Sodom and Gomorrah : the story of Hollywood (1935)

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154 SODOM -AND GOMORRAH and thus do justice to both of my glorious parties. For the truth is what every American wants, and the truth about Clara Bow has never been told. So, with duty resting on my shoulders, I drove swiftly but surely to the ranch of Rex Bell, the modern knight. It was Rex who rescued Clara from that abysmal pit of despair and disillusionment induced by the grossest ingratitude in one whom Clara loved like a sister. It was Rex who carried her away from a heartless world into his castle where her health was restored under his loving care, and where for the first time in her existence she learned what real love is, a love that came to her barren life like water into a parched field. Rex, out of all the others, alone in that vast throng of Bow acquaintances, was the only unselfish, kind, unmercenary human to extend a strong helpful hand when Clara stood on the edge of that awful pit. Only fate could have sent Clara such a savior. And right here, Mr. and Mrs. Movie Fan, let me predict that the sun and stars will fall out of the sky before there will ever be a divorce in the Bow family. The Rex Bell-Clara Bow partnership is too strong to ever be broken by the disturbances that dissolve so many Hollywood marriages. For that is what their marriage is, a glorious partnership, blended into a divine relationship by genuine love.