Sponsor (Apr-June 1959)

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filled our 5,000 square Eeet. B) Sunda) morning we were looking lor a parking lot for cars needing our i mmediate attention. ' Customers whose cars were still in an) sorl t>l running < >i > Iit were put mi waiting I i r-t ~. while Brumle) spent Sundaj looking For a place large enough to take care ol them, wincing everj time he heard a spot on the air. Bs mental calculation, each spot meant roughl) another \>'< cars. AA here was he going to put them? "We ended up leasing the Andrew \lurph\ \ Son Oldsmobile garage at 1 102 Jackson," he continue-. "30,000 square feet ol spa< e. This six-fold increase in space was needed to accommodate IT!! car and roughl] $25,000 of husiness. \niid all the confusion. Brumle) had not lost sight of having check made ol what advertising brought people in, because he wanted to find out certain things. One concerned credit ri-k-. "The radio-drawn customer-." he sa\s. "presented an absolute minimum of problem from the standpoint of credit rating. We noted the credit ratings were far superior to those ol customers brought in l>\ the newspaper advertising. Another thing he wanted to establish was a media balance for future advertising. Since 7.V , of the business came from radio, that was the clue he was looking for. Specifically, $450 worth ol wee's end radio advertising can u>e a classified backup of $150. Ibis would have been Brumle) formula. But, another chore he remembered that week was the letter to Howard canceling his contract. Actually, however, his experimenting nature gol the best of him. He let the 20-spol schedule run the Following weekend just to see if the previous reaction hadn't been a fluke. Though results were the same, the onl) business he could take was waiting list business. Finding this engendered no ill will, he went for another weekend. But midwa\ through Sunday, he had to call a halt. Onl) 15 spots ran the third weekend. But all was not lost. Brumle] dipped into his canceled schedule once again to run a fourth series of spots — this time a pitch for qualified mechanic-. ^ SPONSOR 27 ,ii m: L959 RADIO/TV COPY BOOM IN SOUTHEAST AD AGENCIES Svn.w i \. I.\. outheastern I .S., once an ai id Sahara of advertising creativeness, is blooming all over \\ ith radio t\ -ell ing idea and techniques, -a\ admen who attended the \llanta Radio and television Representatives Association's First Annual Awards presentation at the Atlanta Athletic Club last week. An unusuall) high degree ol professional ad ereati\it\ wa noted in award-winning radio t\ commercial-. submitted 1>\ agencies in eighl southeastern -late-. First prize for radio went to Tucker Wayne & Co.. Atlanta for Sealtest Ice Cream, awards of excellence to Liller, Neal, Battle. & Lindse) for Lay's Potato Chips. Noble-Durj for Soltice, Mar-chalk \ Pratt I Miami I lor National Air Lines. Careill, Wil son ^ Acree fiolida) Smoking I obacco; I larr) < riannai is, Ma) ola. T\ ln-i prize to LNB&L Lay's. Awards ol exi ellence : I lenderson Adv. Texize; LNB&L Colonial Stores, \i in.. iii lei tilizei : N-D Frost) Morn. National bile. Se—ion-: Simon & Gwynn American Snuff; I ucker \\ a) ne ( ireomulsion. Onl) requii emenl Eoi enti ies : service w a placed in 1958 through an Atlanta rep. Judges Foi ARTR \: Ra) ('oilier Jr.. pre-. (,l Atlanta Sale I Executive Club, \\ ilbur Km i/. pi es. Atlanta Ad Club, John \|. Outlei Jr.. I nmei fzen. mpr. \\ SB AM -TV. The Atlanta representatis e a--..ciation wa formed last yeai to further radio t\ advertising in the Southeast and numbers 1 7 active member rep firms. ^ MATT CONNOR, exec. v. p. Tucker Wayne & Co., first prize winner for Sealtest radio spots, and Bill Neal, pres. Liller, Neal, Battle & Lindsey, who copped tv award for H. W. Lay & Co.