Sound motion pictures : from the laboratory to their presentation (1929)

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190 SOUND MOTION PICTURES H. Motor Generator Set Instructions for the motor generator set are given in the following : iooo-volt generator G E H — 305B 3 50volt generator G E H — 65 5 A 15-volt generator G E H — 65 5 A Induction driving motor G E H — 189B D. C. driving motor G E H — 5A Magnetic starting switch (A. C. motor) G E H — 130A Magnetic starting switch (D. C. motor) G E H — 144A Too much care cannot be taken in seeing that the brush fit on the generators is good and that no sparking is present. Any sparking or poor brush contact will result in poor quality and "sputtering" in the loudspeakers. The 250-volt generator furnishes all exciting current for the motor-generator set, and " fluttering" or failure of the voltages to the amplifier may be caused by the " fluttering" or failure of the exciting current. /. Storage Batteries The batteries are floated across the 15-volt generator. The current used is supplied by the generator; therefore the gravity of the batteries should indicate a full charge at all times. The charging rate should be 4 to 7.5 amperes, as indicated on the "Charge-Discharge" meter of the amplifier. Be sure battery connections are kept clean and tight. Any corrosion on the terminals should be removed by washing with household ammonia. Vaseline on the terminals will tend to prevent corrosion. Keep the tops of the batteries clean and keep all tools, etc., ofF the tops of the batteries to avoid short circuits. If the storage batteries fail to operate satisfactorily consult an R. C. A.-Photophone service representative.