Sound motion pictures : from the laboratory to their presentation (1929)

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346 SOUND MOTION PICTURES At present television is in the state of radio in 1908, or the motion picture in 1895; but that is no indication that we shall have to wait twenty or thirty years before events may be seen in our own homes. Progress moves faster these days, and in all probability there will be a rapid advance in the development of the new science. It has been comparatively rapid. Transmitters now send SENDING STATION FIG. 13. SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM OF TELEVISION SYSTEM ing out television programmes are few and are centred in the larger communities such as New York, Chicago, Boston, and Washington. Yet in the measure in which light transmission is taken up by more and more broadcast stations, greater development may be expected. It is to be expected that the future will stress the offering of many television components for the experimenter who, like the engineer, is faced with such problems as improvement in photo-electric cells, more sensitive relays, better amplifiers and neon tubes, micro-metric speed control of