Sodom and Gomorrah : the story of Hollywood (1935)

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192 SODOM AND GOMORRAH well by wearing their fortunes to any and all events. Their homes frequently represent the most unique architecture ever conceived in the human mind. One of the latest of these peculiar structures is the home of Anna Sten, built entirely of glass. Probably this was made to furnish her press agent with an opportunity for his quip about "people who live in glass houses," etc. It has been good publicity. A number of the stars are great prize fight fans, attending every bout in the Los Angeles Olympic Auditorium, where they give free play to their emotions, shouting cuss words along with the rest of the audience. This is supposed to prove that they are not "high-hat." The entire film colony live in luxuriously furnished homes, own aeroplanes, yachts, diamonds, limousines with footmen, marble swimming pools and fountains rivalling those of Versailles, and they give magnificent parties much like those indulged in by far-eastern potentates. On the whole, they behave much like a street urchin who suddenly comes into possession of a large sum of money. One of the most ridiculous stunts pulled by a pretty little girl who is just starting to draw a large salary quite rightly has attracted considerable notice in the press. She has established a "secretariat!" to handle her "voluminous mail." Her mother received a form letter from her