Sponsor (Oct-Dec 1960)

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Ratings: have admen lost control? ^ >i\ media pro* representing agencies and a major advr-rti't-r outlinr trend* a >»rll a* their hopes for rating service* and rating* at >BC Spot Sale* informal confe: Uisgruntlement that agencies and advertiser? don't have more of a sayso in the direction and development of ratings has been voiced by a group of media pros in New York. Their concern was shown in a typescript of NBC Spot Sales" second media managers' conference, an informal session designed to benefit and guide its sales staff. Despite this and other stumbling blocks, the media executives see new and exciting movement in prospect for broadcast ratings and the rating Palmolive Co.; William E. Matthews, vice president and director of media relations at "l oung L Rubicam: Marvin Richfield, media director. Erwin. Wasey. RuthraufF k Ryan: Humboldt J. Greig. vice president and manager of station relations. C. J. LaRocbe & Co. : Leslie Towne. media director -of Smith-Greenland Co.. and Roger Bumstead. media director of the Eastern Division of MacManus. John & Adams, all New York City. They projected their views and facts for the following subject posed SECOND MEDIA MANAGERS' conference sponsored by NBC Spat Roger Bums+ead. MJ&A: Pete Matthews, Y&R; Marvin Bd H . Greig, Laftodbe; (standing) Edwin Jameson, NBC; (seated) £ Fmm K landing) H. C : (seated) R. S. Paige, Colgate-Palmolive; Leslie Towne, Smith-? both of which frequently are thought to be static and rigid. The group enunciated the specific problems attendant to "rating madrid outlined some of the trends _ vhich will make for better and broader application of raw ratings as veil as those which wiU give dimension to the media involved. The six discussants: Richard S. Pake, media manager of the Household Products Division of Cohrate bv discussion moderator Bill Fromm. new business and promotion manager of NBC Spot Sales: "Rating Services and the Use of Ratings." Only a few of the group's attitudes can be summarized here inasmuch as the original typescript of the session covered 94 pages. But several highlight comments seem to point up these trends: • Ratings are related directly — and onlv — to one factor: circulation. and buyers, j from the staii.-r of data than on < or raring analyses. • The furor abc and their small — —ikJ base is based on a lack of kncwfedpe. Probability samples, the adman said, base been long estabBsbed as reliable • : . -::.-: : s ..£ s:...r: i: ' ' ■. : ::-—: :--: --• .- ./ l: l. -— i-,:; --: : :■ :r_ 7i_r : = -; ._> :':; i ^.fr-:: t.: : : :i\:._ :-—;.; :. l~ »r-i- :: _-•----::_ • The overnight or automated rating is on the rise, with agLi.ii> hz. : .: -: > — ■ _ :_ • :;: i : :: . -.— ■ f. canoe altogether. Most media people travel the middle road of isms ratings in a qualified manner. • T agency and advertiser media executives that they have "lost ooafroT -.-: ::. • i: . frrt-: : • ::.--" — :• --— :r.'T" :. i"'7:_ : :•_: ~z • The admen agreed that Ac rating services should piovide circulation figures and dot information beyond this should be in the nature of special surveys or nepotts whack are requested and paid for 1 S. ::.r : ::,, each of the box on the next page. The, articulate and evocative, explaining a coaple of d B<rf uhimaiT "They have to be M i :.:-t:--.ej 1 >•: