Sponsor (Oct-Dec 1960)

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SOMETHING r Paul She; added to their i vid Lirtkins, pres. 3 strategy: radio. They are (I to r) : Charles Coyle, Raymond's department store ad mgr.; umpbell, Emery Haughey & Lutlcins ad agency. At far right is WBZ acct. e :. John Fitipatriclt Reluctant radio client ups sales ^ Raymond's of Boston breaks print-only habit, notches 20% hike with Sunday spots plugging Monday sales ^ Cuts back newspaper lineage to allow for 52-week schedule of 17 Sunday newscasts; adds Saturday spots It wasn't eas\ . Overcoming inertia seldom is. It took a newspaper strike hack in 1957, when radio was hrought in on an "emergency"' basis, and a -uhM-quent series of isolated spot stabs for special sales, all reportedly sua essfol, before Raymond's depart ment beads would hear of regular use of the medium. But when they did. the outcome was a 20f'c rise in sales. The breakthrough began in the fall of 1959 when Raymond's tried a 13week series of 12 weather spots a week on WBZ to promote ski equip ment. From the favorable results of this campaign. Raymond's gathered momentum in February of this year to launch a schedule of 17 Sunday newscasts on the station plugging Monda) sales events, along with its regular newspaper advertising. The departments involved experienced a 15-209? increase in volume over previous events supported bynewspapers only. And a large percentage of customers told sales people the) heard about the store's sales events on radio. That was enough for the once radio-shy management, I Please turn to page 54) SPONSOR • 3 OCTOBER 1960