Sodom and Gomorrah : the story of Hollywood (1935)

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SODOM AND GOMORRAH 61 received by a prostitute were she to correspond with her patrons It certainly t< to the sort of appeal Miss West enjoys. Likewise does the fact that she is a most popular figure on pul toilet walls and a f of comfort station poets. But this is publicity, and like the res' Hollywood, Mae no doubt feels that it is good, no matter what kind. Perhaps the won ture of a Mac V picture is the ridicule it heaps on decent people and morals in. general. The characters are drawn that Mae can wisecrack about the straitlaced Puritans i the good people are all unbearable hypocrites) and win the sympathy of the audi ence. The attitude of the characters she portrays is the same as that of the Barbary prosti tutes who used to shout at decent women, on the rare occasions the latter happened into the neighborhood. "Hey, you dummies, when are to get sense and quit giving it away." When one reflects ib herself has spent time in jail m immoral show. he cannot help but wonder why she is permitted to become a public institution. It is an unhappy reflection on the degraded terican morals and good judgment that sh rmitted to grow rich a At last, however, it looks as though her career has struck a decided snag in the opposition of the powerful Catholic Church.