of Miss West's literary efforts to refrain from advertising them. Unfortunately, they can be obtained at almost any lending library, though the reader has to wait his turn. A welfare worker in Cleveland, Ohio, recently stated in a public speech that she overheard a group of boys discussing Miss West's artistry, one of them mentioning the fact that he enjoyed seeing a West picture quite as much as visiting a prostitute. Perhaps he has an abnormally active imagination. However, it is hardly less significant that Walter Winchell, who makes a fortune from his gossip peddling, mentioned the fact in one of his daily columns that most of Mae West's fan mail is obscene. Such would be the type of fan mail