Sound motion pictures : from the laboratory to their presentation (1929)

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OPERATING MANUAL 139 shape, with a blunted apex, and between f inch and ยง inch wide at the base. If the splice is painted in this manner it will be almost inaudible when passing through the reproducing attachment, for the change in the light intensity which it causes will be at a frequency below the audible range. If the mark is made too short the click will be decidedly pronounced. If it is made too long there will be no click but a noticeable pause in the sound, owing to the fact that so much of the sound track has been obliterated. For opaquing splices, the use of Zapon Concentrated Black Lacquer No. 2002-2 is recommended. It is made by the Zapon Company, Stamford, Connecticut. When a thinner is necessary, Zapon thinner No. 20 is likewise recommended. The lacquer should be applied to the shiny, or celluloid, side of the film and not to the emulsion side. It dries almost instantly, adheres tightly, and is much more satisfactory than India ink or other substances. If for any reason it should become necessary to remove the mark a rag soaked in lacquer thinner will be effective. Splices in the negative in making up subjects sent out by the producers are taken care of in the printing and may be detected by the triangular marks along the sound track near changes of scene. X. Description of Western Electric Universal Base This set provides means for synchronous reproduction by both the film and the disk methods and can be employed in conjunction with projection apparatus of several standard makes. Only the lamp and head of the projector are utilized, the base and associated parts being replaced by the reproducer set. The i-A base is used to support all the component parts