Sponsor (Jan-Mar 1960)

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RADIO BASICS/MARCH Facts & figures about radio today 1. CURRENT RADIO DIMENSIONS Radio homes index Radio station index 1960 1959 50.1 radio homes 49.5 radio homes 52.0 51.4 U.S. homes U.S. homes Source: 1 Jan. I960. SPONSOR; 1 Mar. 1959, A C Nielsen: homes figures in millions. End of February 1960 Stations CPs not on air on air New station requests New station bids in hearing' Am Fm 1 3,462 1 79 696 152 End of February 1 583 78 1959 1 241 36 Am Fm 1 3,339 1 119 1 591 | 134 490 44 | 122 26 Source: r< C monthly reports, commercial stations. •January, each year. Radio set index Set | location Home Auto Public places Torol 1960 1959 106.007,095 10,387,4 19 98.300,000 37.900.000 10,000,000* 10,000.000* 156.394.544 146,200.000 e: RAH. 1 Jan. I960. 1 Jan. 1959, e»U In working order. *No new information. Radio set sales index Type Home Auto Total Jan. 1960 Jan. 1959 803,388 632,461 700.490 420.052 1.435,849 1.120.542 12 months 1959 8,897,451 5,555,155 12 months 1958 8,631,344 3,715,362 14,452,606 12,346,706 Source: Electronic Industries Assn. Home figures are estimated retail sales, auto figures are factor; production. These figures are of U.S. production only. Radios in phonographs add another 15-20'; to the home sales figures. 2. CURRENT SET SALES PATTERNS In-home radio listening during winter hours iiiiii!iiiiniiiiiiiiii!ii!!!i:i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin^ (0001 10 9 a 7 6 5 4 3 2 0 (000) 10 9 8258 ' f 8 6J25 7,220 7 ,*^*_<_ 6 6,330 6,429 6,082 4,896 1 — 4 698 -"■ 4,300 4253 ^t^yra 3,560 3 2,720 3,016 2,621 2^74 i 2,176 2 7 8 9 10 1 MORNING NE W YORK TIME 12 I0AY THRU FRID 2 3 4 5 6 7 ( AFTERNOON ) 9 1 EVENING JNDAY THRU SUN o it i; ► Lm •" 00., listening per average minute in thousands of homes. January, 1900 SPONSOR • 26 MARCH 1960