Sodom and Gomorrah : the story of Hollywood (1935)

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SODOM AXD GOMORRAH 195 daughter reading: Thank you tor your interest Madam. I sincerely hope you will like my nex* picture. (Signed) . . The e.v he* people are pathetically amusing. Ignorance, of course, is to blame tor the man) crimes against good taste and manners committer by Hollywood. The motion picture industry i krupt not only financially, but also in educa tion and. tor the most part, the raw material o tins and common sense. Admittedly a college education is i nonymous with brilliancy 01 even culture. But regarding the latter social at tribute, sometimes education helps a little. I should not be held against Hollywood that n ot its important people have not gone verv far formal education. A college degree is not neces sarily a guarantee that its holder can appreciat good literature, good music, or any of the othe arts. Many of the world's greatest jxropie in ai lines of human effort have attained iheir position without the benefit of higher education. Blithe motion picture business so many of the peopl holding key positions are of that class who woulo not care for the better things even if thev ha graduated from college, and to whom n curse rather than a blessing. ( )ne thing, at lea can be said for those who love prize rights Thei liking for this relic sport of degraded Rome, anall the attending atmosphere, is not arTectatior s as lovers of opera gen