Sponsor (Apr-June 1959)

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d H ford. Steers & Shenfield . . . Genera) Mill> six new Bert) Crocker Des. scri Mix products i" BBDO, which mow houses all Crocker desserl mixes . . . Old Dutch Coffee Co. for its line ot coffees, tea and its Vndes Coffee Co. division, to Ketchum, MacLeod &■ Grove . . . Kaufman Home st\lc rood Products and Eiarrj Newman Motor Sale to Fred Yaffe & Co., Detroit . . . Coldwater Seafood Corp., New ^ « » rk distributors] i<> L. II. Hartman Co., New ^ioik . . . The John B. Canepa Co., manufacturer "I Red Cross macaroni and spaghetti products, from Edward II. Weiss & Co. to Lilienfeld «\ Co. Thisa 'n' data: The week BBDO distributed it~ first house neuslettei outside the agenc) . . . New agency : Commercial Advertising Associates. Dallas, specializing in regional and national radio t\ campaigns . . . jGene Seehafer, of N, L&B and Jack Laemmar, of JWT are authors of Boon-to-be-pubushed sful T I and Radio Advertising, which covers ever) phase oi the two media including station management, creating t\ commercials and how both local and national advertisers can use tv and radio effective!) . They were named v.p.'s: Charles Crittenton, James O'Neil and James Rayen, at Ted Halo & Co. . . . Thomas Batman, at ('.. I. LaRoche . . . James Harvey, the first \.p. at Richard K. Manoff, New York . . . Lou Kashins. at Mark. Simeon iv Renard, New ^ ork . . . James Vi oodman, Jr.. to executive \ .p. and director of Peter Finnej \ ( !o., Miami . . . Victor Canever, to senior v.p. and member ol the executive committee at I). P. Brother. More on agency personalities: John Boyd. Clifford Dillon. Emile Frisard. Muriel Baynes, Gabriel Ondeck and Otto Prochazka, v.p. and assistant creative directors at Compton, to creative directors . . . Robert Cole, v.p. of George II. Hartman Co., Chicago, t<> creative director . . . Frederick Sears, to director of research at Johnson \ Lewis, San Francisco . . . John Owen, account creative supervisor, \\ . Neil Lewton and Ian Beaton, account executives at I). P. Brother . . . Thomas Laflerty. art group supervisor at Mogul Lew in Williams & Sayloi . . . William \\ eed, from P&G to account executive at Ogiivy, Benson >S Mathei . . . Mori Kramer, 0 McCann to B&B as account executive. Frank hemp. Compton media director, in New V 01 k Presb) tei ian Hospital this week going through a series ol tc-t~. ASSOCIATIONS The Vdvertising Federation of America concluded its .">.">th convention in Minneapolis last week with the election of these new officers: Chairman, .lame Fish, v.p. and director ol advertising at General Mills. New directors: J. l)a\is Dan forth. BBDO: Mhert Halverstadt, P&G: Burton Hot\edt. Klau-Van Pietersom-Dunlap; Bill McDade, Judd Vdvertising, St. Louis: Charles Ryan .1 r., Firestone Rubber Co. \F\ directors re-elected: Leo Bur nett: John Cunningham; Dr. Melvin Hattwick, Continental Oil Co., and Perrj Shupert, Miles Labs. They were elected officers: • Of the Southern California Broadcasters Association* chairman, Howard Gray, K(IIL. San Fernando Valley; vice-chairman. Herb Comstock, k \\ L. Lancaster; secretary, C'lifl Gill, KEZY, Vnaheim and treasurer, Norman B<>£i»s. KILL LoVngeles. • Of the Nebraska Broadcasters Association: president. Jack Oilbert, KHOL-TV, Holdrege; v.p., HariN Peck, KODY, North Platte, and secretary-treasurer, Dick Chapin, KFOR, Lincoln. • Of the Tv and Radio Club of Philadelphia: president, Roberl Pryor, WCA1 -T\ ; chairman, Patrick Stanton. WJMJ: v.p., Walter I illman. Tv Guide', treasurer, Blayne Butcher. \l Paul l.el'ton ( !o. and sei retary, Mrs. Robert Stuart, Bauer \ Tripp. • Of the Kansas Association of Radio Broadcasters: president, I 0111 Bashaw, Kill. Wichita: v.p., Thad Sandstrom, W IBW . Topeka and secretary-treasurer, Jim Piatt, KBTO, LI Dorado. • Ol the American Women in Radio and T\ . chapter presidents: LET AN ADVERTISING AGENCY PUT THE SPONSOR 20 ii \k 1959 PIECE TOGETHER FOR YOU! Printed in cooperation with better advertising agency business practices advocated by the — Western States Advertising Agencies Association 07 ®