Sponsor (Apr-June 1959)

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© Vol. 13, No. 20 • 16 May 1959 SPOM SOR THE WEEKLV MACAZINE TV/RADIO ADVERTISERS USE DIGEST OF ARTICLES Are agencies neglecting radio copy? 33 sponsor survey shows many agencies are missing out on new business and losing billings in permitting sloppy radio copy, hiring inept writers Media men of the year 36 ^ illiam Dollard, Y&R and William Dekker, Mc-E. honored by the Station Representatives Assn. for their "part in keeping U.S. economy in high" How Hood whooped up ratings 38 This New England milk, ice cream manufacturer tested brand awareness with an audience, sales-building promotion for its syndicated Western What's behind rising commercials costs? 40 Today's tv commercials arc costing ar id I'll', more than li\c \ear ago with upgraded creative objectives plus higher talent and production costs Look out, termites! Radio will get you 42 Selling termite control via tv, newspapers, direct mail brought uneven response to Pittsburgh firm, but radio spiced up the subject and sales as well Nielsen updates tv homes by counties 44 Marketing firm releases "practical estimates" of i\ saturation as "f spring 1959. Totals show U.S. at 86% with some states high as 92$ saturation sponsor asks: What types of local programing do advertisers often overlook? 34 Vgencies and advertisers are not aware of the sales impact of man) local programs, i the consensus oi what station men told sponsor Editor and Publisher Norman R. Glenn Secretary-Treasurer Elaine Couper Glenn VP— Assistant Publisher Bernard Piatt EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Executive Editor John E. McMillin News Editor Ben Bodec Special Projects Editor Alfred J. Jaffa Senior Editors Jane Pinker-ton W. F. Miksch Midwest Editor (Chicago) Swen Smart Film Editor Heyward Ehrlich Associate Editors Pete Rankin Jack Lindrup Gloria Florowitz Contributing Editor loe Csida Art Editor Mauty Kurtz Production Editor Florence B. Hamsber Vikki Viskniskki, Asst. Readers' Service Barbara Wiggins ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT Sales Manager James H. Fuller Sandra Lee Oncay, Administrative Mgr. VP-Western Manager Edwin D. Cooper Southern Manager Herb Martin Midwest Manager Roy Meachum Eastern Manager Robert Brokaw Production Manager Jane E. Perry CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT Seymour Weber Harry B. Fleischman ADMINISTRATIVE DEPT. Laura Oken, Office Mgr. George Becker; Charles Eckert; Gilda Gomez; Priscilla Hoffman; Jessie Ritter FEATURES 74> Film-Scope 26 ,9th and Madison 78 \i us iS, Idea \\ rap I \< 4 Newsmakei of the W i els 78 Pi( M.i. \\ rap-Up 8 Sponsor Backstage 76 >pons(ir lliar 17 ^pniisor-Scope 92 Sponsm Speaks 52 Spot Buys 92 Ten-Second Spots 24 Timebuyers at Work 90 l\ and Radio Newsmaker: SO T\ Results 73 \\ ashington \\ eek Member of Business Publications It Je^* Audit ot Circulations Inc. SPONSOR PUBLICATIONS INC. combined with TV. Executive. Editorial, Circulation and Advertising Offices: 40 E. 49th St. 149 & Madison) New York 17, N. Y. Telephone: MUrray Hill 8-2772. Chicago Office: 612 N. Michigan Ave. Phone: SUperior 7-9863. Birmingham Office: Town House, Birmingham. Phone: FAirfax 4-6529. Los Angeles Office: 6087 Sunset Boulevard Phone: Hollywood 4-8089. Printing Office: 3110 Elm Ave., Baltimore 11, Md. Subscriptions: U.S. $8 a year. Canada & other Western Hemisphere Countries $9 a year. Other Foreign Countries $11 per year. Single copies 40c. Printed in U.S.A. Address all correspondence to 40 E. 49th St., N. Y. 17, N. Y MUrray Hill 8-2772. Published weekly by SPONSOR Publications Inc. 2nd class postage paid at Baltimore. Md. 1959 sponsor Publications Inc.