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I Continued from page 39)
to measure changes in awareness! knowledge, attitude and purchase tential, of Proctor products resul from viewing the spring camp;i showed. A before and after rest design was adopted for this st enabling comparisons to be mad the levels of awareness, atitude, purchase potential, prior to as as after the campaign.
Heavy viewers are those ho wives who watched at least 10 of 60 possible episodes of Proctor-s sored programs during "the past weeks" or who viewed The J Lewis Show and at least five da\ I episodes. Occasional viewers an other housewives who report le exposure to Proctor-sponsored grams. Non-viewers are those ho wives with no exposure to this paign. Therefore, changes tal place among the non-viewers, if i measure the effectiveness of word mouth, or in-store merchandising The sample was selected by ram procedures from local telephone di tories in 24 markets, by Marke Impact Research, an independent search company. Nearly 1,000 I phone interviews were completed the "before advertising" phase, spondents were queried about hr awareness of small appliances a; as their viewing of the six da; shows, and were recalled immedia after The Jerry Lewis Show to d( mine their viewing of this progr The "after advertising" sai comprising more than 1,200 ii views was asked the identical < tions on appliances and daytime v ing. Jerry Lewis viewing was d< mined by a previous phone inter? on the night of the show.
The question on brand awarei was unaided. The proportion of \ pie spontaneously mentioning Pr< improved 38% between the "bef< and "after" calls. Awareness anl non-viewers remained virtually changed. Also increasing substanti between phrase of calls was sld identification. Almost 2.5 times many heavy viewers could identify^
there a in your houa
with Proctor after the campaign tj could do so before. Non-viei changed only slightly.
There was also considerable provement in the opinion of Pro(