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i Cont d from page 1 1 I
• Huh well promoted the contesl will be
• \\ ln> know about the contest? Because <>f the highly competitive
nature of the macaroni business, the first two items become vital. Ronzoni admen estimate that their line "outsells an) other brand in its area generally, and outsells all others put together in its territorj in ItalianAmerican sales. It has \ irtually 100' i distribution in New \ ork City and New Jersey and a share ol New England and Philadelphia.
How well promoted the contesl would be was demonstrated by:
i 1 i Three tv slimes: In addition to tlif basic three-market program, Ronzoni is alternate sponsor of Saturday Star Theater (WRCA-TV), 6:30 p.m., Saturday, and co-sponsor of
Children's Theater (WRCA-TV), a.m.. Saturday (both seen in New York «>nl\ I. Ilir contest would l>e promoted on all three shows.
(2) Radio spot schedule on WRC A (New York) and three Italian language programs would also plug it.
i .'5 1 Tv Guide ads in the three u
markets would call added attention to the contest.
\dtletl pluses for the grocer: i|i / $100 bonus to the store manager where the boxtop with the winning entry was purchased (a line was provided on the entry blank for the name of the store i . Here. Guttenplan advises, the policies of chains as to who Lifts the bonus have to be investigated.
(2) Promotional advantages were offered in terms of photo of winner h ith stoic manager.
(3) Letters from IT Guide were mailed to the trade with copies of the atls.
i 1 1 Ten pilot stores were picked to try out display ideas.
I he experiments were conducted h\ Jules Lennard, agency v.p. and director of marketing and merchandising, and formed the basis of suggestions which Rou/.oni salesm'-n made to grocers and -tore managers. Lennard and Guttenplan visited main stores themselves to check on displays, suggest n;i\ of better displaying the point of sale pieces and. in particular, the entry blank (one tip: kec|) chest-high; eye level is too high I.
Keeping entry blank stocked i a
ma |u! problem ol any campaign ami. as Guttenplan freely admits, this one was no exception. Rut two solutions were |n o\ ided :
ill Reproduction oj entry blanl in Tl Guide ad provided the proper stationery I though, ol com se, the trip to the store was -till necessary for the boxtop i .
i2i A non-entry Idanl requirement was announced in the last two weeks' commercials. \n enti j could be sent in on plain stationery, pro\ ided boxtop accompanied it.
Ronzoni reports the gratifying fact that its new product is now well launched. What distribution was not obtained prior to the contest was obtained b\ consumer demand during the contest. \\ here -tore called up for it as a result ol requests, it was quickly supplied. Letters asking where it could be purchased (often with an entry), were not only answered but also shown to store managers in areas affected.
Contests remain a potent sales exciter for Ronzoni, and covering all bases the prime requisite. Not the least of these are the legal aspect-.
Basically, a lottery differs from a sweepstakes in that the lattei requires no "consideration" (e.g. proof of purchase) and no element of "skill."" merely the fat tor of "chance."" (The post office has ruled that consideration is not present "where the sole requirement for participation i registration at a store. " i So Ronzoni was on firm ground with it "~>7 and ""><> "sweepstakes" plan-.
Rut when you add a "consideration to the "chance" factor, then, like a chemical formula, the two cannot exist together without the addition of a third element — "skill."
Because enforcement of contest rules is now a trade practice, networks, grocers and anyone else directly involved tend to be more finicky than ever. So Guttenplan advises, "Clear contesl rule with best available authorities, so thai you arc on firm ground in countering any small points that may be brought up, also to avoid last-minute holdups by cautious legal departments aftei ruling from these authorities."
The post office, your own attorney are two authorities Guttenplan par ticularly advises with. Clearance from these sources gives you a tremendous bead start with legal departments, he -a\ -. t^
i < ont d 1 1 "in i"i ge 1 1 i
Patterson swepl to \ ictory on this
slogan, plus a slight, favorable
"image to i a psychologii al
landslide al the polls. Part of I 'it t. i son pei fei i politii al "image w as based on his fathei assassination w hill attoi ney genet al ol Alabama, an act so nefarious ii caused the gigantic cleanup of Phenix (sin) City, thank to an outi aged publii . E i om a media man standpoint, Pattei si in victory u as e> en moi e i rmai kable because "I his "minimum budget ac i i\ ii ies in pi inl ami bn iadcasl during the campaign. 1 It » tor I )i> bin . somel imes called " I he Father of Motivational Research" probably would no! have been aastounded as our broadcast brethi en, because Patterson's political image almost hi the formula of the innumerable, iliisi\c "somethings" that make up the positive, subjective, emotional expression which all public institutions need for slid <•--.
Today . nol only must broadi astei be management experts, tax experts, legal counsel, super-salesman, consulting engineers, research analyst, personnel managers, chaplain and film Inner-, but most of all. they must be psychologist enough to know the basics oi motivational research. I hey must know theii "image" or
how tO find it. but better, how to improve it. Jack Hani of KPRC
deserves the industry's kml" for the imaginative invasion of the "Spact World ol moth at ional research. I le called for Doctor Dichter's team of \ll\ Specialists to invade Houston, and determine K PRt "image
Radio men with a network affiliation had better search for the perfect
"image which blend the imagination of the "indies" w ith the authority ol the net affiliate. The "indie" operator has the same problem iii reverse. \ll of us need to perfect oui own image in our market.
Motivational research has "Most of the \n-wei-." "Most" of the answers is the propei pin aseology bet ause
when you apply a slide rule I" human behav ior, v on ( an only w ind up "< lose, but no cigar."
\ long as Madison Wenue i ontinues to hang us "By the Number," station guys have to have a dig at motivational research to find the image w hii h w ill bi ing ii home a w inner in the radio oi tv rating 1 ks.
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