Sponsor (Apr-June 1959)

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deliver a vital meaning of the points that words cannot project. idditional sales: CNI' report salt's and renewal df The Silent Service afollow-: first year, \\T\J. Miami: K\ VR-TV, Phoenix; K\ \l.-l \. Eugene; \\ BRC • I \ . Birmingham; KRBC-TV, Abilene; KFMB-TV, San Diego; WBZ-TV, Boston; W DBJ-TV, Roanoke; \\ T\ 1 . Dothan, Via.; and KCRA-TV, Sacramento; second year, to WTOC-TV, Savannah, KHVH, Honolulu: k R l!C T\ . Vbeline; K\ VL-TV, Eugene; WBRC-TV, Birmingham; K. V \ K I \ . Phoenix; WTVJ, Miami. Organizational move: Al Simon becomes president of Filmways Television Productions, a new productiondistribution subsidiar) of Filmways Inc. St i-it-t Ix personnel: Joining I \ -I \ are John K. Allen as centra] sales manager and Myron A. Elges as western regional manager . . . New account executives at MIC \ TV syndication include John Cameron handling the BaltimorePhiladelphiaWashington area and William D. MacGaregill in New England . . . VBC Films appoints Harold Klein New ^ ork Cit) account executive and presidential assistant in business affairs. Irving Paley in New ^ ork and John J. McMahon in Chicago. Feature films: \\ VBC-TV has purchased 100 feature films from NT \ International, including the Rocket oY> package, for schedule on the station's Vight Show and other programs; sources of the films include — * >l li Centun Fox and Loperl Films. RADIO STATIONS The latest jolt for network radio was a dispatch out of Louisville this week. \ ic Sholis, head of \\ II \S. Louisville, disclosed that not onlj uas his station pulling out of CBS Radio t li i .1 11 Ix hut that a number ol other network affiliated station were joining him in what he described as a new network. Radio \\ orld \\ ide. I he ownership and station call letters he mentioned were New house. GE, Wli: Detroit, the Worcestei rele gram > \\ I \< ! I . KF1 I os Vngeles MBC) .mil 1 1 a\ elers I nsurance (WTIC Hartford). \\ I IC is affiliated with NB( . Said CBS Vitluir Hull Hayes: We kni'H \\ II \S >\as leaving but our affiliates with but a few exceptions are going along with the Program Consolidated Plan. \\ hat shocked CBS w as Sholis' method ol publicizing \\II\N severance, like accusing CI!S of "pricecutting and poor progi aming. Ideas at work: • Beer and cookies: K^ \. San Francisco, is distributing boxes ol fortune cookies as promotion for llamin I'icci spon-orship of Giants baseball. Explanation with boxes: On the hack of the printed ""fortune" appearing inside 15,000 cookies used weekh in restaurants is KYA's suggestion that rlamm's he used to toast the Giants everj time the) x\ i n a game. • Mooning: WHB. Kansas Cit\ . has received 2.71(> entries in its " I rip to the Moon" contest. The prize: an all-expense trip to the moon on the first commercial rocket ship. • Scavengers: KDEO, San Diego, promoting Capitol Record"* release of "Castin \l\ Spell, ran a scavenger hunt offering a prize of $91 to listeners who could gather all of the items mentioned in the lyrics of the song. • h\\ K. St. Louis, has distributed some 100,000 Bonus Club Card during the first six month of 1959. The cards feature photos of stations top air personalities and contain a serial number enabling the bearer to participate in the station's Bonus Club pi omotion. • Checking on consumers: In conjunction with Swift. Old Dutch Foods and >e\ en-1 p, >-\ ei j weekend throughout the summer, a representative of KSTI*. Minneapolis-St. Paul, will visil outdoor eating ar< is and interview the picnickers, asking them il they're using the participating sponsors' product-. The award il the) are: a charcoal grill. • WJQS, Jack-Mii. Miss., has sold a "Dream Vacation promotion with ,Y) sponsors signed foi $7,800. I ustomers registei in the various places of business, with the privilege ol registering daily. I "i added impact, one w innei w ill cop the enl ire "pai • i • pi i/e. Station purchase: \\<>l\. "-.dine. Mil higan, to I estei Bi oad< i-iin^. Sale tidings : NIK Chicago Bta lion W BNQ and \\ M \o n ported record billings for the fii-t ti \ «■ month of L959 . . . k^ \. San Fran. ■ isi o, said it Bel a 33-) eai re< ord in local and national billings in Ma) , Kudo: Flu ( onnei I i< ul I lenei al Vssembl) adopted a resolution commending \\ I l( !, Hartford, foi its legislative series, The Motion Before the House. Personnelities: Edwin Pancoasl appointed station managei ol KN( )\\ . York, Pa. W illiam Stevenson named advertising and promotion managei foi WRCV, Philadelphia . . . Parker Jackson named sales development and promotion directoi and Dan Bellus appointed sales managei of M MB. San Diego . . . Boh Parker, director ol sales promotion and merchandising and Orion Samuelson, farm service director. \\ 15 \N . Green l!a\ . . . Jerrj \\ iedenkeller, promotion manager, KLZ, Decatur, III. . . . Boh Bernstein, to W B< public relations department a trade pre- representative . . . Luther H. Strittmatter. local sales manager, \\ \KM. Scranton . . . Ed Bobbin-. network program manager, \\\ll'. Ml. Kisco, N. Y. . . . Jean Ensign, network promotion manager, W \ I IX, N.w Rochelle. N. Y. . . . Douglas Bell, program director-production supervisor, W [ST, Charlotte, Y < . . . . Holt Gewinner, director ol promotion ami publicity, WSB, Atlanta . . . Nan Wendler, executive assistant to genera] manager, W^NG. WarwickEast Greenwich, R. I. . . . Marvin Kat/. program promotion and merchandising manager, KNN. Los \ngeles. REPRESENTATIVES Petry, effective I July, takes over representation of Transcontinenl stations: WGR-AM-TV, Buffalo; \\ ROC-TV, Rochester and \( SI \ \M-T\ . Barrisonburg, \ a. I 50* , ownership). It i expected thai Pel i j w III also SPONSOR 20 .it xr L959 69