Sponsor (Apr-June 1959)

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TOILETRY FIRMS SPEND ON SPOT AND NET TELEVISION WORK* SPOT* 1958 $12,130 L98 1 ,566, 1 5 1 1.130.976 5,924 1 12 1 303.330 1.695,612 1,434.882 2.316.672 12.997.938 1.811.181 2.938.475 1,635,529 1958 1957 1956 $6,439,870 S7.70K.oio $ 383 370 3,153,490 5.500.280 3,332,230 3. 1 53.280 155,810 3,030,890 2,328,360 (.33.230 2,770,420 2.287.750 1,307,680 2.203.580 2.983.700 2,51 l.ooo 1,772,800 3.173.660 3,741.050 1,553,810 1,168,860 163.030 1,439,920 1,595,100 1,213.500 1,308,410 2,290,850 3 181.730 1.235 120 616,970 93,010 1.235.120 491,810 1,425,440 1.121.100 1,723,750 1,532,870 1.063.880 885,240 — 815,740 154,420 1.817.870 752.2 10 583.330 2 17.110 745,040 753.720 158.560 711.600 166,810 618,760 1.023.310 717.8 10 •TM". lituir I'.i-i.i mi v ( H.iraliaugh estimates foi only cosmetic an.l toiletrj product* i bj Uw • .imxinis illllllll. III ill:'".. Spot ('58) : N<>. 1.. food. 26' < of $511.7 million billing; No. 2.. cosmetics. 9' i ; No. '5.. tobacco, (»' < ; No. 4.. drugs. 8%; No. 5., automotive, 9%. (All figures, Television Bureau of Advertising I . This spring, ;i spot check of network and spot activity shows the move into the visual medium to he even more pronounced. Vs of May, there were 21 network advertisers on the air selling 1') different products. Of the l)\ programs sponsored bj cosmetics-toiletries i this includes multiple-segment programs) everj week. 15 were aired hefore 6 p.m.. 10 after 0 p.m.. representing an even division of interest in reaching housewives as well as an all famil) or adult audience. ABC is airing 20 of the shows, CBS, 28, and NBC, 13. rhere's an interesting contrast between typical use patterns in the three major market-, also. This spi ing during a typical week of monitoring 1>\ Broadcast Advertisers Reports, (here were 35 cosmetic advertisers using spot t\ in Chicago. 10 in New SPONSOR 27 JUNE L959 York and 17 in Los Angeles. Each of these cities represented commercials 1"i 52, 54 and ()") different cosmetic and toiletry products, respet lively. Part of the explanation for (hi eoneenti ation on the \\ est ( loasl undoubtedly lies in it weather, which calls for the same products which are summer seasonal in most othei areas ol the country . Umosl all of the W\ 20 i\ advei ■ tisei listed in the chart have expei i em imI unusual success with their use I Please turn t<> pagt I I 35