Sound motion pictures : from the laboratory to their presentation (1929)

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THE FOREIGN MARKET 329 other forms of legislation in foreign countries have alreadycaused a drop in exports in 1928 as against 1927, according to figures furnished by the Motion Picture Section of the Department of Commerce. Statistics for 1928 show a total of 222,122,586 feet, as against 232,104,833 feet for x927The following table gives the information in detail in relation to the various countries: COUNTRY OF I927 I928 DESTINATION LINEAR FEET LINEAR FEET Latin America 82,931,241 78,960,444 Europe 69,579,175 69,841,259 Far East 58,827,593 54,335,108 Canada 10,920,724 8,814,462 Africa _ 3,882,836 3,772,094 Other countries 5,963,314 6,357,672 Total 232,104,883 222,081,039 In ten major markets, American exports dropped from #4,727,756 in 1927 to $4,079,288 in 1928, the totals representing invoice, not royalty, values. Comparisons of the standing of the ten leaders for both years follow: COUNTRY RANK LINEAR FEET VALUE Australia 1 27,017,656 $687,058 Argentina Brazil United Kingdom Germany 2 3 I 23730,723 15,921,565 13,806,498 10,187,606 599,818 420,215 1,440,036 350,858 Canada Mexico France Spain Japan 5 7 8 9 10 10,920,724 9>336,083 6,781,717 7,896,226 7,103,883 395^64 254,862 206,004 176,939 196,811