Sponsor (Apr-June 1959)

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WRAP-UP (Cont'd from page 84) pita] under treatment for a hearl attack. RADIO STATIONS "Radio will without question deliver the biggest summer audiences in its history — and could well heat tv in number of people reached and total time spent with the medium." Ill is prediction made by Albert Sindlinger, president of the research firm bearing his name, highlights KAB's summer selling drive now underway. Other plans by RAB include: • \ 14-page, in-depth summer media presentation to 4,400 advertisers and agencies, spelling out which media loses audiences in summer — and proves that radio doesn't; • A multi-city series of presentations to key summer radio prospects; • A special factbook on the size of automobile radio and its audience. Plough now has five stations: Its latest acquisition — Storer's WAGA, Atlanta. The agreement to sell the station, according to Storer, is to gain FCC approval for the purchase of KPOP, I, (is Angeles, since the group already owns the maximum of seven stations. Other station purchases: KLX, San Francisco, to KFWB, Los \ngeles, president, Robert Pureell. director of operations of Crowell-Collier Publishing Co.. for $750,000 . . . kKOVY, San Francisco, to Texas broadcasters Gordon MeLendon and B. R. MeLendon. for $800,000. The McLendons own five other radio station--. Ideas at work: • \ zan) \|uil Fool's Day promotion: WINS. New "i oik. played a difIikiiI record backwards each bom. with five silver dollars awarded to listener^ identifying the number, \ia telegrams. Between 10 a.m. and 5 p.m.. station recci\cd 4.500 cables. • How they promoted Easter: WO\M. Miami, hid a bunny, airing < lues to its location . . . WCKY. ( !in einnali. held a "fl\ ing Faster egg hunt," with a plane dropping colored ping pong balls in the area, redeem :;:: able for trading stamps . . . WSA1. Cincinnati, conducted a "Easter bonnet contest"' for original hat creations submitted by listeners. Stock firm buys fm: Burnham \ Co.. members of the New York Stock Exchange, to promote its Mutual Funds, ordered a 13-week, 30-spotsI hi -week schedule via WNCN, New ^ ork . . . Another business note: The Philco International Division, for a series <>l four Latin American programs to be beamed over the Inter American network via WRUL. New York. Station staffers: Richard Gess ner, appointed station manager of WKAL, Rome-Utica . . . Robert Mullen, to general manager of the Cincinnati office of WLW Promotions, Inc. . . . H. S. Basayne, promoted to program director of WCCO, Minneapolis-St. Paul . . . Boh Ryan. to head the newly-created exploitation department of KOMO-AM-TV. Seattle . . . Harry White, to merchandising manager of KFRE, Fresno . . . Robert Van Roo, to promotion manager of WTCN-AM-TV, Minneapolis-St. Paul . . . Thomas O'Connor, to acting program manager, WBAL, Baltimore. \dd station staffers: Jack Brussel, named general sales manager for WJR, Detroit . . . Frosty Mitchell, to program director of KIOA, Des Moines . . . Gary Seger, program director. KI\IZ, Phoenix . . . James Yergin. to director ol advertising and promotion for WOR, New York . . . Jav Clark, to program director. \\ \\/. New Haven . . . H. Robert Rcinhard. to sales manager. \\ G1>P>. Freeport, L. I. . . . Elliot Sanger. Jr., to promotion manager of \\ OXR. New York . . . Donald Wilks. to radio account executive in the New York office of Good Music Broadcasters. REPRESENTATIVES McGavren-Quinn underwent a general revamping with the resignation of Donald J. Ouinn. executive v.p. in the rep company's New "\ oi k office. The change will send McGavren, president, to New York, and the firm will be called Daren F. McGavren Co. Cj Ostrup, from the Los Angeles office, will take over as manager in San Francisco and Charles King will fill the newlj created post of West Coast business manager. The katz Agency has developed a Radio Programing Check List, to provide stations with a way of obtaining a profile of their programing acth ities. The 13-page questionnaire coverj all areas of station programing, including music, news, promotion, production, public services, and such. 1 t r 01 How the broadcast media and the insurance business are right for each other was discussed last week, by Robert H. Teter. v.p. and director of radio for PGW. Teter spoke before the Life Advertisers Eastern Round Table in New ||j York, emphasizing this point: "Apatln toward the initial contact of the individual insurance salesman can be considerably relieved, as many insurance, banks and finance companies have determined, through pre I education via intelligent use of radio and tv." Spot broadcasting needs all the support it can get: That's the theme behind the new ad campaign developed bj H-R Reps and H-R fv. The promotion will cover the values and advantages of spot, plus the H-R "Working Partnership'" concej ol station representation. ii Rep appointments: W 1)1 \. Memphis, to the Boiling Co. . . . New xt. Louis station KPLR-TV, expecting to begin broadcasting this month — to PGW . . . WGIIN. Grand 1 lax en. Mich., to the John E. Pearson Co. Personnel notes: Jerry ( ronin. to the San Francisco radio sales -I. ill of the kal/ \gency . . . William Kelley, to \iu Radio Sales as an account executive . . . Edward Sherinian, to the sales staff of ll-K Tv, Inc. TV STATIONS VRB will continue its Vrbitron methodology in New York even though it's folded the instantaneous set-up in Chicago and decided not to go through with its plans for L.A. Cause for the Chicago pull-out: SPONSOR VPRIL 19S9