Sound motion pictures : from the laboratory to their presentation (1929)

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INDEX 395 musical sounds, modes of creating, 285. musical sounds, physical nature of, 247. musical synchronization, 263. Mussolini, Benito, 25, 303, 337. Muyskens, Prof. John Horn, 315. National Broadcasting Company, 33. natural sounds, recording of, 305. needle, 165. needles, 80-81. New York Post Graduate Medical School and Hospital, 313. Nichols and Merritt, 252. Nipkow, inventor of scanning disk, Normand, Mabel, 294. Oakman, Wheeler, 22. On With the Show, 292. operation, and maintenance, fundamental principles underlying, in; insuring smooth, 157-58. operating personnel, instruction of, 74. orchestras, 287, 288. Oscillograph, 252. outdoor recording, 211. Pacent Reproducer, 362. Paramount Famous Lasky Corporation, 12, 28; Warming Up first sound picture of, 30, 198, completes sound stages, 200, 224, 292, 301, 304, 372. partials, 98. patent granted to Lauste, 7. patents, French, 5; German, 5; U.S., 5, 8; foreign, 8. Pathe, 13. Pathe Exchange Incorporated, adopts R. C. A.-Photophone system of recording, 33, 198, 373. Pathe produces Captain Swagger, 33. Pathe News, 304. Pathe talking news weekly, 33. percussion instruments, 285, 287. Perfect Crime, The, 32. Phono-autograph, 252. Phonodeik, 252. Phonofilm, 23, 38, 362. Phonofilm method, of sound reproduction, 56-57. Phonofilm reproducers, 57. phonograph, 4; study of sound waves in, 252. phonograph-on-film method, 199. "Photocinematophone," 7. photo-electric cells, 169. Photophone, 14, 38; Type B, equipment for, 54; Type C, equipment for, 54-55. Type D, equipment for, 55-56; recording method of, 21416. See also R. C. A.-Photophone. Photophone disk attachment, 52. Photophone equipment, number of volts designed to operate on, 53. Photophone film, 48. Pickford, Mary, 31, 304. " play-back," 232. players, 234-36. Poli Circuit, acquired by Fox Theatres Corporation, 372. political campaigns, use of talking pictures in, 320. Pollard, Daphne, 298. Pomarede, Georges, 5. Pomeroy, Roy, 224, 231. portable recording outfit, 211. Post Mortems, 302. posting, outdoor, 265. Powers, 141. Powers' Cinephone, 362. Prince of Wales, 303. programme, first Vitaphone, 20; first complete Movietone, 25; rehearsal of opening, 74. progress in making of sound motion pictures, 222-23. progress in development abroad, 337. projection booths, 363. projection room, temperature of, 81; suggestion for heating, 81. projection rooms, 60, 61, 63.