Sodom and Gomorrah : the story of Hollywood (1935)

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182 SODOM AND GOMORRAH remembers that she is a jungle lover and drops suit. The using of the Courts for this cheap publicity is meeting with considerable adverse comment on the part of serious minded people. Sooner or later the deluge is bound to come. Katherine Hepburn has taken to running about town in a popular-make truck, her resourceful mind developing this marvel entirely unassisted, which is obvious. Miss Hepburn is determined that Miss Garbo ($9000 a week) who drives a dilapidated old car, shall not outstep her in eccentricity. Miss Garbo holds a great deal of faith in the maxim that consistency is a jewel, for her famed silence is not the only attribute of her eccentric nature. When Greta returned to her native country for a visit, she traveled on a freighter, although she could well afford to go on a regular passenger boat. However, Garbo, for all her closed-mouthness, knows what makes good press fodder. She was right in respect to her travel, and it was not wasted. Also, her desert disappearance with Rouben Mamoulian happened to occur just before the release of her picture, "Queen Christina." Hollywood coincidents are always the most amazing events! Some of the leading Hollywood celebrities pose as being bored by publicity and adulation. They treat reporters shabbily, a pose that is as stupid as it is ungracious, and they refuse to autograph various articles for the simple-minded, professing