Sponsor (Apr-June 1959)

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49th and ison You could ask Why not local tv specials We were in the process ol building a Storj for SPONSOR when the \la\ 30th edition arrived, \fier reading "Spon501 Speaks," uc would like to complinient you on the item "Whj nol local h specials." It is an excellenl idea and paves the road to active participation on the local level in producing the kind of programing which take? on prestige proportions with viewers in the station's sen ice area. This t\ pe of programing has actuall) developed a "corporate image' for W E L \TV. We heartily endorse \our suggestion. Byron Taggart prom. mgr.. II FLA-Tl Tampa. Ha. I don't have to tell you I'm an avid reader of your "Sponsor Speaks"' editorial page, hut there was something that caught m\ e\e last week and excited m\ attention no end. It has to do with "Why not local tv specials." Ever since CBS took over down here, we have been doing what I think is a fairly creditable joh in producing special television programs on a local level. As you can see from the enclosed tear sheet-, these are "locally planned and produced shows of high community interest"' and we are rather proud of them. With Bell & Howell. Prudential. etc., sponsoring network public service program-, it might he that the time has come for local firms seeking "a local corporate image" to sponsor programs ol this tj pe. John \. Schneider gen. mgr., WC II -'/ ' Philadelphia Read with much interest sponsor's editorial. "W hv not local t\ specials" in the issue just arrived. Thought you might be interested in the t\ special K TT\ alread) has underwa) on a local level. Attached you will find releases concerning the ln-t two presentations. I\ea\ i \\ inckler dir. of publ, Kill Los Angeles • Since publishing ..ur editorial "W l>> nol local t* specials'1 we have had .1 number of letters from i% itations, such as those printed ■hove, Apparently, the Idea «»l programing special programs on a local l»a*i» i catching on fast. We welcome the trend ami BUggesl thai sim-Ii programs be given thonghtfn] consideration bj commonity-minded local advertisers. I.ir a lull ra-i lii-tur* nf a nimlluTriillh spoll sored local rt special, SPONSOR, 13 June. Farm and ranch programing Your 11 March issue contained a reference that farm departments are being cut down or eliminated. We are happj to announce the formation at KNOW of a full-time Ranch and Farm Sen ice Department, under direction of Evan Slack. We are programing for the Ranch and Farm audience, Mondaj thru Saturday, 5:30 to (>:.'->() a.m.. and 12 : 1 o1 p.m. Our director has complete freedom to travel the area in performing his duties in behalf of KHOW's "RFD 630." Robert S. Hi\ iicn. mgr., KUOll Denver They like us! Congratulations on your 25 \pril issue . . . another \er\ interesting hook. It possible, we'd like ten reprints on the bow ling case historj I page 1 1 and 25 reprint of the Lumber \ Building Material success storj i page 54). Ste> e Fayer prom.dir., II TOI.II Toledo • Reprints l\ available. i.f SPONSOR articles are frequentRates "ii requeet. SPONSOR 27 june 1959 Robert Sherry PRESIDENT Of KIDD MONTEREY about our World-wide Voiced News Service but why not call INTERNATIONAL TRANSMISSIONS, 2 W. 46th ST., N.Y.C. COIumbus 5-2400 1 i IV 0 p A is the most effective sales force in the CHICAGO NEGRO MARKET with Chicago's Greatest Air Salesman am JH H ' 1 L ^"M 1490 kc. 102.7 mc. r Ho epresented by Bernard vard & Co., Inc. hf l b,ll \%p/ HILL Same ownership as WDIA Memphis 2g