Sodom and Gomorrah : the story of Hollywood (1935)

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CH VPTER TIT The I Fnri rs In the automotive industry, or the steel industry, or the mining industry, the private and morals of th( Ltives or worki -iot influence the quality of their products. It is an unfortunate tact that in the business of producing motion pictures the reverse is true. What a pity it is that in those in< 1 the morals of the personnel are of the least importance, they are the best; while in Hollywood, where decent and normal living on the part of those who influence the industry would result in better Rims, they are the very worst. The characters of those who guide the industry have a very pronounced and unhappy reflection in their product. Henry Ford may he a calloused, narrow man, hut his private life, as far as morality is concerned, is irreproachable. Yet it" Ford were the most depraved man on earth, his private life would affect neither the product which he sells nor the lives of his customers. The same thought applies to practically all the tycoons of industry except film executives. John I). Rockefeller, Walter Chrysler, the Mellons. and the Schwabs only a few of the influential people whose prn lives are not a series of scandalous episod