Sodom and Gomorrah : the story of Hollywood (1935)

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168 SODOM AND GOMORRAH the Virgin Mary. Mr. Kent must possess a powerful imagination. Still another fan magazine featured "Why I Had To Leave John Gilbert!" From the title of this literary effort one would guess that there was some grave or unusual reason why John Gilbert's fourth wife found him unpleasant matrimonial company. But Miss Bruce simply explains that Gilbert was moody while she was lighthearted, so she decided it was best for them both to part. Of course they are "still the best of friends/' Then there is another discussion of love, the favorite Hollywood topic. This time the oracle is Dolores Del Rio. The modest inscription over the philosophical work is "Dolores Del Rio Extolls Passive Love." "Love here in your United States," declares Miss Del Rio, "is taken so lightly. In my country people die for love." Fortunately for the citizens of Hollywood love in this town has no such fatal complications, for if it did the place would have been depopulated years ago. Think what a hero Mr. Gilbert would be in Del Rio's country, he who has sustained four marriages and divorces and is none the worse for them, except financially. Nor is this hardihood confined to the masculine sex, for Gloria Swanson has the same number of domestic wrecks to her credit.