Sponsor (Oct-Dec 1960)

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MEANS LISTENER LOYALTY ... and 30 years of KTRH programming has developed a pattern of listener loyalty blanketing over 80 counties, serving over 1,087,100 radio households and extending over 60,000 square miles. Comprehensive news reporting, tasteful music, sports, farm information and variety give KTRH the popular balanced programming that benefits over four million people. 50,000 WATTS 740 KC -CBSHOUSTON, TEXAS E Vol. It. So. 40 • 3 OCTOBER I960 ^ SPONSOR THE WEEKLY MAGAZINE TV/RADIO ADVERTISERS USE DIGEST OF ARTICLES Will computers replace timebuyers? 29 The growing use of computers by ad agencies will one day free buyers from paperwork, upgrading their status. Here's what they can do ABC TV launches "shortie" plugs on day tv 32 Once again ABC breaks with tradition, allows quarter-hour buyer two separate commercials shorter than a minute. Industry ponder out<"me Ratings: Have admen lost control? 34 Six media pros from client and agency shops outline ratings trends and usage at second media managers conference called by NBC Spot Sales Radio news expanding fast 36 Part V> °f SPONSOB's series on "Radios Big New Burst of Creativity"* reviews high spots of radio's increasing importance in national, local news Rocks, posies aimed at station drummers 38 Oklahoma City advertisers, agencies, and merchants sound off on local station salesmen's policies, personalities, practices, as well as pitches Reluctant radio client ups sales 40 Raymond's of Boston breaks print-only habit, scores with 17 Sunday newscasts on WBZ plugging Monday sales: plunges into 52-week contract Agency uses fm in self-sell Off-beat commercials in a fable format, plus cultural programing is promoting advertising 41 Off-beat commercials ui the Zakin Co."s formula for selling itse TvB backs top-level research competition 42 For the first time, industry is soliciting the research ideas of academicians nationally in search for new insight into tv's effect on people FEATURES 58 Film-Scope 24 49th and Madison 64 News & Idea Wrap-Up 6 Newsmaker of the Week 64 Picture Wrap-Up 82 Seller"* Viewpoint 50 Sponsor Isks 1 1 Sponsor Backstage 60 Sponsor Hears 19 Sponsor-Scope 84 Sponsor Speaks 4 7 Spot Buys 84 Ten-Second Spots 1 5 Timebuyers at Work 80 Tv and Radio Newsmakers 48 Tv Results 57 Washington Week Erai iriel, Circulation <■• r. Telephone MUrrey I 8-2772 Chicago Ofice. 612 N. Michigan Ave. Phone. Superior 7-9863. ■ irminghar* urr.ee 3617 8th Ave. South Phone: FAirfax 2-6528. Los Angeles Office: 6087 Sunset Boulevard. Phone: Hollywood 4-8089 Printing Office: 3110 Elm Ave.. Baltimore 11. Md Subscriptions: U. S. $8 a year. Canada & other Western Hemisphere Countries $9 a year. Other Foreign countries SI I per year. Single copies 40c. Printed <n US. A Aooreu all correspondence to 40 E. 49th St.. N Y 17 N ' MUnay Hill 8-2772 Published weekly by SPONSOR Publications Inc 2nd class postage paid at Baltimore. Md ©1960 Sp SPONSOR • 3 OCTOBER 1960