Sponsor (Apr-June 1959)

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POST MIDNIGHT RADIO i Cont <l from i>ai:<> 37 I to lii~ listeners). In the same category is a skin salve, which he launched in L953. \ unique "point of sale" stimulus occurred to him. He simph suggested that Koch Skin Salve could be purchased "at your favorite drugstore." In this way, he forced distribution in enough New York drugstores to put it on the market. This stimulated the direct mail end of the business. Ko-Jo, Inc. now is thriving. (2) / itamins. Rosenfield also has a sizable interest in Allied Vitamins, which makes a product called "One for All." He introduced this in 1954. i ''> i Sleep remedy. Shur V-Sleep Corp., another Kosenfield product, is having a brisk sale. (4) Sleep-King Electric Blanket. (5) Federal Life & Casually Co. (6) Movies. He's now: working on "The Diary of Anne Frank." i7i Stores. Hub Sewing Machine stores and Blumstein's I 12~>th Street) Department Store. (8) Washing Machines. The Washer Expert has had a six months' campaign. YOU'RE ONLY HALF-COVERED IN NEBRASKA IF YOU DON'T USE KOLN-TV! Hi neon Thi: :. I ncoln Land KOLN TV's NCS ^MF No. 3. Figures show percentages of TV M" mtM homes reached weekly, day or night ■ ]Ufj! NO OMAHA STATION COVERS LINCOLN! 60 | 40 ,30 i £20 OMAHA St ITI0* A OMNI m no* i/> (01* tv ■omn« sum* c ARB 19S6 I9SS .///< -h/y i SPfafamA WWOTV_G»AND KPIDS KAlAMAiOO wi:o iwoto — kalama^oo iaim auu WJlf IAOIO — GRAND IAP1DS Witt 'M GIAND lAflfJS UAlAMAiOO WWIV — CADILLAC MICHIGAN KOIN TV — tINCOlN, NtMAllA 1957 *. All 19S8 •o* mt a/» an. st One big market in Nebraska is in the extreme Fast. The oilier is Lincoln-Land — 66 counties Itij:. and well-heeled (containing more than HALF the buying power of the state!) Viewers in the extreme Eastern market spend a lot of time switching from one to another of the three TV stations they have available. In Lincoln-Land, the story is all KOLN-TV. It's the only station that covers the area. \*k \very-Kiioilel for all the faets on KOLN-TV the Official Basic CBS Outlet lor South Central Nebraska ami Northern Kansas. K0LNTV CHANNEL 10 • 316,000 WATTS • 1000-FT. TOWER COVERS LINCOLN-LAND — NEBRASKA'S OTHER BIG MARKET Aro'r Knodtl. Inc , Exc'ulrr* National A*pr*f«ntotiV»f (9) Religious Books. A staple of after-midnight radio in the Midwest and South, this product also has found acceptance in New ^ ork. i Id i Miscellaneous merchandise. \ with the transistor radios, Rosenfield has other Japanese imports going at quite a rate: cameras at 50 per week, cigarette lighters at 1,000 per month. What kind of copy approach da \ou use after midnight'.'' Here are two samples for divergent products: • Electric Blanket. "'Someone once asked a famous financier how he made his monej and he replied, 'I I hu\ m\ straw hats in the wintertime.' J Now you can be as wise by getting your electric blanket now. Not just a plain electric blanket, but the worldfamous Sleep-King electric blanket for onl\ $19.75, which includes postage, sales tax. everything delivered right to your door. . . ." • Insurance. "If \ ou are 85 years of age. you ha\e probably had trouble finding a hospitalization and doctor lull plan. Well, I have good news for \ ou. . . ." According to Big Joe. this hard, personal sell is absolutely essential to sHIino after midnight. ^ . APPLIANCE DEALER I Cont'd from \>age 45 i cop) approach creates excitement. • I.D.s. Five eight-minute an-! nouncements a week (one a night)' between 7:30 and 11 p.m. are a re« minder of the minute and the 20'tl "Shop Bailey-Wagner for best bat^ gains in all household furnishings. The nuts and bolts approach to hi use of tv — stripping awa\ of all nonessentials— has been concurrent with a business increase of 1.000' , . Currentl) . 65' < of Bailee A\ agnei ail hudgel goo into t\ the 15 spJ per week outlined above and t three two-minute commercials in bo the Saturday night and Sundax afte noon movie, all on WW I.I'. This in sharp contrast to the 10',' figu allocated at the start. Bo) d furthei ad\ ises the adverti&j to settle on a station thai "eoinbiw creativity with the treatment of old Famil) friend."' He points fl thai in his case the station helped hi all along with scripts, commerci ideas, etc. "as though it was th own product. 52 SPONSOR 1 M'KII. 195