Sodom and Gomorrah : the story of Hollywood (1935)

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220 SODOM AXD GOMORRAH relatives of the ruling officials. No industry in the world is so clannish as the motion picture, and the system works greatly to the industry's disadvantage. As in the old days of absolute monarchy, the relatives are given the generalships in the army, even though they know nothing about fighting. That is why it is so difficult for a talented person to find an opening in the studios. Most of the available, and practically all of the lucrative, positions are held by the mistresses and relations of the various picture autocrats, leaving but very little room for outsiders. In fact, if there are no positions open to an executive's relative when the latter needs a job, the studio creates one for him. The family tree is anything but a dead institution in Hollywood. And here is another drain on profits. The number of studio employees related to big executives is much greater than the obvious, due to the use of fictitious names and the system of intermarriage among the ruling dynasties. It would require an expert genealogist to determine the precise number of second cousins or great uncles holding film positions, importani or otherwise. Every department from property on up is honeycombed with princes of the blood. From the known facts it would seem that Mr. Mayer, Mr. Laemmle, and Mr. Thalberg have more relatives on the company payroll than the other producers.